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The end of ‘unlimited’? Maybe…

Posts: 4,799
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Registered: ‎03-11-2007

Re: The end of ‘unlimited’? Maybe…

un·lim·it·ed  (n-lm-td)
1. Having no restrictions or controls: an unlimited travel ticket.
2. Having or seeming to have no boundaries; infinite: an unlimited horizon.
3. Without qualification or exception; absolute: unlimited self-confidence.
1 goes in the end users favour and number 2 goes in favour of the isp's version of unlimited by seeming to be unlimited but PN does not apply to 2 as there is no seeming in the matter as we know the rate caps on diffrent traffic on the unlimited package
Posts: 942
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: The end of ‘unlimited’? Maybe…

I still don't fully understand the fuss
"you have unlimited use of the internet at speeds of up to 8meg"
is my understanding of most ISP's products marketed as "unlimited".
At no point do they have to guarantee you a speed.  You can use as much as you like; however your speeds may go up and down.
Seems fine to me.
Posts: 97
Registered: ‎09-03-2010

Re: The end of ‘unlimited’? Maybe…

Geoff I agree with you, my problem with the word "unlimited" is the FUP. Who decides what is "Fair usage"? to my mind, an Unlimited product should be just that, "Take as much as you want, whenever you want" I have no problem with a fair traffic shaping system. I use p2p myself, and understand that it is necessary for more "time sensitive" protocols to get priority. As i stated in my previous post, Unlimited wit no traffic shaping is bad for everyone, because the bandwith gets squeezed and everyone gets slow speeds.