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Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Posts: 150
Registered: ‎26-02-2010

Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Why on earth do plusnet have a ticket system when nobody ever replies to tickets. Apart from auto replies I have never had a human being respond to a ticket.
I got off to a good start with plusnet. Now the lack of communication and indifferent attititude towards their customers is starting to make me wish I had never heard of plusnet.
Why is ticket 32497717 being ignored? Come back Sky. All is forgiven. Your customer service was so much better than plusnet. Sad Sad Sad
Posts: 645
Registered: ‎04-11-2008

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

The only positive outcomes I have had when using the ticket system is when I have gotten one of the Comms Team/Staff involved and any issues were then sorted out promptly.
Fortunately for me I've never had to use it too often  Wink

Posts: 617
Registered: ‎08-11-2008

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

You're right unfortunately, the Ticket system appears to be PN's Achillies Heel  Sad
Average closure time  23 hours, 18 minutes and 59 seconds
and that's usually a very optimistic figure!
Posts: 5,560
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Hi there,
Your line speed was reduced because you had a couple of disconnections on the 15th. This is something which is done automatically by the exchange equipment, and is not something we can control.
That said, your line has been stable since, and your profile has now lifted back to 6500. A reboot should see your speed return to normal.
I'm sorry for the delay in responding, we do have a small backlog on tickets at the moment, but are working to resolve this.
Posts: 4
Registered: ‎11-01-2008

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Plusnet, "Yoo-hoo!  Anyone home?".
Did you say "small backlog" on tickets?  On Monday 15th March I raised a Question.  Today is Sunday 21st March, and yet there is still no response from Plusnet. 
My bills are paid on the dot, so do let's have some service, please.
Last month the website stated an average response time of 4 hours, but it took 3 days to get back to me (Some responses must have been instantaneous to get a '4 hour average'?) - strangely, that response co-incided with the probable arrival of a snail-mail that I sent recorded delivery to Plusnet's Customer Services Manager.
However, I've raised another Question about the regular evening drop in down-speed (today 607 kpbs), which makes it impossible to use SkyPlayer at lowest resolution, from my normal 6+Mpbs.
Yes, I know I'm lucky to get that, but it took nearly a year to get Plusnet to get BT to sort it's computer settings etc etc from the original 2 - 3 Mbps.  (It can be done, but what a hassle to get there!)
Anyway, when might I expect a reply to this ticket?  Please?
Posts: 1,852
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

I've flagged your ticket to the CSC duty manager. I'm sorry for the delay here but I suspect there is something else at play. That should have been picked up by now.
Posts: 150
Registered: ‎26-02-2010

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Earth calling plusnet. Is there anybody there to update me on this ticket. Clearly ticket responses are still being ignored. Am I wasting my time even bothering with tickets? They are the worst system I have ever come across. Come on plusnet - either get the staff in place to deal with the tickets in a timely manner or ditch the ticket system completely. Embarrassed
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Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Ten days ago, your ticket was "flagged" to the CSC duty manager......
I think he must have taken it with him on his easter hols.....
What a shame PlusNet is STILL saying " sorry, we have a small backlog".... "sorry for the delay ".... and hoping on hope that the customer will be satisfied with that as an answer.

Edit..... just realised that ticket may not have been "cornwallsurfer`s"......
However,  Mand`s response is dated the 18th..... which is even further back in the mists of time.....
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Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Hi Gerry,
Not quite the circumstances you suggest in your reply, the ticket was back with the customer since the 18th and passed back to our support team yesterday, Mand's picking it up and will reply to this thread shortly.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

OK Chris.... but still a diabolical effort...... Cry
Posts: 5,560
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎05-04-2007

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Hi cornwallsurfer,
Your profile is currently set to 5000, which is why your speed is slightly lower than before. This will raise to 6500 again over the next couple of days based on your current line stats.
@ianmac, that ticket was passed back to you a few days ago.
Posts: 150
Registered: ‎26-02-2010

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Hi Mand
Thanks for such a prompt reply. It is unfortunate that the only way I can get a response to a ticket is to post on the forums.
I hope plusnet can sort out the mess of the ticket system soon as they are clearly not working.
Not applicable

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

While I don't have any tickets open at the moment or any particular issue, I have watched over many years how the responses to tickets appear, and rightly or wrongly the following is how it 'feels' that the ticket system works.
1)  If a ticket is raised between Friday evening and Monday lunchtime, then the first response is likely to occur on Wednesday. The reply is NEVER an answer to the question that was actually asked, and worded in such a way that it feels like any answer will do to achieve some target for answering tickets within the quoted timescale.  It seems that tickets are either not answered at the weekends, OR the staff that need to be involved to resolve the problem only work week days and therefore on Monday morning there is a mountain of outstanding tickets needing answers, and that weekend backlog does not clear until sometime Wednesday.
2) If a ticket is raised Monday afternoon to Wednesday evening the response will come on Thursday.  Responses at this time are more likely to get at least an attempt at progressing the issue, and there appears to be more assistance from those staff who really make a difference (such as Mand, Bob, etc).
3) Thursday and Friday tickets are pot luck !.  Either you get a response containing an inspired "this will nail it" solution, OR the "here's some more bull@#!&" delaying reply - so the staff can go home on time and start the weekend ticket mountain at zero at clocking off time.

Conclusion - PlusNet needs to provide a high level of technical support 24/7, and not just during normal working hours, and hopefully the backlogs will NEVER happen again.
Not applicable

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

I think there needs to be a change to the ticket system where the customer or the system can escalate the problem to some higher level.
In the situation where you have raised a ticket, and have got stuck in the cycle of ticket ping-pong, where the reply is inadequate - you re-explain the problem - the reply in inadequate .....FOREVER !.
Perhaps after five times around this loop, then the ticket is taken out of the general ticket pool, and passed onto more capable support staff UNTIL THE PROBLEM IS RESOLVED !
In the situation where a ticket has not been responded to for say 48 hours, then the ticket should notify the customer that the issue has become a priority and WHEN it will be answered in the next 24 hours.  If this deadline passes and the ticket has still not been responded to, then (as above) the ticket is taken out of the general ticket pool, and passed onto more capable support staff UNTIL THE PROBLEM IS RESOLVED !
If this was implemented then there would be a lot less complaints on this forum, and people requesting MAC codes.
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Ticket system is a complete waste of time.

Personally I don't agree.
If a system like that were to be implemented it would be largely abused and entirely removing the point of having it in the first place.  I agree that there should be an escalation path where required and if you are seeing an element of ping pong on your tickets, then this obviously isn't what we want to see.
I completely understand the frustration you've seen in the past with having to wait a period of time for your ticket to be answered.
We're trying to get to a point where all standard tickets are answered within 4 hours (specialist roles like faults might take a bit longer), which will apply to all times of the day and week.  I'm currently sat with 16 new members of staff who are going through their "grad bay" fortnight before joining the rest of the team.
We'll continue recruiting until we get to a point where calls and tickets are being responded to in a timely manner.