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Trust Pilot Review Page.

Posts: 5,163
Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

The sister company BT are allegedly just as bad
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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

Posts: 115
Registered: ‎21-07-2014

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I never hear plusnet complaining about their customer BTOR. Maybe they believe they are doing a great job and don't need to complain to them.
As for me, if they release me early (which they won't due to them losing £40 a month) I would go back to talktalk I think, maybe BT. Where I choose I guess the grass won't greener but it cannot be any worse than it is here.
Posts: 5,163
Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

Quote from: Oldjim
this is the  BT one

AH!!!... So it is
Cheers for the update Wink
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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I appreciate that dead bodies may appear outside telephone exchanges occasionally
On my next walk I'll steer well clear of our local exchange Shocked
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

You'll find that out of the £40 a month they take from you only a fraction of that is profit (for them at least).
We did a calculation when I first joined (around 19 months ago) and I vaguely recall that they wouldn't make any profit out of me until around the 13-14th month of my 18 month contract.
I had a half price offer for the first 9 months and £50 cashback if I remember rightly.
Plusnet are well aware of the issues with their supplier (not customer) who are BTOR but obviously it isn't a great idea to bad mouth another part of the company who own you ...... I'd love to know what goes on behind the scenes with BT / Plusnet when it comes to complaints about the engineer service. At least reading the reviews on Trustpilot, BT don't appear to be giving themselves any preferential treatment when it comes to poor engineer service.
If you go to BT, you'll be using the same lines, the same engineers but foreign call centres and I'll assure you from previous experience, until you rant and rave and eventually get through to a UK based call centre that they are a nightmare to deal with.
TalkTalk while it works seems to be ok. There are plenty of customers who complain about lack of bandwidth at peak times (as do some PN customers who are on oversubscribed cabinets). You may get a 50Mb connection with them but when you can only download at 3-4Mb at peak times that isn't much use. Not widespread but I have heard more issues about bandwidth contention with TalkTalk than I have with PN / BT.  The times I've had to deal with them on their customers behalf have been nightmares. It was all profit for me as I charge by the hour but it certainly put me off ever going near them again.
Virgin Media if you are in a cabled area (don't let them convince you that using your phone lines will be much better if it isn't a cabled area) usually is the overall most reliable service with some great speeds but again, a catch used to be that if you were a heavy downloader, your superfast connection would be heavily throttled. I'm not sure if they have stopped doing this but worth checking up on.
Posts: 5,163
Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

Quote from: Strat
I appreciate that dead bodies may appear outside telephone exchanges occasionally


Would they be BTOpenreach or Kelly's employees EEK!!!
Posts: 5,163
Registered: ‎08-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

Quote from: DomS
.....a catch used to be that if you were a heavy downloader, your superfast connection would be heavily throttled. I'm not sure if they have stopped doing this but worth checking up on.

A Virgin customer I know of persistently complains of this as confirmed the last time we spoke.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I thought VM supposedly only throttled the upstream these days?
Posts: 54
Registered: ‎05-04-2014

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I left Virgin National (I.e Still on BT Infra) in January and at that time my torrents would be squeezed down to 10KB/s after 15 mins of downloading between 10am and 4am (i.e most of the day).
Posts: 36
Registered: ‎02-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I stopped reading after the line about macos not being supported
As I sit here typing this reply from my MacBook Pro
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Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

That's a mountain being made out of a pimple.  There is a help tool (PlusNET Assist) which users can down load to perform various diagnostic tests and settings checks.  Many have reported that beyond the basics it is of little use and for anyone who knows what they are doing it is more hindrance than help.
It is this tool which is "not supported on Macs".  The way the claim has been written one might have wrongly got the idea that nothing around here works on Macs.  Sometimes perspectives become distorted.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 36
Registered: ‎02-12-2013

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

I guess it can be easy to find fault in anything and everything when you feel hard done by, tenuous or otherwise.
Being mad at the lack out censorship is a particularly good one...
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Trust Pilot Review Page.

Easy to find fault and easy to blame the ISP, especially when people don't understand the issues involved. Whilst it is the ISP's responsibility to resolve any problems, the great majority are never created by them. As the majority of faults are down to the cables between the customer premises and the exchange, all ISPs are at the mercy of Openreach (except Virgin Media). Too many people are ignorant of that fact  and think that even with an LLU supplier BT are not involved. There are even people who think Plusnet engineers come out to fix cables and sockets. Roll_eyes
And of course, unless the ISP is one who is LLU (or Virgin) then they are also at the mercy of BT Wholesale whose products are used.
That all said however,  I'm still waiting to find out why Openreach can do the jumpering at the exchange to connect an LLU line quicker than they can for one on a BT Wholesale circuit Shocked