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URGENT - Disability Service Access - major problem with the present system

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URGENT - Disability Service Access - major problem with the present system

Plusnet phone calls is getting silly now. It's been waiting so long on the call. It's also making more difficulties for deaf peoples access Text Relay Service (Typetalk) as the operator cannot spend too long on the call waiting for Plusnet to answer it.
Plusnet must provided a direct number for deaf peoples via typetalk. As deaf peoples of mine is pretty angry and upset that Typetalk cannot hold much longer because they have to provide the call to someone else who need the call. .
I want the management team to sort this out! Cut the call times please!
We have no problem if the call is answered by Plusnet under 5 minutes but on hold of over 45 minutes is UNACCEPTED!
jim:green title changed to better reflect the concern mod:end
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Registered: ‎07-08-2014

Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Your request will fall on deaf ears. Plusnet are hopeless.
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

The new call centre in leeds has been open about 9 months now., and it seems to have had no effect on reduced wait times as even tonight it is up to 45 mins !
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

I fear if enough noise is made about it they will solve it by offshoring Sad
seems to me is a clear budget cap in place for support staff.  Its insufficient for the current customer base but that's how it is I guess.
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

We won't be beat on price.
Good reputation for support.
UK (Yorkshire) based support.
If they go offshore for support that's end of the one of the one differentiator they have left.
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

PN went off shore a few years back but it did not last long. In the end they brought everything back to the UK. I don't think they will go down that road again otherwise why would they have just spent so much in the new call centre.
I hope PN do read this though and come up with a resolution.
My suggestion wound be supply all Texttalk customers with a direct number with high priority such as the high priority business tech support number. The number of calls may not be high but the service would be fast.
Resting Legend
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Not strictly accurate
When they took over Waitrose broadband they inherited the Waitrose support centre in South Africa and it was run as an adjunct to the main support centre in Sheffield for a while
I do agree with the suggestion though but it would have to be restricted somehow to stop everyone using it which would ruin the idea
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

To use texttalk you need a special kind of phone so that would reduce surely restrict the use.
My experience is texttalk user has the special phone which connects them to BT texttalk operator who speaks typed to text to say PN support who reply to operator who types response which shows up on eu phone. This would reduce the use.
Also PN would be able to terminate calls which came into call centre inappropriately.
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Surely this is disability discrimination, plain and simple?
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

The operator run by Next Generation Text & Text Relay Org cannot hold on line for over 15 minutes because they got other deaf users to use the service too. The operator always asked me can you please try later when Plusnet are less busy but it making more stressful and strain on deaf customers because they have to go through operator first.
The hearing person can hold on the phone as long as they wish but deaf peoples cannot hold for longer because the operator will cut it off if still on hold for too long. I think Plusnet didn't realise this is making more difficulties for deaf customers & operator to call Plusnet.
Plusnet need to sort it out and give deaf customers a direct text number to get through to them as it would be less hassle for both the deaf customer & operator service.
Plusnet should read this: and
Plusnet need to raise this matter to the management team for accessibility / disability provider.
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Still no reply from plusnet staff?
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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Golden fibre,
May be you should now change the thread title (via a mod) to reflect this as being a disability service access barrier.  That ought to attract someone's attention... However there is only one of the new team on the forums today.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: URGENT about plusnet support phone calls

Ok, I will fire away to Mod to change the subject title. Very annoyed now four days went without reply from any staff.
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: URGENT - Disability Service Access - major problem with the present system

Done - I hope it is about what you wanted
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Registered: ‎01-06-2010

Re: URGENT - Disability Service Access - major problem with the present system

Thanks Oldjim Wink