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Usage Limits & Speed

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Usage Limits & Speed

Ok, so enforcing Usage Limits is perfectly fair, having just passed the 20gb limit for this month, my service has heavy restriction on things such as p2p but to paraphrase a PN email "browsing blah and gaming should continue as normal". However I am finding that this is not the case, the usage restrictions just appear to be an across-the-board speed cut. I'd say on average my connection speed is 2-3mb and with restriction at the moment it feels like dial up.... it took approximately 45secs to load the "create a new topic page". Anyway, just wondering if this is normal or whether something has gone wrong somewhere along the line (no pun intended Cheesy ).
P.S. Exceeding the 20gb usage limit is very unusual for me, its just its the holidays etc so yeah....
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

As you're on Broadband Premier, that put you onto Management Level 3.  That should mean that you get about 500Kbps on your normal web traffic.
If you're thinking about sticking with us for a while, have you considered looking at our Unlimited product?
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Thanks for the reply.
I find the usage restrictions to be highly detrimental on browsing activities so I'm now kind of concerned that something is wrong with the line or restriction settings on the account. Over the last few days we've been getting quite a lot of disconnects in the household as well. Is there any chace you could look into this?
Thanks some more Smiley
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Hi there,
Are we talking about wireless dropping or the actual connectivity to the internet entirely?
Could be related to the poor speeds if the latter.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Connectivity entirely, the computer downstairs has the router next to it and is wired in. The windows fault checker shows everything being active except with no internet connectivity. I think a family member also mentioned that one time this happened, the router didnt even register there was a problem (no red light 😮 ). I used a speed checker mentioned in another thread and the reults came back at about 130kb/s. I'll go run it again now.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Quote from: xiphlol
Connectivity entirely, the computer downstairs has the router next to it and is wired in. The windows fault checker shows everything being active except with no internet connectivity. I think a family member also mentioned that one time this happened, the router didnt even register there was a problem (no red light 😮 ). I used a speed checker mentioned in another thread and the reults came back at about 130kb/s. I'll go run it again now.

Earlier today:

Just now:

In the earlier one I also noticed that the progress bar stopped moving for about 10secs halfway through (i.e. no download occuring :s )
Hopefully I'll have time to run one after midnight as well, or tommorow morning failing that.
Edit 2:
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Sorry for multiple posts but currently the Speed Test above is showing my download speed to be 1.5mb, but my upload speed to be about 60kb. Also, I'm *trying* to play a bit of Counter-Strike but my latency is ~200ms, instead of the normal 50-60ms. I have no idea why but this is possibly related to the above problems?
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

There's something seriously wrong with your upstream sync (currently at 64Kbps) which I suspect is the entire cause of your problems.
Can you try:
- Changing filters
- Using different router
- Connecting your router into a filter, directly into the test socket behind the master faceplate (if you can't do this, use the master socket with all other telephony devices detached).
Let me know how you get on.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Just tried messing around with all the filters and did a speed check, came back at about 240kbps for upload. I'm wondering if one of them has a loose connection in it. I'll look into it more and see how I get on Smiley
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Sounds quite possible Smiley
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Still seems low - can you post your router stats, noise margin, speeds and attenuation
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎23-08-2009

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

I would if I knew how! Is there a sticky somewhere on how to find out these things?
Posts: 21,036
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Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

No sticky.  Just a James (and an oldjim).
I've attached the results to this post.  It definitely is better, but the upstream sync speed should be 448Kbps rather than 256Kbps.  I suspect that your line may have been profiled like that because of the previous problems.
Can we leave it for a couple of days to see if it corrects itself automatically?
Resting Legend
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Registered: ‎15-06-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Quote from: xiphlol
I would if I knew how! Is there a sticky somewhere on how to find out these things?
if you have a Thompson router this link will take you there otherwise check here
Posts: 22,814
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Registered: ‎06-04-2007

Re: Usage Limits & Speed

Just a little further info...
If you're on Premier 1 be aware that if you go over 20GB a second time then your line speed will be restricted 24/7 until you upgrade your package.
I assume that this hasn't changed since the product refresh and that an upgrade to Premier 2 would not be available?

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