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We'll do you proud???

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎14-08-2012

We'll do you proud???

Started with yesterday. So far very unimpressed. Award winning service? Hmm. Firstly, I have to say that the main advisors have been fine and my main problem is with Openreach rather than Plusnet. But the attitude of Mark (supervisor) leaves a little to be desired.
To start from the beginning - I had fibre installed yesterday. Firstly, it took me all morning to get the Internet connection working (the brochure says 15 minutes from installation of the router, but I was told by an advisor this isn't the case - and that I wasn't due to be connected for another 36 hours!) However, after three hours and two phone calls they got me connected. so far, not TOO bad. They do need to get consistent messages from their brochures and advisors, though.
However, I also found that the Openreach engineer had installed the main socket in my garage but had managed to disconnect the main phone in my home. I was initially told that this would take 24 to 72 hours to sort out (not very satisfactory). I was subsequently told it could take up to a week (highly unsatisfactory!) My wife has elderly parents who, if they are ill, can contact by a fast dial on their phone which goes through to our house. Except our phone doesn't work. Mark's attitude was"Your wife's parent's aren't our responsibility".  He then said 'You've got a working phone." I pointed out that i didn't intend to sleep in the the garage in case my in-laws rang. He then just said "We''ve escalated it with Openreach and we can't do any more." He even suggested it might be our responsibility to sort out the mess left by Openreach!
Is this really the best can do? Can they honestly say they can't get things sorted out more rapidly? Do Jamie Ford or Nick Rawlings ever look at people's complaints? Answers on a postcard, please...
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: We'll do you proud???

I'm really sorry to read about the problems you've had. Where as the issue has been caused by Openreach they are our supplier and hence we should be apologetic for the problems caused by the engineer that we've booked so we are sorry about that.
I've looked into the concerns you've raised with regards to the person you spoke to over the phone, I will make sure we listen to that to make sure that was handled in a friendly, honest, patient and informative manner as we want every point of support to be broached in that manner.
With regards to moving things forward for you a complaint was raised was raised yesterday with Openreach and we're now awaiting a response with regards to arranging a visit to correct the problems with your extensions.
I'm looking to get our most experienced agent at dealing with phone faults to take ownership of this for you as it's clear we need to be doing all we can to push back at our suppliers to get this resolved, so far if I'm being honest with you I think we are but IMHO some of the responses given haven't been empathetic to your situation so for that we do apologise and I'm in the process of making sure feedback is given where it's needed.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎14-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

Thank you. I appreciate your reply and will await developments.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: We'll do you proud???

No problem, I can see my colleague replied to your ticket yesterday with some extra information which may be helpful to you.
I'll continue to keep tabs on this as well for you in case I need to intervene again but it looks like we're doing what we can.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎14-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

Hmm. Still awaiting developments. Now over 53 hours without a house phone and still no sign of an Openreach engineer...
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Re: We'll do you proud???

We're still awaiting for a response on this for you. I am making sure this gets checked regularly and we'll be in touch as soon as we know more.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎15-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

I appreciate you're having problems and it sucks when things don't go as advertised.
But I think you're being a bit hard on Plusnet:

  • Isn't Openreach something to do with BT, ergo a different company?  Blame them, not Plusnet.

  • Ever heard of an extension lead for your phone?

Try dealing with Virgin Media - 53 hours is nothing: try 3 weeks to switch over a Broadband connection.
I've always had good service from Plusnet, support as well as service delivery for over 4 years now.
Regardless, wishing you the best of luck it all gets sorted quickly.
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎14-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

I take your point but don't completely agree. Yes, I also think this is an unfortunate situation caused by Openreach. I can believe that normally Plusnet have a good level of service compared with other providers. However, the main grievances I have are that (a) I didn't feel that the supervisor was being helpful and his attitude was wrong (b) even though Openreach is a separate company, it is  owned by BT as is Plusnet - and even if it wasn't, it is a supplier and therefore Plusnet should have more clout in getting them to put things right. They just say 'we are monitoring it', which doesn't really mean anything much. They originally promised to sort it out in 72 hours (now passed).
In relation to the extension lead, this is our main house phone. It was perfectly OK before Openreach came around, so it shouldn't be up to me to do anything (and I'm not a DIY type person anyway). In summary, although it IS Openreach's fault, I think if Plusnet really wanted to, they could escalate this with Openreach and get things done. It's probably only a five minute job. Meanwhile, we are STILL left without a phone in the house that works.
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Re: We'll do you proud???

Hi there,
They originally promised to sort it out in 72 hours (now passed).

I'm sorry if that was misinterpreted, I cans see that was because of the comment
As per our conversation I have escalated your phone issue to the phone fualts team for further investigation, they aim to get back to you in the next 24 to72 hours.

That team did respond to be fair well within that timescale. As I've mentioned to other customers before Openreach are indeed our suppliers and where as the issue in your case lies in their hands to resolve we are your provider and as you are our paying customer the responsibility lies with us to liase with them and push back at them where appropriate.
We do fully appreciate how frustrating it must be for the issue the engineer who visited seems to have caused but I would like to reassure you that we are pushing back as best we can about this and doing so via the appropriate channels and processes. We don't wish to give the impression that we don't care or regard your case as being urgent, we do, however we can't unfortunately promise a resolution any faster than the timescales mentioned further on in ticket 58700853 with regards to responses from Openreach for such a complaint.
We don't have an update yet but as promised I will keep checking on a daily basis for you.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎14-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

Hi Adam -
I have to say that you are excellent at your job - a lot of big business customer service departments could learn a lot from your professionalism and diplomacy. Whilst it doesn't solve the immediate problem, it has lessened my frustration slightly. I think you should get a pay rise!
I realise that Plusnet are effectively being held to ransom by Openreach - presumably they have virtually a monopoly and therefore feel that they can do what they want. I still feel very disappointed that nothing more can be done - I'm just sitting here waiting for someone from Openreach to contact me, which is rather annoying. Meanwhile, I havbe to hope that no-one tries to contact us urgently via our home phone while I'm not in my office...
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Re: We'll do you proud???

Thanks very much for your kind words,
I realise that Plusnet are effectively being held to ransom by Openreach
in all honesty that isn't the case, we use them as our phone suppliers but we are fully able to hold them to account on the terms of which their services are provided. As said I'm sorry if this is taking a little while to resolve but I'm sure we'll get there soon.
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 Adam Walker
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Re: We'll do you proud???

@ MrPedantic.
You seem to miss the obvious..... The OP has made a contract with PlusNet to supply services..... PN have a contract with BT Openreach.... to supply services to PlusNet customers....
The OP is quite correct to place his complaint with HIS supplier, and EXPECTS HIS supplier to sort out the problem.... It should not be up to the OP to contact BT in this respect. However, as it is obvious from the posting that BT have made a serious error in the supply and execution of that supply, that they should be held responsible, and they are the people to rectify the problems they have caused.
The OP is feeling very frustrated because, although he has informed PN of his complaint. it APPEARS to him, that PN make one call to BT, they get "fobbed off" with some timescale, that really should not even be in the frame, and PN have to accept that timescale and report back to the customer.... Unfortunately, in the way things seem to be going, nothing further happens until PN get another complaint from the OP,... they then contact BT, and go through the same process all over again... this only adds to the delay, and frustration of the OP...
PlusNet, need to get their act together, and to bring  pressure on BT.. to get problems like this fixed within 24 hours. One phone call, (contact) and a "fobbing off"  will never work.  
Maybe someone at the top of PlusNet should be speaking to someone in BT who can get action taken IMMEDIATELY to resolve this.   AND... pave the way for a much better relationship and understanding between PlusNet and BT Openreach supply department ( or whatever it is ) to provide the service that they are contracted to do. And when it goes belly up, BT should show some respect and fix it soonest, not "in a time scale".
@ Adam Walker.... take note of the last two paragraphs... your response " we are fully able to hold them to account on the terms of which their services are provided " and  " I'm sorry if this is taking a little while to resolve but I'm sure we'll get there soon." are contradictory in the same sentence.
The customer wants his line working NOW..  ( actually, when he was told it would be working....... ) . not " we`ll get there soon".... If you are able to hold BT to account... why not do so.... in no uncertain terms....  instead of being "fobbed off" and "getting there soon ". and then perhaps you can live up to the motto .......
We`ll do you proud..........
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Re: We'll do you proud???

This illustrates a problem with the way the modern world does business. For the Customer, this is a failed job that should be put right immediately. For the supplier, it's a new fault which has just been reported and should be fixed within the normal timescale for fixing new faults.
In the middle is PlusNet and two contracts, which probably don't cover the rectifying of mistakes and only cover the reporting and repairing of faults, and in modern business you get what the contract stipulates rather than what common sense dictates, so if the contract doesn't specify it, you don't get it.
On one hand this keeps prices down and profits up. On the other, it can leave customers frustrated because their exceptional case falls outside their reasonable expectations. Business needs to do better, because, in the long term the contracts take over and contact between customer and supplier is lost and eventually the product no longer meets the customers' needs. For a while customers will tolerate that while getting increasingly disillusioned. Then the product reaches the point when it's no longer worth the customers' while and they migrate away in droves. By then the loss of confidence is too great to be recovered and the product is so far from what is wanted that it can't easily be adapted.
I'm not suggesting PlusNet is doing particularly badly, just that the modern way of doing business is not without its dangers and it's important to stay on the ball.
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎14-08-2012

Re: We'll do you proud???

Thank you, Shutter, you've summed up the whole issue very eloquently. (I'm not sure what OP stands for but I gather it's me!) If Plusnet can hold Openreach to account, they should do so immediately.
At the moment, I'm settling for second best. So far, they've promised to have it settled in 7 days - which means it will be put right before Monday 8:00am. I find it hard to believe that they will now achieve that but I hope to be proved wrong. But it IS totally unacceptable that faults like this can't be settled within 24  hours.
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Re: We'll do you proud???

If Plusnet can hold Openreach to account, they should do so immediately.

We are doing so and I'll make sure we continue to do so. I am aware that you are without a phone service at the moment but we can't unfortunately provide you with an instant resolution to that and that we are using the appropriate recourse available to us. We have to follow a specific complaints path with our suppliers in your kind of scenario as it the issue isn't strictly regarded as a fault so a different process has to be followed.
I would expect that we'll receive an update today. I'll be checking for one for you later this afternoon, if there are any issues following that I'll make sure I look into what the best course of action is for us to take from there so that we would be ready and primed on Monday to take this further, I sincerely hope that isn't the case but I'll make sure we're prepared to chase this up quickly in case things do go that way.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team