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Why am I not surprised?

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Re: Why am I not surprised?

I've responded to your thread and the tickets on your account.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

Quote from: adamwalker

A new line install was needed here as you moved from Tiscali, who by that point had been taken over by Talk Talk, their policy is to cancel any existing phone services when customers cancel, hence they ceased your line, necessitating the new install of a line.

That is not correct.
talktalk purchased tiscali last year, and transfered my service last November.
They didnt cancel my line at all, and didn't have a cease order placed, infact my old number still rings if you dial it, and not only that, I phoned tiscali and asked about the cease order, and they informed me no such action had been taken.
They restricted my calls and broadband, but didnt place a cease order.
They also offered me a new 18month contract and said they would lift restrictions there and then if I agreed to it!
A plusnet staff member told me that an incorrect reference number had been used by plusnet, which made an incorrect vic come back relating to a completely different supplier.
A few days later, I was told the same story you just gave me!!
If you read through my account I am sure you will see all the errors that have been made since I signed up.
There are other examples, but I was assured by Mand they had been dealt with.
Generally I didnt like digging up the past, but when it is one problem after another, then another and another, then yes I will bring up old issues.
And before you say 'but you were happy with the outcome before'.
Yes I was, but I was also promised no more mistakes, and yet here we are, again!
Please dont take this personally, but after so many broken promises in such a short time, how can I be expected to beleive a word that Plusnet tells me?
All I want on the agreed dates,  is a working phoneline.. which yes, I have got, even if you went around the houses to provide it, and secondly, I want a working broadband connected to the ADSL+2 giving me a good stable speed, and being billed correctly each month.
Is that to much to ask?
Why is it going to take another 5 days to upgrade my broadband, yet on the 13th I was told it would be done within 24hours, so how has that suddenly grown to 5 days?
You say it is a Plusnet system error, the order didnt go through.
Fine, but why would it take 24 hours when the order was supposidly placed, yet now, the order will take 5 days?
Not only that, why wasent it done on the 13th April like it should have been?
The completion date for my broadband provide was 13th April (2 weeks later than originally agreed I might add) So why wasent it completed properly?
Either BT cocked up, or Plusnet cocked up, which was it, and what happened?
Will you promise, on a public forum, that I will be connected properly within the stated 5 days, and that my billing will be correct?
If you can do that, then I will stay as a customer and find out!
Of course I would expect to be suitably compensated for not receiving the service I am contracted to.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

Good Morning Torbayguy,
With regards to the new line install I did want to obviously check carefully on what I was advising you yesterday before responding to you and that is what the order information on your account points towards. No active lines we're picked up on our supplier's (BT Openreach) surveys which gave us the only option to proceed with an install.
With regards to any incorrect VIC references I cannot see why anyone may have come to that assumption, I can see that a VIC was first sent on 16/03/10 and then resent on 17/3/10 so someone may have drawn an incorrect conclusion from that. The VIC was resent to prompt a swifter response which we then got on the 19th. Most VIC requests can take much longer, sometimes over a week.
Moving forwards and in answer to your question
Will you promise, on a public forum, that I will be connected properly within the stated 5 days, and that my billing will be correct?
, I did raise an order for ADSL2+ for you as quoted on the 14th. The order is in delay with our suppliers due to an 'exception' with one of their back end systems, this means that the order will take slightly longer than usual and may take up to 5 working days from that point. I have spoken to our suppliers today to push for a speedier resolution and they are confident that this should complete on Monday.
With regards to your billing I have carefully checked your account and can see that this is set to work correctly. As an extension of a good will gesture I have added an additional free month's broadband service in addition to 3 which have already been applied. This means that for the first 4 months you would only be billed £11.25 for line rental plus any calls accrued within that time.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

Ok Adam I will hang fire and see what happens.
Hopefully this can be an end to all the sillyness and we can move forward.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

Thanks, we really do hope the same thing. A few silly avoidable mistakes were made. Lets see if things move on I will do all I can to intervene to ensure things go smoothly from here. 
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

Cheers Adam.  Smiley
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

Well Adam, its nearly 7pm, the date Monday 19th April, and I still havent been upgraded.
So much for the promise of a personal touch!
MAC please.
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

I'm most disappointed to see that this is still a problem. I am about to look into what's happened and will report back again shortly. With regards to a MAC I have replied to ticket 33025953.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

I'm sorry to advise that the order is still delayed and at present is not due to complete until the 23rd. I do appreciate fully that we have previously set an expectation with you here which has now been broken. With that in mind we would like to extend a further gesture of good will to an additional free month's service. We will of course continue to work with our suppliers to get this issue dealt with.
I am continuing to deal with this for you at present depending on your response as to whether you want to wait this out until Friday. I hope you can appreciate that there has been no lack of ownership here as orders such as the one we have in place for your service can take up to midnight on the due day through and I did not expect to see any more delays being highlighted today. I will do what I can to escalate this further with our suppliers in the meantime but would like to comment that the 23rd is a more realistic date to get you onto 21CN at this stage.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

I dont care about the money.
I am happy to pay full price today as long as I get the service promised.
What choice do I get, than to wait it out?
You refuse to issue a MAC unless I phone between 9 and 5.30, the times I am working, or send  a recorded delivery letter that I have absolutely no doubt will get 'lost' in  Plusnets system.
It amazes me how any company can make so many mistakes, then have nerve to try and worm out of the blame, by accusing 'system errors' or outside suppliers.
There is no such thing as system errors, only user errors.
Adam you say you are continuing to deal with my account, but excuse me if Im wrong, but didnt you tell me last week that you had resolved the issues?
And then I was told last night whilst on the phone to customer service, that the personal ticket you had created to over see my account, was actually closed by yourself last Friday!!
All I here is lame excuses, with the replies to my tickets getting increasingly short and less freindly.
When I signed upto Plusnet, I was assured I would receive excellent customer service, with reliable phone and broadband.
I have yet to see this.

When I pay for a service, I expect to receive it.
Just like having my car serviced, if the garage told me they done a full service, but didnt change the oil, I wouldnt be happy, same difference.
If Plusnet cant provide the service, then admit it, and let me move on.
If the order is not resolved on Friday, I will be forwarding the full details since my original sign up, to ofcom and otelo, Plusnet have taken me for a mug long enough.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

I hear what you are saying and hope I can reassure you by saying that my ownership of your issue will remain until you are connected to 21CN, to check that your service is correctly following this and of course to address any further complaints you may have. If I have not had a personal ticket on your account it does not mean that this was or is not happening, to clarify the ticket at that point was passed back to you as you had advised us at that point that you wished to cancel and wanted a MAC key, this was not an assumption though that you did not wish for us to deal with your 21CN upgrade issues in the meantime.
When I pay for a service, I expect to receive it.
Just like having my car serviced, if the garage told me they done a full service, but didnt change the oil, I wouldnt be happy, same difference.

I feel that we must respond to this comment specifically pointing out  that you do have a working service. I fully appreciate that you are not on 21CN which is the level of service you expect but you do have a service at present.
If you have any issues with the service you have between now and Friday when we anticipate your upgrade then please let me know I am willing to help and will do my utmost to respond urgently to any communication you have with us during this time.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

To be honest I have nothing else to say on the matter.
All I will say is I now have the MAC code in my possession, so if I am not upgraded friday, I will be off.
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

OK, We'll keep close tabs on the upgrade in the meantime.
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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Why am I not surprised?

In case you are continuing to monitoring this thread I wanted to reply to confirm that your order for 21CN is still due to go through today. However it has not completed yet. Strictly speaking any such orders can take until midnight on the given date of completion to go through they do normally do so by mid afternoon so I will continue to keep a close eye on this today for you and will report back once I can confirm completion.

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 Adam Walker
 Plusnet Help Team
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎18-03-2010

Re: Why am I not surprised?

Adam, thank you for the extra effort you have put in for me, it is very much appreciated, and I appologise for any rude/shirty comments I may have made previously.
The broadband upgrade has completed, and my line is working very well.
All I need do now is get the line profile set higher than the 7150 it is at at the moment, but Im sure in a day or to that will happen.
According to my router Plusnet have my throughput set at just over 15meg at the moment, will that raise at all?
I have had constant speeds in the past from BE at just over 17meg on this line, so it takes it happily.
Any way, I shall post some results, and fingers crossed for the profile to be raised.
Thanks again for your help, we got there in the end!
Oh, and I have cancelled the phoneline migration, and am going to give Plusnet a fresh start.

Line state Connected
Connection time 0 days, 3:10:44
Downstream 15,305 Kbps
Upstream 1,195 Kbps

ADSL settings
VPI/VCI 0/38
Type PPPoA
Modulation ITU-T G.992.5
Latency type Interleaved
Noise margin (Down/Up) 6.0 dB / 6.6 dB
Line attenuation (Down/Up) 27.5 dB / 14.6 dB
Output power (Down/Up) 0.0 dBm / 12.6 dBm