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Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Its been three weeks now with no discernible broadband service. At the moment I'm up to about 4 and a half hours of my life wasted on the phone to try and sort it out. What was the award winning service for? Just been informed that if I leave I have to pay £65 from someone at customer services who really didn't give a toss.
The tech staff have tried to help and been quite understanding to my situation(Broadband speed only working occasionally and when it does at the old days of dial up speeds156kbps).
This contrasts strongly with the customer service member who spoke to me this morning was obviously trained from the college of "computer says". This consisted of a very abrupt and totally inconsiderate conversation and at on point she even started to try to point out the small print as to why Plusnet weren't responsible for any of my problems! Great customer service.
Its not plusnet's fault.
It never was plusnet's fault.
It never will be plusnet's fault...."it says in the small print.............."
It is my time, money, and internet connection but not plusnets fault.-(i think is says somewhere in the small print but I was so fed up with her attitude)
If your in customer services shouldn't you care? I thought that was the job-the clue is in the job title.
Re the £40  for the router well a new one was sent last week so if you tell me where to send it back to  then that'll be your router returned within 14 days and £40 off the bill as i only received it last monday.
All this grief for the grand saving of £4 per month. Wish I never had left talk talk.
3 weeks no proper broadband
Over 4 1/2 hours on the phone trying to get help
Can't even post this first time because............................... the broadband connection has dropped out again
Customer services which isn't.
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Sorry to hear of the problems you've been having. I can see that our faults team have been dealing with the issue and there is an engineer booked for the 16th. The notes say there is crosstalk on the line, this is more than likely the reason behind the poor broabdand connection and you'll more than likely start to see improvements once that issue is resolved.
Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

What about the really bad customer service then? You would think that I wouldn't be liable for the £65 charges after such bad service from the "award winning "plusnet?.
If I send back the router to save me the £40 will the engineer need this or will they be ok on my d-link one that I'm currently using?
Whats the address to send it back to?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Quote from: spannerhappy
What about the really bad customer service then?

It looks like we've been very active in trying to resolve your issues. If you can tell me what bad customer service you had I can make sure that gets fed back to any agents involved.
Quote from: spannerhappy
If I send back the router to save me the £40 will the engineer need this or will they be ok on my d-link one that I'm currently using?
Whats the address to send it back to?

I'm afraid that the router will have to have been returned within seven days for the deferred contract not to be applied.
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

You should be use to poor customer service what with coming from TalkTalk ( I'm a TalkTalk customer so I know the drill ) Six weeks I had no phone or broadband when I moved home, That's life, Its not the be all and end all although Its really frustrating.Things happen.
Open reach fixed me up ( Eventually ) And It will be open reach that sorts your line for you, ISP'S has nothing to do with It. As an ex plusnet customer I experienced top notch customer service, Perhaps someone was just having a bad hair day.
If life gives you lemons, make lemonade.
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

should've gone to specsavers and read the plusnet small print

Where do I start? No broadband would be a good place. As I can only go on what service I had before... Tiscali, as it was, identified a problem after about 3 days of poor service sent an engineer out within two days possibly the next day then after the house connections were checked he went off to the distribution point and came back an hour or so later to say all done. Connection speed 3-4 meg straight away.

Plusnet deals with it like this:
Week 1 many phone calls with responses like"if you wait 72 hours". How many times did I have to wait 72 hours and then wait for 20-30min on your support line only to be told we've passed this on to our fault finding team.
Week 2 When you call customer services-not customer services calling you despite being aware of your lack of service you get told nothing can be done, no compensation can be offered, no future discounts can be sorted until the problem has been fixed. No mention at this time of any charge for the router(on the second one now by the way after the first didn't even connect-still not as good as my old d-link router though) other than the £25 connection charge. Tried to argue this as I haven't been connected and told it wasn't plusnet's fault. It was bt 's fault. When I said I thought I was dealing with plusnet  I was told "that's how it is" and I would still be liable for the charge irrespective of if i was connected or not!!!
Week 3 got an email stating that I was in fact indebted to plusnet for £65 as this now includes the router! After a phone call this morning from someone who had the consideration of a rock as well as the "computer says" level of compassion I was informed that the router should have been returned within 14 days hence my previous comments. Now you say it should have been 7 days!!! Still no sound of compassion or customer services to try and help me, the customer, out. All I got was "computer says"
Have you tried living without broadband for 3 weeks? Its not just the lack of it but when you try to use it it drops a sit did the first time i sent this message. Then you have to restart the router and the computer all just to read your emails and send off a few letters!
I would like to have spoken to someone who would have started of with acknowledging my situation and then possibly apologising with promises of repair soon. That might have diffused the situation. It would have also been nice to consider the amount of effort on my behalf to try and resolve this matter which stands at over 4 1/2 hours on the phone and now having to take a day off work to wait in for an engineer. When I threatened to leave that would have been the time to speak to me-not email- and offer intensives to keep me aboard, considering all the grief I have gone though. Instead All I have received is an inconsiderate response from customer services who deny any responsibility for my lack of broadband and  insist on £65 for a service I have as yet not received.
3 weeks ago I had broadband now i'm lucky if its narrow band
Although talk talk is based in India and sometimes the level of communication was difficult at least it wasn't blatant "we don't give a toss" that seems to be the plusnet way.
Can't send this straight away as the connections dropped out again again.
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Sorry, due to the connection dropping out again and again and again. my reply has started in another link see-I wish I had gone to specsavers-

Quick comment about Talk talk is at least they showed some concern and understanding about any problem I had unlike my experiences so far with plusnet
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

I'm sure the moderators would merge that post (link) into this topic if you ask them to. Doing that would place it into the appropriate context to help the Digital Care Team to feedback any customer service issues to the agents involved.
As I understand it from an earlier post by Chris an engineer visit has been arranged for the 16th to correct a line fault.
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Moderators Note Threads merged.
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To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Hi spannerhappy,
Let's see what happens when the engineer has been on Wednesday and we'll address any outstanding issues then
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

5 hrs on the phone and 1 days lost earnings and still no joy.  Sad
How much longer?  Can't I have a refund for my initial outlay and just go back to talktalk?
The engineer came round, checked my house connection-all good,
He then checked the connection in the village and ended up at the local exchange.
One  wire replaced due to it being an old type and called to say all checked and everything ok.
1/2 hr later speeds back to sub 2ookbps.
Biddings missed on ebay auctions, Monthly membership to some websites useless as when the front page contains moving images the page won't work due to the low speed. Can't send normal size Pictures to friends and family due to time out on uploads. Forget trying to use the internet for any shopping(insurance renewal due) as the pages get stuck due to download speed. I'm having to rely on my Blackberry for emailing and about to go over my data limit for the first time ever. Forget BBC I player or U tube It just won't work and at that speed downloading one program would take a week.
Its nearly a month now.
How much longer?

Apparently there is a good chance that the next engineer will also want me to be in when they attempt the next repair. Another day off work?  There isn't that much work out there at the moment and everyday I don't work I also jeopardise being employed on the next job if I have to take too many days off.
Do I have to do much more?
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Hi spannerhappy,
I see from the ticket that this has been passed to a specialist team to investigate. We will keep pushing to get this resolved for you and I can understand how frustrating it can be when things aren't working properly. I'll see what updates I can get today for you and let you know as soon as I have more information.
Jojo Smiley
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Registered: ‎16-06-2010

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Hi spannerhappy,
I've been asked by one of the the faults team if the cross line that you reported is still happening?
Jojo Smiley
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Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Oh geez! Not another person concentrating on their broadband problems when the underlying problem is a faulty phone line! Sad
jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 13
Registered: ‎11-11-2011

Re: Wish I hadn't left Talk Talk....

Well I've only noticed the cross line whilst spending so much time getting in touch with plusnet-on average 20 min wait before someone pics up! I hadn't noticed it before but after 5hrs of calls to plusnet.... One of my friends has suggested its the wireless phone I'm using (its a Bt one) so maybe there's someone in the near vicinity with a similar  model?. The engineer checked my line, the house line, the junction box in the village and then the connection to the exchange . Wouldn't that show up a crossline fault if there was one? Wouldn't he fix a problem with my line if he found it? He did replace one cable in the exchange.
I've now been asked to take another day off work so another engineer can have another look at the fault despite the fact that the connections to the exchange are all good but I can't take any more time off without eating into my Christmas holiday time.
Strange how my talk talk connection worked perfectly (broadband and phone) with no problems for 3 years.
When the engineer phoned me from the exchange to say all was ok I did a speed test on the computer and got 4.5meg but this was shortlived as 30 min later it had dropped doen to 180kbps again. Last night it went up to 4.5 meg again and was like that in the morning but when I got back from work and all this evening its maxed out at 232kbps.

5 hrs on the phone to plusnet, 1 day off work(unpaid) and possibly another all this to save a couple of pounds a month. Totally not worth it.