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Worst Customer Service

Posts: 1
Registered: ‎11-08-2015

Worst Customer Service

I'd just like, as a new Plusnet Customer, to share my experience so far. I signed up and paid my money 3 weeks ago. 3 weeks later, i've still no broadband or phone, but i'm now paying for a phone line i can't use!!! The engineer booked for last Friday didn't turn up after i took a day off work. Plusnet sent me a email to say welcome to my new phone line, when all i've got is a hole in a wall with a wire coming out of it. There's a 30 min wait on the help line if you want to speak to someone and you have to use the web chat to contact customer services and then they tell you to call and you're back on hold again.
I'm contacting by Solicitor to get the contract declared void and suing for breach of contract. I wish i'd just gone with BT
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Registered: ‎22-08-2007

Re: Worst Customer Service

Hi Poppy,
A warm welcome to the forums.  Sadly your experience is more common than it ought to be. BT Oenreach (plusNET's suppliers who own and manage all of the wires and equipment) are notorious for not turning up and / or doing work on time.  Sometimes appointments do not 'take' properly in the ordering system. What has happens in your case will need answers from PlusNET staff.
The industry is plagued by BTOR failure and seems powerless to control BTOR behavious. Whilst the issue remains a BTOR delivery issue, you are going to face the same issue no matter which supplier you pays your money to.  I have a line order still outstanding from 21 May. Triming a tree is the cause of the delay - I was told yesterday that the reason for the continued delay (even after several letters to CEOs) is down to one individual refusing to cooperate.
Your solicitor might be capable of getting you out of your PlusNET contract, however I'm starting to believe not not even God himself can make BTOR do installations any quicker than they determine they will ,,, or won't.
Hope yours is soon sorted.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 3,201
Fixes: 46
Registered: ‎10-04-2014

Re: Worst Customer Service

Hi Poppy,
A quick search on your details reveals what I'd suspect to be a different Plusnet account. I'd be happy to investigate the missed appointment for you, are you ok to PM me your username?

EDIT: Just located your account. I see that you've spoke with my colleague Luke and the situation is soon to be detailed on Ticket: 109017833
ex-Plusnet staffer. Any posts after 28/07/2017 aren't on behalf of Plusnet
Posts: 1
Registered: ‎14-08-2015

Re: Worst Customer Service

I like you have been having problems with customer service. Although I have been with this company a while and always pay my bills on time when I had a problem I phoned and waited 40 minutes then I put the phone down. Totally unacceptable then I had a go with live chat the 'agent' who answered didn't even know what I was asking. I am going to move to a new ISP as this is not good practice. Cry