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a big thank you, and a suggestion for improvement

Posts: 97
Registered: ‎09-03-2010

a big thank you, and a suggestion for improvement

First i want to start off by thanking your wonderful people in the CSC, i had a phone fault today, which was fixed within 4 hours... a new record for phone companies that i have been with over the years so thank you!
which brings me onto the improvement bit.... Why is it, that when you phone the CSC faults desk, it advises you to raise a ticket on the website before ringing them, when if you raise a ticket you are easily waiting at least a day before anyone even looks at it, when you phone, (in my experience anyway) 9 times out of 10 the problem is either fixed on the spot, or as quickly as possible.
Whilst i appreciate that there are only so many tickets someone can deal with at a time, surely rather than risking customers getting annoyed about the lack of progress, it is easier to advise people to phone for "urgent" problems (like no phone/broadband for instance), and just use the ticket system for smaller things?
Posts: 5
Registered: ‎03-05-2010

Re: a big thank you, and a suggestion for improvement

Hi - think they're just after as many hits as pos on their website!  Annoying as well is when they email you you are unable to reply without going to the website, signing in, finding the page, scrolling down, etc.etc.  So simple to just press reply button but we're no given that option??  Undecided  Regards
Posts: 21,036
Thanks: 5
Registered: ‎04-04-2007

Re: a big thank you, and a suggestion for improvement

Hi Severedsolo
Thanks for getting in touch with everyone here and I'm glad to hear how quickly your phone fault was resolved.
We ask our customers to raise tickets for their convenience more than anything else - you can do them via the website in your own time, although I of course appreciate that some matters are more important than others giving you the need to call us!
On another note, due to the large level of recruitment we're going through, everyone should start seeing a gradual improvement in ticket response times over the coming weeks and months.
Posts: 97
Registered: ‎09-03-2010

Re: a big thank you, and a suggestion for improvement

well that is good news  Smiley thats basically the one thing i dont like about PN is the god awful time it takes on tickets.
That BT engineer is magic.... im now getting an 8096 sync rate on a 3 mile long line..... obviously whatever took the phone line down was dragging my broadband speed down with it