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"Find out your exact speed before you join" - a claim to regret?

Rising Star
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"Find out your exact speed before you join" - a claim to regret?

On the latest Plusnet advert for Value in newspapers today, just below where it says 'plus you can now get speeds of up to 20Mb', are the words, 'Find out your exact speed before you join." I fear that this word 'exact' is going to bring a lot more work for support and customer services staff.
It presumably refers to the estimated speed, so there ought at least to be a pointer to the small print where it says, "We'll give you a speed estimate when you sign up."
Perhaps someone in Marketing was a bit over-enthusiastic?
Community Gaffer
Community Gaffer
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Re: "Find out your exact speed before you join" - a claim to regret?

Hi Graham,
I'd be inclined to agree with what you're saying here.
We'll have a word with out marketing folk, as it seems odd that something like this would have slipped through the net Sad
Thanks for pointing it out.

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
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