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speed issues

Community Gaffer
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Re: speed issues

Quote from: stormrunner
thanks Mand  for the reply
but iv had max speed on my downloads up untill 2 weeks ago, so whats changed at that time????
thats what no one at plusnet can tell me and why the ticket is still ongoing

Hi there,
Sorry for not picking up on this earlier Sad
I've just glanced over your support ticket and the comments I made here are still relevant. You're downloading content from Rapidshare which is heavily rate limited during certain hours of the day on the account type you're subscribed to.
Have you ever seen low speedtest results from a BT Speedtest? All the results I've seen you post have been fine which reinforces my suspicion that it's *only* Rapidshare transfers you're having difficulty with?
The reason you've only just started noticing the reduction in performance is because of this. As part of that work we fixed a problem with the Rapidshare signatures that was causing them to be identified as normal HTTP traffic instead of traffic from a download server.
Basically, it was broken and has since been fixed. The downside of that is that you're now seeing drastically reduced throughput from Rapidshare.
Hope that makes sense and apologies it wasn't realised/pointed out before now.
Quote from: caccy
I've had this problem for about two weeks as well. All was ok up to 13Nov then when I next checked my download speed on the 24Nov it had fallen to 320Kbps and has stayed at that  ever since. Just hoping that the current maintenance will bring it back to its normal level. (4300Kbps)

Is that downloading from Rapidshare too?

Bob Pullen
Plusnet Product Team
If I've been helpful then please give thanks ⤵

Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

Bob  thanks for that,
so basicaly plusnet limit my bandwidth from download sites as and when they want  even though im paying for 8 meg.
so im not getting what am paying for except at the discretion of plusnet.(ie: i can have my speed except for downloading from sites ,we plusnet ,say u cant)
would have been nice if that info was on the products page ( ie: we plusnet will limit ur speeds from download sites as and when We see fit)
and for the first 7/8 weeks of my contract i was getting max download speed on rapid because the network was faulty????Huh
seems its not only download sites that  have been slowed down  heres a screen of a gamers site up date i did at 1350 hours today

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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: speed issues

sorry but that info is available via the front page, you first click the more button and go from there.  A better explanation is here
Posts: 28
Registered: ‎07-04-2009

Re: speed issues

All - worth noting that the team are making good progress on the network issues and we expect to be back on track soon. Thank you for your patience. We are totally focused on getting the network performance up to scratch as quickly as possible.
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: speed issues

Quote from: stormrunner basicaly plusnet limit my bandwidth from download sites as and when they want  even though im paying for 8 meg.
so im not getting what am paying for except at the discretion of plusnet.(ie: i can have my speed except for downloading from sites ,we plusnet ,say u cant).......................................

NO, that is NOT true. Plusnet have always clearly stated their traffic management for each product.
Pierre has pointed you to two places where the information is available, the first being PlusNets own product pages.
You were advised of all this by PN in the first few posts of this thread, and I pointed out in reply#5 that there may have been instances where the traffic management was not being applied because of the other issues.
Even now, I'm not sure what you are still complaining about, that download at 1350 seems to have come down at slightly above the limit for your account type, as I also said in reply #5 don't forget to multiply kB/s x8 to get kbps.
You've also been advised on how to get the best out of your line. As far as I can see if you want unrestricted downloads, you need to move to the Pro product.
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

been doing a little research on my speed problems and came across some interesting things i realy liked an  bit in the guardian
my fav  paragraph:
PlusNet caters for heavy users with what could be called a "time-capped" account: it allows users to download 20GB per month between 4pm and midnight, and any amount outside those times. It doesn't use the word "unlimited": "We think unlimited broadband is a complete myth," says Armstrong. "You can only do it by lying to your customers, as the economics don't work."
now in on an 8meg unlimited account
and yes i know the artical is 2 years old and alot can change in that time.
the reserch goes on....
Posts: 19,107
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: speed issues

You should read what us lot had to say about it all on these forums when those products came in.
I'm sure pierre will be along with a link or two in a minute.
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

this has got to be a joke
just got an email from plusnet saying they are going to charge more for the product,
£20.42 for something im clearly not overjoyed to have,but at least the email confirms im on an unlimited acount
thanks 4 that plusnet
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: speed issues

unlimited in how much you can download, but not unrestricted in how fast you can do certain activities at different times of day.
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

and up to 8 meg??  does that mean they can give u what speed THEY want???
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Re: speed issues

As far as I can recall.... "UP TO.... " is used by all the ISP`s.....  EXCEPT where they can guarantee a specific speed .... in which case, it is not what "they" decide., it (the actual speed you get) is decided by several factors.... the main one being how long the two copper wires are from the exchange to your master socket.... The longer the length of wire, the bigger the attenuation figure.... e.g. I am about 3 km from my exchange and I have 63.5db as my attenuation down figure.  until recently, I also had a SNR figure of between 9 and 10 .... this significantly reduced after re-wiring my internal wiring, from the master socket to ALL phone sockets, with 4 cor twisted pair copper wire, not the flat stuff used for telephone extensions....  (My SNR figure is now a hanging around 5.6 to 5.8.... and looking at the router stats graphs, has very little noise on the line, )Having done the work, and followed advice given on here by Anotherone, and others, My speed has gone up from a miserable 500kbs to 1.4 mbs.... I am happy with that , because it is the best my line will support.... and I don`t do gaming, so higher speed is not an issue with me...
If you want to see my graphs.... go to
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

thanks for that shutter
i can throw a stone and hit my exchange i live that close
my line can handle 6.5 to 7 meg and i was getting  almost that, but now im not, gaming lol im not doing much of that atm, nor watching movies from the 2 sites i pay subscriptions too
and as for using voip software thats not happening eather,and the files i have stored online welli can get at them if im willing to spend day waiting for then to download rather than the 15/20 mins it should take.
just found out that my exchange was upgraded last month and 24meg is now possible in my area.
think its about time i found a better suppler
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: speed issues

if you are on other than value, as a  new package and your exchange is ADSL2, PN will support up to 20Mb
Posts: 19
Registered: ‎24-11-2009

Re: speed issues

pierre  no disrespect  but if they cant give me the 6.5/7meg  on the 8meg unlimmited account  do u realy thing im going to let them  try and give me the higher speed
as far as im concerned they are taking money from me for a product that im not getting,  so no chance
Posts: 25
Registered: ‎06-12-2009

Re: speed issues

Funny, I thought I was the only one experiencing such a rubbish connection until I joined this forum this evening.   I am currently experiencing a download speed of 195 kbs and I'm told that there are no faults  Grin  
here's a screenshot of a speed test I did just a short while ago.    I just wish someone would actually do something about this as it stinks!