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the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

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Registered: ‎08-07-2015

the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

So I cannot believe what is happening here. Raised an order to migrate/port my telephone line and broadband to Plusnet several weeks ago. Plusnet were one of the few service providers that confirmed I could have fibre broadband in my area and were happy to take all the costs up front and place an order.
So my existing broadband ceased 3 weeks ago although the line still worked. We are self employed and cannot work without broadband but Plusnet promised the engineer would call 7/7. No engineer.
This week I have made dozens of calls to Plusnet, never have I been told as much rubbish and as many lies in my life, it was only after speaking to my friend who works in broadband provision in BT that I realised how many lies I had been told. Such as the engineer is working around the corner on my job etc etc yet it turns out the order was never committed so had not actually gone to Openreach!

NO ONE is interested in holding their hands up and telling the truth and making good what has gone wrong.
To cut a very long story short, I am now without a line or broadband, and have been told that for all this I cant even have fibre broadband. Plusnet have effectively ceased my entire services for a number of weeks and are telling me they cannot give me what they promised me in the beginning! Plusnet have only 2 days ago placed a new order to connect my phone line and are now telling me its faulty and I have to wait until Friday for attendance.
To make matters worse, the whole reason I have been left without any service is because Plusnet placed my order and it rejected. Due to their massive backlogs of work they did not pick up the rejection until I rang them by which time my services were ceased. Plusnet have it within their capabilities to raise an expedite of my connection with their suppliers but won't. Despite them not meeting a single part of our agreed contract. They simply do not care.
Their staff, whilst predominently pleasant, are inexperienced and unknowledgable and cannot or will not hold their hands up to where Plusnet have gone wrong. Their managers will not speak to customers.
I cannot believe the situation I am currently stuck in ............
Plusnet does not do anyone proud.  Financially this has been a disaster for my family who are all self-employed or mobile, none of us can work, meanwhile my complaint is sat in their ticket queue with a 5 days response time, they will not take responsibility for making good what they ruined and have yet to offer a single apology for their almighty **** up.
If you have not ordered from them yet, not.
Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

I'm sorry to hear about what's happened.
Give me some time to look into this and I'll get it chased up for you.
After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Sorry to hear about your experiences. I don't know if it's an option but I know if I was self employed/required on internet so much, I would have a back up like a dongle, use my 3g or perhaps access to a neighbours connection.
Whenever I moved apartments, I always topped my mobile dongle up to utilise it and always had it there in case the net went down.
Right now, I have 3G as a back up (tether to phone etc)
Just a few possible options.
Hope it gets sorted for you.
Posts: 66
Registered: ‎16-06-2015

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Matthew, how comes you can reply here but not to my post?
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Plusnet Help Team
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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

I can see one of our Provisoning agents is handling this for you and we're putting you onto standard broadband to ensure you at least have a connection whilst we investigate the fibre issue.
I'm looking into your issue and I'll post a update in your thread shortly.
After the 3rd of November I will have a limited presence here as I have moved to a new role
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 Matthew Wheeler
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

These Openreach no shows due to the order not being placed is a very recent and rapidly increasing complaint.
What is going wrong at PN HQ ?
Let's be careful out there !
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

It is indeed becoming a daily complaint. And it's just the forums.
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Registered: ‎08-07-2015

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Matthew Wheeler:
It is only by constantly badgering your support team that someone in provisioning is "handling this". However, my complaint is they are "handling" their massive failings in line with standard SLAs for new orders even though they have already failed them miserably for the last month or so. It cannot be acceptable that I am expected to sit at the back of the queue again because Plusnet ckd up my first order, but I have to!
Interestingly the manager (who won't speak to me) also will not authorise an expedite of the broadband even though it is within his capabilities to do so.
When this whole sorry incident is over (if it is ever over) I will be contacting CEO Andrew Baker directly with a report of this fiasco and who has or has not done what, with a copy to Gavin Patterson since he is championing BT's customer service. 
All4One: thanks for the response, unfortunately we live in a funny little spot and actually have no mobile reception in most of the house, so 3G doesn't work for us either. If you need to use your mobile you have to go outside and move round the garden with your head cocked to one side. Effectively our only connectivity right now of any description is a trip to Tesco for free wifi or McDonalds. Obviously impossible to contact suppliers, customers and complete banking in a location such as this. 
And so begins another day of nothingness..........Have to go now my friend needs her house and broadband back.
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎08-07-2015

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Quote from: Kremmen
These Openreach no shows due to the order not being placed is a very recent and rapidly increasing complaint.
What is going wrong at PN HQ ?

Sadly mass recruitment, inexperienced and ill trained staff together with massive backlogs.
Posts: 19
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Registered: ‎08-07-2015

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

And so the saga further comment from Plusnet I note  Sad so....on Wednesday Plusnet (I have the name of the person but it would be unfair to publish this here, however I will in my CEO letter) confirmed, not once but several times to myself and friend that my broadband would be activated next Tuesday. The manager that refused the expedite said there was no value in doing it as it would only save a day on activation (if it saved an hour mate, you owe it to us!!!) in any case, this is also an untruth since had the expedite been raised on Wednesday I would have been working today. I know that (well of course assuming Openreach fix the fault).
So despite despising Plusnet even more for their continuous lies, I rang Plusnet yesterday and spoke to colleague number 4 and asked the following:
1) Has the broadband DEFINITELY been committed for Tuesday
The colleague breathed heavily (without comment) for several minutes then went away to ask his manager, he was gone several more minutes, before coming back and telling me "yes". He also told me that a fibre router had been ordered for me. WTF ????? I can't have fibre, you told me so..."no Mrs T, fibre has been ordered for you" - NO Customer Service Advisor, it has not. "oh yes sorry, I will cancel the fibre router that hasn't even been dispatched yet"
So last night I received a text, to say that the broadband would be activated WEDNESDAY by 23:59 ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????Huh
PLUSNET - CAN YOU ACTUALLY GET ANY WORSE..............CAN YOUR STAFF ACTUALLY KNOW ANY LESS ..........................................CAN YOUR MANAGERS CONTINUE TO HIDE BEHIND THEIR UNTRAINED PEOPLE ???????????????????????????????????????????????????

Matthew Wheeler: please tell me....why can you expedite cbmonkey's order and not mine? (no offence Monkey you surely deserve it) Just how bad do you have to  treat your customers and how many £1000's of lost business do they have to have to qualify for an Expedite?
And so begins another weary day ............
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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

I'm not sure why you are getting a cheap as chips home broadband package with no real sla's when downtime is costing you that much money.
I'd have thought a proper business account with enhanced care would be more suitable.
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Registered: ‎08-07-2015

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Because Plusnet says "We believe that paying less shouldn't mean a compromise in service" call me naive but a residential broadband has suited us for the last 6 years I had no reason to think that simply changing providers to one that promised a better product would result in this.
Posts: 162
Registered: ‎16-12-2013

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Quote from: TownTwins
Because Plusnet says "We believe that paying less shouldn't mean a compromise in service"

In the light of what has been happening recently, I can picture Plusnet folks looking at your comment and thinking: "Ah! We need to remove that too."
Posts: 18
Registered: ‎18-12-2014

Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

Also the T&Cs are pretty clear -
"3. The services, including any equipment we provide to you under these terms must not be used for business purposes."
Would there be any difference from provisioning a line if it is a residential or business line - are there any different SLAs for OR based on the type of line being installed?  As perhaps if you had ordered a business package this might all have been sorted out by now.

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Re: the most abysmal service ever. Plusnet should be closed down.

@TownTwins pm me if you want some independent (free) advice on this type of set up. I can take you through the cost/benefit/risk analysis bit if it would help.
Now Zen, but a +Net residue.