the saga continues...
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- Re: the saga continues...
the saga continues...
29-01-2010 12:39 PM
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They now claim that my MAC code that I requested on 24th Dec 2009 and ultimately gave to PN on the 5th Jan 2010 has NEVER BEEN USED even though I signed up with PN on the 24th Dec and actually switched on 13th Jan 2010 at around 10:00 am.
So PN - can you please confirm that you did in fact use (whatever that means) the mac code I gave you please? and can you let me know if you can put this in writing to me please?
Tiscali, upon receiving my written complaint and my intention to take legal action against them have now apparantly agreed to close my account (even now it's not worded very well and is not 100% clear but I'll keep on at them). They have said, however that in order to investigate any refund due, they require a copy of my first invoice from "my new supplier", showing the date on which they (that's you PN) began charging me for the service.
So how do I go about getting this invoice from you PN please?
Why does this have to be so freakin difficult (rhetorical).
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 12:52 PM
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Hope that helps.
Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 12:53 PM
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I do have a link though - click here: to go straight there (via a login prompt if you're not logged into the members centre).
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 1:04 PM
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Not sure they'll accept an online printout - after all it would be easy to fake - but I'll give it a go.
Meanwhile (Matt) - my first question?
Quote from: whistler So PN - can you please confirm that you did in fact use (whatever that means) the mac code I gave you please? and can you let me know if you can put this in writing to me please?
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 1:41 PM
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Quote Not sure they'll accept an online printout
Why not, did they ever send you paper invoices ? Most suppliers these days, if they ever did use them, want to get away from paper invoices.
Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 1:48 PM
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Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 2:18 PM
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Quote from: Matt what have they advised they need?
Well that's a good question. They've asked (as I've said) for my first invoice. But they imply that the reason for all this back and forth nonsense between us is because they had no knowlege of my leaving them (which is absolute coblers, they knew fine and well after many email and support dialogues, and one phone call). They support this assertion by saying that (and I quote from their letter)
[quote author="tiscali to55ers by letter"]
The MAC code that you requested has never been used
And they told me when I first requested and received my MAC code
[quote author="tiscali to55ers by email"]
Your MAC code will remain valid for 30 days and expire on 23/01/2010. Tiscali will not cancel your account until you have given your MAC code to another service provider and they have successfully migrated your service.
Basically they're coming up with new, many and varied reasons for not cancelling my account every time we communicate.
I'd just like proof that you did use my MAC code to switch so I can nail the to55ers using the second quote above.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 2:38 PM
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The only possible issue I can see with this is if it was a migration back from their LLU service, but that can't be possible as Tiscali don't have an LLU presence at your exchange.
Hope that helps,
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 3:13 PM
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MisterW, Ordinarilly perhaps a fair comment.
Quote from: MisterW Why not, did they ever send you paper invoices ? Most suppliers these days, if they ever did use them, want to get away from paper invoices.
But take a guess why not. Tiscali have been stringing this out with absolutely dogmatic determination. Look at what Matt has said about how they can be in no doubt that I've switched and yet that's what they're maintaining. Do these people sound reasonable to you? If they come back and say they need a written invoice from PN I for one won't be at all surprised.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 3:27 PM
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jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler) Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!) Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20) Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month) Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month) |
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 3:36 PM
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1) You were on a BT Wholesale service from Tiscali
2) Both the order check and asset check that Tiscali can run in e.Co will tell them that the MAC has been used
You could always threaten to take it up with ofcom or ispa, and they'd definitely be able to offer you advice on how to push this further.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 5:38 PM
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Quote Do these people sound reasonable to you?
Well no, we know they are unreasonable!. I'd be inclined to write back to them telling them that, having contacted PlusNet, you have confirmed that your move was actioned through the normal BTw ordering system. You therefore know!, as they do!, that BTw will have informed them that your asset ( line ) has been transferred to PlusNet and that furthermore you know that they can interrogate the BTw e.Co system at any time to confirm that. Send them a copy of the invoice as a courtesy but advise them that if a refund is not immediately forthcoming you will be contacting Ofcom/ipsa to complain about their actions.
Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.
Re: the saga continues...
29-01-2010 5:44 PM
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MisterW - You've more or less paraphrased the letter I've already written

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