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website blocking

Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

website blocking

So today i was just looking at some stuff and found out megashare has been blocked along with piratebay.
I know what people are thinking and in general I agree but it a slippery slope PN is on.
I've been with PN for over 10 years and it's been great, then BT bought them and they have become BT's lackeys blocking everything that even remotely glances the courts.
Suddenly i feel like i'm in China.
Now i am tech savvy and know how to get around it so it's no big deal for me but even a novice user could bypass it.
Look around there are pc advisors out there telling people how to get around uk blocks!.
So what is the point ?
To quote my favourite film . You can't stop the signal.
Will you try and censor the entire internet when the MPAA and FACT wave a court order in your general direction ?
Lets just hope no more inocent charity websites get blocked when this nanny state trys to block everything.
And please don't insult my intelligence by saying no websites are blocked.
Anyway i'm off to download a film and look for another ISP.

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Re: website blocking

Oh Plusnet don't block anything other than what is on the IWF blacklist.
BT Wholesale seem to be blocking TPB and others but that is "outside of Plusnet's control" as it's something their transit peers block and not something they do themselves.
The fact they refuse to transit the requests over other networks is a also why I'm looking elsewhere.
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Re: website blocking

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Re: website blocking

That's different, as it can be switched off
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Re: website blocking

It also says Plusnet are blocking sites mostly used to facilitate copyright infringing downloads by using BT peering.
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Re: website blocking

Where does it say that?
Posts: 96
Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: website blocking

It says so in the third paragraph:
Plusnet currently hooks into BT's Peering platform. A company spokesman explained to El Reg:
Our use of the BT platform results in users being blocked from accessing websites engaged in online copyright infringement when BT has been ordered by a court to do so.
Plusnet is in the process of launching a more comprehensive blocking solution that means Plusnet will block all websites engaged in online copyright infringement where ordered by a court to do so.
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Re: website blocking

2nd Paragraph
The Sheffield-based ISP, which is owned by telecoms giant BT, confirmed to us that its censorship tool and copyright-infringement blocking mechanism would be applied to its network at some point this year.

Plusnet will block all websites engaged in online copyright infringement where ordered by a court to do so.

I fear that this thread may be use for some Roll_eyes
& speed reading is not a forte for others Roll_eyes
Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

Re: website blocking
For those intrested piratebay,EZTV,megashare etc who are blocked already have proxies and mirror sites.
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Registered: ‎27-10-2012

Re: website blocking

Quote from: ejs
It also says Plusnet are blocking sites mostly used to facilitate copyright infringing downloads by using BT peering.

But it doesn't say this.
Plusnet are growing and it is almost inevitable that if they continue to attract new customers, they will be included in court orders. In order to comply with any potential court orders, Plusnet needs some kind of mechanism to block the sites ordered by the court.
Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

Re: website blocking

Yeah Andy it's not working like that.
PN are owned by BT so if BT get a court order they tell PN to jump and PN ask how high.
Soon they will be monitering and sending notices to user with large fines IF BT so feels inclined.
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Re: website blocking

It's hardly surprising these kinds of sites get shut down or blocked. What I find strange is that people act as if they have a right to get whatever they want for free, perhaps people have got used to getting away with it for so long. Complaining about attempts to stop copyright infringing downloads just seems a bit much really.
And I expect everything we do on the Internet has all been monitored and recorded for years.
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Re: website blocking

I think the point being made is that a lot of content on so called pirate sites is perfectly legal to download.
The question really is how long before respectable sites are blocked and shut down because a single item of questionable content has slipped in.
Or the reality that the site isn't towing the party line.
We seem to be moving away from the EU in the direction of China.
It's all about regulation.
Regulation is just government speak for control.
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Registered: ‎27-10-2012

Re: website blocking

Quote from: Tracer
PN are owned by BT so if BT get a court order they tell PN to jump and PN ask how high.

They can't and don't do that. It would be illegal.
Posts: 76
Registered: ‎17-07-2007

Re: website blocking

Quote from: billnotben

The question really is how long before respectable sites are blocked and shut down because a single item of questionable content has slipped in.

That has already happend on several occasions.
Charitys have been blocked.
JQuery gets blocked by SKY.
League of Legends updater gets block because it has the word s,e,x in it.
And those are just recent ones.