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A small Linux Problem !

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Re: A small Linux Problem !

A "kind of" update..


Have been trying just about anything I can think of, to resolve this.. the best result has been to set the "Display" >Resolution ot 1680 X 1050.  this gives me a good size font on the main website pages overall. and also Thunderbird, displays the same size as it did with the "old" hdd/ssd prior to the swap over yesterday.

Still hae the "small font" problem with the top menu and the drop down menus from them, but they are more "readable" than when I first started this thread... they are still abut half the size of the previous..  so

Thanks to all those who have posted their thoughts on this.. if anyone comes up with something else, don`t be shy, I`ll give it  go !!!

cheers Wink

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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: A small Linux Problem !


With that screen resolution won't it distort the displayed picture? Circle's no longer round?

These are the default fonts but not necessarily the default size for ubuntu mint.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 091256.jpg

I've changed the windows title font, still 12 but smaller characters being displayed.

Screenshot 2025-02-25 101729.jpg

Desktop font changes the text size for icons

Maybe play with the font being used?


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Re: A small Linux Problem !


The chosen size does not seem to affect the shape of the LM logo  ( its already egg shape as if looking at it laying down) ( not you.. but the logo ! ! ) .

Icons on the desktop have changed to slightly smaller, and the area covered by them has increased, i.e. it has left a border of space about 1inch wide down the right hand side of the screen, when the original location of those icons was close to the edge. ( no border area) .

Changing the default font sizes as per your pics, to size 14. made no difference to the small fonts on the menus and drop down menus...

Not sure if changing the actual fonts works on applications.   I have never tried to use a "caligraphy" style font on the default changes.. but .. might have a go later on today.. busy for rest of day at moment.

thanks for input



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Registered: ‎25-06-2007

Re: A small Linux Problem !


Have you looked at adjusting the DPI?

DPI setting is located >Appearance Preferences >Fonts > Details (bottom right corner) 

The default is likely to be 96 DPI

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Re: A small Linux Problem !


Thanks for the suggestion !.. but all it does is increase or decrease the size of the whole page. ( text and everything )  same effect as caused by CTRL + or  CTRL - keys.

No change to the "offending" font size !.


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Registered: ‎06-11-2007

Re: A small Linux Problem !

UPDATE... a Partial Fix !..

After spending the day cleaning out oldout of date files in the downloads and documents and screengrabs folders, etc etc etc. and then gettting a SSD sorted ( had to relocate stuff from one to another, to give me a clean ssd !) . I did a NEW INSTALL on my 17inch laptop, of Linux mint 22.1 xia (mate)  [latest verstion of Mint] adding on to that   installing WINE  [version 10]  hint.. best way is to google your linux version of "how to install wine on linux XXXXXX" the basic " sudo apt install wine64." never seemed to work for me... when it did, it usually came up with an older version!.

Then I had to do a load of installing Windowss applications/softwares ( 48 I think) .

about 3/4 the way through all that... i had a feeling that using the big screen was not going to make any difference to the font sizes ! ...but I had to complete the install . 

On completion... I did a few checks, and sure enough ,.. no change in the font size..... what a b...... r... !¬   

Anyway.. that is when I had a lightbulb moment... and you can get a tutorial on the NEW "small linux problem - partially solved" thread. ! 
