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Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

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Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

looking for some software that will equalize the audio gain level on all my music videos

for making audio cd`s for the car... there is a program called   MP3GAIN... where you can input your audio files.. -ripped from the video- and then with the flick of a mouse tail.. it will equalise the volume level  or gain...

there is a newer version for doing the same thing to actual music videos called MP4GAIN... but this is a trial version and costs 40 USD.. for the =registration=  it was written for windows, but would run on linux through wine...  

being a Yorkshireman... I don`t want to spend any money on software, if there is a free version...

so... anyone know of a similar type FREE SOFTWARE that would be able to do this

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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

If you install FFMpeg you can do it using this but you may want an easier solution.


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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

Just checked the software manager... and it seems that I already have ffmpeg installed...

BUT.. from what I have read ( after googling "what is ffmpeg"..). it seems to be  a "long winded" way of converting music files from  file type AAA to file type BBB (or whatever the file extension is) .


ANYVIDEO CONVERTER will do that, simply, and efficiently.... and is not what I want to do..


Some videos have the music track at ( say 100% volume)  ( need to reduce the headphone volume for comfort) .. and others   have the music track, sometimes as low as 50% volume..

MP3GAIN  would "equalise" all the volume levels, for a AUDIO CD... for use in the car...

MP4GAIN would (presumably) do the same for music videos...which is what I would want to achieve, so that I am not having to reset the volume on a "playlist" of videos.


At present... the only way I "could", probably, achieve this would be to "re-record" all my music videos, using VOKOSCREEN.... which would take a very very long time


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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

No pleasing some folk!


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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

@Mook   True......  very true !.....


( you know I am a numpty with linux...   ! )


I see at the bottom of that page... there is some sort of instruction on how to "batch" normalise a group of files... so... might have a try of that....but........  Undecided


ffmpeg normalise.png


Having clicked on the red ffmep-normalize Python program...... it takes me to a github page, and from there on... it`s like reading a chinese takeaway menu, without the english translation...

so... give up on that .... 


VOKOSCREEN... here I come   Cheesy

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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

You needn't worry about batch processing at the moment @shutter, the first thing to do using those instructions is to get a couple of files done by hand to see if you get the results you expect.

I don't think you'll need a Python program to do batching when, in theory, a shell script will do what's needed.

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Re: Audio GAIN equalizer for LINUX MINT

@Mook  Partly understood   ! ! ! ...

Minor crisis at this end at the moment... so will put it on the back burner for today, at least.!

