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Backup connection if internet goes down.

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Backup connection if internet goes down.

I've just been looking into ways to have a backup connection if the internet goes down.

I've discovered my router (tp-link) has a 3G/4G backup mode that requires a modem 'dongle' with a sim card plugged into the USB socket.

Anyone had any experience with doing this and any recommendations of any that work? Their site's forum is vague saying that they can't guarantee that they work and you should try it before buying one, which is classic catch22.

Thanks for any help.


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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

A long time ago, possibly 10 or more years ago, I used to have a "dongle" that you could put a SIM card in, and plug straight into the Laptop usb port, and if you had a decent signal on th SIM then you could access the internet. I used this a few times on Holidays in WALES, when the accommodation did not, or would not, allow the user to access the owners wifi . Also handy for when, in the car, and needed access to the itntenet..  ( actually booked the next weeks accommodation from the car, via the SIM )

In some locations the signal was not very good, so I used a 20 foot long USB extension cable to place the dongle high up in a window for better signal level/quality.


currently I use a TP-Link 4G LTE router/modem to access the internet using a SIM card, saving me the expense of a landline and no annual increase from the robbing ISP`s that think it is a good moneymaker.


EDIT    there is an alternative way... you should be able to "Pair" you mobile phone to your laptop/computer via bluetooth or wifi link... did it once, but can`t remember how or how good it was ! ! !.


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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

Thanks for the info.

If tp-link did a combined router that took a sim and would switch-over if the DSL went down I'd probably upgrade but it seems it's one or the other from what I was looking at on their site today.

On your last point, I don't use a mobile phone which is why I'm concerned as I would be in a position where I couldn't even report the problem if the phone and internet went down. Probably will have to look into getting a dumb phone as well. Always hated them.

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

I have used a mobile SIM in a router.


It becomes quite an expensive "insurance" fairly quickly and speeds are poor compared with landline broadband.


I've used "3" data sims which are sold as (say) 12GB in 12 months (check carefully the deal with the SIM you buy). The clock starts once the SIM is activated but they do have a "shelf life" which has caught me out.


You could have a dongle and SIM ready in case of Internet failure.


As a backup, reconfiguring your existing router to use the dongle is a good approach although there is the "catch 22" that when you are trying to get it to work you can't search the Internet for help (!).


Buy a dongle known to work with your TP Link router (exact model).


Given your use case, automatic failover probably isn't what you need.


If WiFi will do, I might buy a WiFi dongle from (say) 3 and keep it and the SIM not activated but ready to use. When (if) you come to use it it should "just work".



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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

Can I politely request you move


to here?


(also intrigued by the /td-p in some URLs)

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

@markhawkin wrote:

I have used a mobile SIM in a router.


It becomes quite an expensive "insurance" fairly quickly and speeds are poor compared with landline broadband.


I've used "3" data sims which are sold as (say) 12GB in 12 months (check carefully the deal with the SIM you buy). The clock starts once the SIM is activated but they do have a "shelf life" which has caught me out.




Hmm.... interesting you should say it becomes expensive fairly quickly.  Did you not research the SIMs only deals on offer at the time ?

I have 120GB per month for £12 per month..  (no annual contract)   no annual increase, Free phone calls, and Free texts.  

The current price of £12 per month ( no  annual contract )  only gives 100GB per month, though. which was my initial take up. and  after the first couple of months, the supplier sent me an email saying they were going to increase the data from 100 to 120 "at no extra cost" to me. did I want them to go ahead with that ? "  ( what a daft question  ! ! ! ) I did accept it !.

I think the 120GB offer was because they were doing a "promotion" at that value, which has since been downgraded, but.... those who took that value, have remained on it. 

As I mentioned, there is no annual contract and no cpi + 4% rip-off increase .  If I want more, or less, data then all i do is contact the supplier, and tell them which "plan" I want to run from the next month.

As for "speed"  in the o.p.`s case, I suspect that speed is not an issue.... as it is not an issue for me, however. ADSL with PN and other ISP`s over the past years, maxed out at 8megs switching to the SIM my speed has trebled, although I have not noticed any difference in the speed of pages/websites loading.  Download speeds, - not really bothered if it takes a few minutes rather than a few seconds..

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

Having looked into this more and read your replies, I've had a rethink. I don't need something that automatically switches over if the internet goes down as I may not know it happened and could go over data allowance.

Decided I'll have to get a mobile phone (dumb phone with big keys and screen). Just learnt about the 'hot-spot' thing you can do with some of them. That will have been obvious to all of you no doubt but I have never been into phones it's just not part of my life. Though I have enjoyed restoring a few old 746 dial phones which is ironic I suppose.

Thanks for all your help.

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.


I just came back to this and noticed your comment.

Your data deal is excellent value if you are actually using the data.

To cover a (hopefully) fairly short very occasional broadband outage it's not something I would sign up to. 

My comment on speeds is what I find in a fairly densely populated urban area.

On what is the best mobile network in my location I get half the speed of my VDSL as a download speed and a quarter as an upload speed.

That's not bad for a mobile netwoerk but would not be a great replacement for copper delivered VDSL.

Obviously in a location like yours (with only a slow copper connection), if you can get good mobile data (and possibly use a good mobile router in a well chosen location) it's a very attractive option.

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

Adding to what @shutter said, Three offers unlimited "mobile broadband" and a 5g ZTE router for £20/mo. 5g if available in your local area

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

@markhawkin  & @ghamilton123 

Regarding data use ..... When I initially decided to go the "sim only- 4G LTE router" route, I worked out that I needed about 80GB per month, so opted for the 100GB deal, on offer at that time, to give me a bit of "leeway" in case I had been guilty and watched too many Youtube Music vids !.(we don`t watch live t.v. on the internet, nor subscribe to the likes of Neflix etc)  

As mentioned earlier, the supplier offered me the 120GB for the same price, a couple of months after starting... so that is a "free" bonus as far as I am concerned. ( looking at the bonus as a 20GB freebie every month ! - even if I don`t use it)

By the same token... having "Unlimited" data for £20 per month would be, in my case, being a Yokshurman, a waste of money, as I would not use more than I currently do, "just because I could"... Also, if I decide that I do not need to have the safety of the 120GB ( ex 100GB) and decide to cut down watching Youtube vids, I can reduce the Data amount and the cost, the next month, with no penalty.

Referring to the title of this thread.....  Most people use their phone on a Sim deal of some sort, to access the internet, and would probably do the same if their "home internet connection"  suddenly failed for some reason, Therefore the 4G LTE router system would be an "overkill" situation for them.

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

@shutter always good to have the extra data, really dependent on needs

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Re: Backup connection if internet goes down.

Noting @Okay said (a while back) buying a mobile phone was being considered, but a "basic" one with big keys etc. my belated thoughts are:

1. That type may not do "hotspot" but if it's one you want to carry and use that's fine.

2. A second phone (cheap secondhand one) can be kept at home for "hotspot" use. Just move the SIM over when needed.

3. This second phone could even be one with a poor battery, just have it connected to a charger when needed.

4. Check out which networks are good in your area AND allow hotspots.


I use GiffGaff and actually have an old spare "backup" iPhone with a GiffGaff SIM in it on a PAYG tarriff, but if I need to use it as a hotspot I can buy a data bundle quite cheaply.

In my area GiffGaff (runs over O2) delivers similar speed to my broadband (about 20mbps) though with faster uploads. Hotspots/tethering etc. is allowed.