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CANON MG6851 printer problem

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CANON MG6851 printer problem

I`ve had this scanner/printer a couple of years... it`s not been "over worked"... and generally has worked well, when required.

However... today, I wanted to print off a 12 page calendar ( downloaded from the internet) . which I have used for a few years now, as a "daily diary" on a clip board in the desk drawer.

I have spent about an hour and a half, trying to get the damn thing to print all 12 pages.. !... it should be simple enough... load up the document... press print settings.. set the printer to do what you want it to do, and press "print"...  Oh NO !...

it starts to print off the first page... then on the second page, it seems to slow down somewhat... just detectable sound differences from "normal" printing sounds... the on the third page, it gets about half-way through and stops actually printing, although the paper still proceeds at the normal printing speed, spewing out a half printed sheet..

the little screen on the printer says... ( very politely ) "Please wait momentarily"................


but .. it don`t do anything else.. just stops printing... . checking the print process/schedule, it shows that it is "pending"..  

I have changed the way the printer connects...( its a wireless connection normally, but also have USB connection available).

no difference... I have run through all the cleaning and maintenance processes and all report "good" , so it`s not blocked or empty cartridges....

and the little screen does not say WHY I have to "wait momentarily" either...


Any suggestions..... ?


Oh by the way... I did manage to cobble together several pages 1 to 2.5 that were printed, in to making up a 12 page calendar, by manually altering the dates and month titles... due to the amount of (otherwise) wasted paper.. 

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@Gel  thanks for the linky... however, all the "Latest Drivers" listed are dated 2015... and I think i`m fairly good at saying that I bought this a while after 2015... and the driver that printed ok. in December last year, and all previous years, will be the same one as I (tried to) use just today, for the same print job. !...

However.... there was a facility for contacting the Tech Dept via email, so I have done that. and hopefully, they will get back to me, with some sort of guidance or solution.

Thanks. Wink

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

Yeah, that`s the page I used ! ! ! ...Wink

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

I take it that if you try to print off three or four pages of anything else it works ok without any messages......

The format of the calendar you downloaded, is it the exact same as previous years download, in other words could the problem be in the downloaded document....

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem



The calendar download is the same one I have been using for a number of years...  from the same "shed".  (


As for "other" multi page prints... I have not got any at the moment...but I have tried to re-install the printer driver, and the same 2.5 page happens.


Weirdly,... the printer seems to slow down gradually, as the print  progresses.. as if there is something "in the works"... (such as a dead mouse or dinosaur).... ! slowing the print motor, which drives the printer roller/paper feed... I can`t find a way to "get inside" it to see....



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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@daveplus   thanks for the research, and the linky... having read through that page, it doesn`t seem to cover the problem, which is, that it slows down DURING printing,... not that it is slow to start up or to start printing...

I did a test for a 6x4 photo taken as a screen shot from my laptop... it was excellent quality and printed at the "normal" rate.

I have given it some thought. and I suspect that it may well be a component on the controller board that is either overheating, or has gone duff/high/low during the printing of the second and third page , resulting in the cease of print half way through the third page. and the polite message ! ! .


I also found a YouTube video on how to get inside the printer, dismantling it... but not sure about buying another " duff " printer to rob it of the card.... given some thought to it, though !


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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

I have a different canon printer to yourself but the design is standard for most canon printers....

The printer head moves across a rail, not sure on your model if it’s a metal or plastic rail but looking on my own printer it looks like there may be some type of lubricant on the rail, if there was any slight resistance to movement of the printer head the motor would not be powerful to overcome it thus the slowing down you hear, even motors can partially fail.

Sure this is a very long shot but may be worth considering if all the other options offer no solution.

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@gleneagles  Hmm... yes, indeed... an interesting thought.... will see if I can access it and maybe give it a squirt of WD40 !



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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

Windows 10?
There has been another printer driver "error" from Microsoft.
Updates have been issued to correct a faulty Microsoft patch.
See here
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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@Bogbody  Nah... I`m a Linux Mint  user.... don`t suffer the M$ updates any more....  Cheesy

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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@shutter - Do not use normal WD40 on the printer, or indeed any printer for that matter, what you need is silicone spray like this one :


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Re: CANON MG6851 printer problem

@Mook  Hmm... yeah... actually.... I had a look inside, under the lift up cover for the printer head change of inks, and  I`m not sure where the rail is... although I did see it on the video I mentioned,... looked like I had to do an almost complete dismantle operation for that.. so am leaving it alone for now..

Have been in contact with ARGOS customer service, as I have seen one that they have in several stores, but not my local store...asked them to see if they could transfer one to our local store for me to buy..

It`s a "discontinued" model as far as Canon are concerned, so hopefully, they will want to shift stock, and do the nice thing for me.

(only posted the letter yesteday, so will have to wait a couple of days before I can expect any reply.)