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Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

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Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

Apologies, if I have failed to find an existing thread on this topic.

I have just purchased a new laptop with windows 11 and it installed the new version of outlook. I successfully added my plusnet email accounts as POP. I really do not like the new outlook and managed to install the classic version.I successfully added my gmail accounts to that but am having server timeout issues when trying to add the plusnet ones. The mailbox settings look different from other versions I am familiar with but have added in the server names and ports for POP and set the encrypton method to STARTTLS but I get the rotating wheel that pauses after a while then comes up with the timeout message.

Any advice would we welcomed

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@LoneBee The incoming server needs the 'this server requires an encrypted connection' box checking

The port on the outgoing server should be 587

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@LoneBee - Quote; I have just purchased a new laptop with windows 11 and it installed the new version of outlook.


I`ll be looking to purchase a Windows 11 laptop myself sometime next year due to Windows 10 support being withdrawn and my current laptop being 10 years old! Even though it still works fine. 

My reason for posting is, I thought Outlook was already integrated as part of Windows 11? What I mean is, I have my Windows Outlook log-in symbol at the top of my screen so I only have to left click on it and it opens. I can also sign into it using my MS account username/password. 

So I think what I`m asking here is, when you buy and activate a new Windows 11 laptop/PC, do your exiting email accounts not show automatically? If not, how do you load them? 🤔 I also have a Gmail address but that`s nothing to do with Windows. I`m just curious to know the process because I`ve only ever used this laptop so when the time comes to upgrade, I don`t want to find a screen without some of my accounts showing. I realize I have to `sign in` to Outlook or OneDrive but is it a case of googling the web addresses and accessing them from there? I`m lost.....

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@plusmouse wrote:

I thought Outlook was already integrated as part of Windows 11? What I mean is, I have my Windows Outlook log-in symbol at the top of my screen so I only have to left click on it and it opens. I can also sign into it using my MS account username/password. 

... do your exiting email accounts not show automatically? If not, how do you load them?

 🤔 I also have a Gmail address but that`s nothing to do with Windows.

I`m just curious to know the process because I`ve only ever used this laptop so when the time comes to upgrade, I don`t want to find a screen without some of my accounts showing.

There are several products with have the 'badge' "Outlook" only one of them is the real thing, that which ships as part of a Microsoft 365 subscription.

"New" Outlook which is indeed an application shipped with Windows 11 replaces Windows 10 mail.  It has sought to simplify account configuration by making many very rash assumptions about how mail servers are configured.  It has less opportunity for manual configuration that the problem plagued product it replaced.

Amongst the products called "Outlook" is the webmail product which is accessed using a browser pointed to - therein you do get a login and it takes you to your Microsoft mail account, therefore in that context an existing (MICROSOFT) email account would show "automatically".

On the basis that you are going to use a proper version of Outlook (or indeed any other local email application) you will need to configure your email accounts as part of the commissioning activity.  It is not that difficult, but will need to be done.

Personally if Win10 serves your needs, I would not be rushing out to spend money om a new laptop right now.  I suspect that the replacement for Windows 11 is not that far off!

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@Townman - Thanks for that. I forgot to log back in here so I`m replying later than usual! 

I don`t have a Microsoft 365 subscription so I`m guessing what I need to look for (when/if purchasing a new Windows 11 laptop before October 2025 when the security updates for Windows 10 cease) is this `New` Outlook that as you say, is part of Windows 11. 

However, I thought when the Windows 11 `Edge` browser was opened (that`s the browser I always use by default), all I should have to do is activate my existing Microsoft account to access my Outlook email? One drive etc....using my existing username/password? Quoting you in blue below: 

Amongst the products called "Outlook" is the webmail product which is accessed using a browser pointed to - therein you do get a login and it takes you to your Microsoft mail account, therefore in that context an existing (MICROSOFT) email account would show "automatically". 👍


But all this reconfiguring speak sends my brain into chaos! Which is why I was hoping it would all be a simple `plug & play` exercise when the time comes with some reeducating myself using the Windows 11 interface. I try to stay within the realms of `if it`s not broke, don`t fix it` rather than trying to be too clever and delve into areas I know might confuse me even more.


*Personally if Win10 serves your needs, I would not be rushing out to spend money om a new laptop right now.  I suspect that the replacement for Windows 11 is not that far off!


In bold? That really has surprised me @Townman  because I read that Windows 11 was the all new one-size -fits-all and that was it? Only updates to it would be released? I have obviously fell off a cliff believing Mr Gates wouldn`t want to wring MS users even further if Windows 11 laptops/PC`s end up becoming outdated too (much as Smartphones are after X amount of years) because they want to upgrade their systems.

My laptop is nearing 12 years old and you wouldn`t think it as it works just as well as it did from day one, which is why I`m frustrated that MS are pulling security updates after October 2025 if the machine is not compatible, which sadly, the specs on mine are not. Otherwise I`d be looking to download Windows 11 for the time being and stay loyal to my little gem of a lappy that`s seen me through many difficult times. 😪 I even had to upgrade to Windows 10 some time ago by using the Windows tools. It was like pulling teeth but I done it! Shame they want ££$$ to allow older machines to remain using Windows 10. Looks like I have no other choice. 






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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@Townman  & @plusmouse 

According to this page .....

Windows 12 is "probably" going to be released between July and October 2025...

Lots of new stuff to cope with ! ! ! .

Worth a quick read through to see what is (probably) in store for you when you buy a new laptop. !


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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@plusmouse:  "because I read that Windows 11 was the all new one-size -fits-all and that was it? Only updates to it would be released"

Exactly what they said about Windows 10.

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

Having done more reading about Windows 11 yesterday and finding that many Windows 10 users are not happy bunnies about this and some saying they will stick with W10 regardless using `other` third party security rather than relying on MS Defender? This got me thinking and though I`d throw this out there. For example:

Windows 10 security ends October 2025, leaving many computers vulnerable to all sorts. But....what if Windows 10 users ran a separate malware/anti-virus program (either a FREE version or a paid for version) to remove such a vulnerability? This won`t update apps or issue that the ongoing updates Windows gets currently, but how crucial are windows updates to existing software? I may be talking piffle with all this but I doubt it`s a failsafe route to continue using Windows 10 without falling foul of something happening. I don`t do online banking but I do purchase things online (eBay and one or two other websites) so like other users, I feel compelled to fall on my sword and start looking for something that will suit my purse and needs before the clock stops.



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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

Do not confuse AV/Makeare protection with OS security maintenance.

Be careful what you read, there’s a substantial ill informed anti-change lobby out there. I use both Win10 and Win11 - setting aside that they do have differences, they are not the issues often made out to be.

Yes, New Outlook has various issues, but there’s no obligation to use THAT email client, there are many other options.

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

I didn`t think Malwarebytes (for example) would be a replacement for what`s going to be lost. I feel my best bet will be to research Windows 11 laptops that have better specs than this older model that will future proof me for the years to come without Microsoft announcing in five years they will be again upping the stakes. So if they do, I`m hoping the laptop I choose has the capacity to cope with any more fun and games.

I don`t want to be spending more than around £350/400 for a laptop I only use for mundane things. No gaming, no streaming movies or anything like that. Windows isn`t perfect but it`s what I`m used to, so switching to a Chromebook for example or, other platforms would probably be a bridge too far for me. 

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

In my reflective mode and thinking of the future, I do ask myself which in the short term has the fewer vulnerabilities?
Say Win 10, which has been around for years now and has received numerous updates, some I assume being security related, but no longer supported  


A brand new version, for example the upcoming Win 12, with active security monitoring but potentially having multiple vulnerabilities yet to be identified?

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@Baldrick1 It`s all very confusing to say the least. Microsoft seem to have thrown a bone to existing Windows 10 users only to then flirt the idea that we should wait for Windows 12 instead?!! Or, do they a Windows 11 oven-ready laptop anyway to kick things off and you`ll get the `12 update` when that becomes available? Presuming the Windows 11 laptop you have purchased doesn`t fall below their expectations on hardware yet again. Or it`s back to square one....which we all want to avoid. 

Then there`s the rumor that MS might begin charging a monthly/annual rate to use their Windows system? Some people online saying they think that`s what`s coming but who knows.

It`s making sure I buy a laptop that future proofs me for any surprises down the line. I currently have a Windows 10 HOME edition that`s seen me through thick and thin for 11 years. My laptop was running from day one with Windows 7 when bought refurbished from Curry`s for £299!. I then had to refer to the Windows assistant to change to Windows 10 around three years ago. That wasn`t easy either but I managed it....somehow.




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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop


There are two separate issues here:

1. Will Microsoft move to a subscription only platform? Who knows, I hope not.

2. Obsolescence. To be fair to MS, it wasn’t until Win 11 that they introduced the need to have TPM active on a PC motherboard. The latest version, TPM 2.0 came out in 2014. This caused considerable angst to those with earlier hardware when Microsoft insisted (yes, I know there are work arounds) on its use. I have to believe that was introduced as a security feature, not a cunning plan to make millions buy a new PC. I am not aware of any other such hardware/firmware motherboard features that have been introduced in recent years that would prevent an upgrade to a next generation operating system as in this case.

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

The subscription talk is rather worrying but I suppose that would depend on pricing and how many Windows users would warm to it (or not). MS could lose a hell of a lot of users to Android! Users ditching their PC`s for alternative means, although speaking for myself, I know trying to use my Smartphone as a PC would drive me bandy! 


TPM on a PC motherboard? You`ve lost me now @Baldrick1 !! But then I`m no tech guru. Much of this hardware and spec talk goes over my head. I have read today some features about Windows 12 `coming soon` so the belief that Windows 11 was going to be the all new shiny interface seems out of date already. 🙄 I can see I`m going to have a migraine with all this. 

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Re: Outlook set up onClassic Outlook on Windows 11 Laptop

@Baldrick1 I find the TPM issue rather confusing. Yes it's been around for a while but, certainly initially, I (as a lifelong IT professional) saw it as primarily a business/corporate feature and I still don't understand quite why it is so vital. So it's "mandating" on consumer systems is somewhat confusing, indeed I don't think it was common on consumer hardware for some years after introduction.

Though I think M$ has somewhat relented and now allows systems to upgrade to W11 without TPM2 (maybe TPM1.2 is needed, not sure?) though initially they certainly didn't. And some hardware suppliers provide the means for some systems to upgrade from their initial TPM1.2 to TPM 2 but many don't.

All the rumours seem to suggest that TPM2 will be mandatory for Windows 12 when it arrives, probably in late 2025.