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Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Have you tried using a USB connection between the printer and a computer, and then using the HP Printer Assistant software on the computer to connect the printer to the wireless network?

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer


As seen on the attached  home network tab, shows nothing connected to the USB.

I have switched off the firewall, refreshed, but still nothing connected to the USB

the usb cable is known good.

Printer still same issue.

Do you have an external USB hard drive or similar that you could plug into the USB port of the Hub One?

If you don't see that device showing on the network map either, I'd try a factory reset of the router by pushing a paperclip into the reset pinhole at the back for 20 seconds/until the light along the front goes green.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

@POMPEYFAN, there is a procedure known technically as WiFi Protected Set-up.  Read about it here:

Basically, you press a button on your router and a button on your device in quick succession, the two devices exchange information and complete the WiFi set-up automatically.  Is that what you mean when you write that the printer connects to your TPLink router "automatically"?  I ask because it has never been clear to me from what you have posted that this is what you are trying to do.  The others trying to help you are working on the basis that you have tried WiFi Protected Set-up and it has failed but as you have never been explicit about what you are doing that my be a dangerous assumption.  So can you please humour me and confirm that what you have tried and not succeeded with (for the Plusnet router) is WiFi Protected Set-up.   

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi ReedRichards

Thanks for your reply.

Yes, that is exactly how it's done.

This is from the HP Printer manual, I have done a precis on it but this is the relevant text, as I dont have touch screen control, this bit of the instruction has been removed.:

This document is for HP printers.
Before you can use your HP printer, a wireless or wired connection between devices is required. Install an HP driver or app to guide you through the wireless network, USB cable, or Ethernet connection setup.
  1. Confirm the printer is turned on, ink cartridges are installed, and plain paper is loaded in the main tray.
  2. For wireless printing, restore the printer's default network settings to clear any problems. The printer remains in first-time wireless setup mode for two hours after settings are restored.
  3. Printers without a touchscreen control panel: Press and hold the Wireless and Cancel buttons at the same time until the Power light flashes, and then wait for the Wireless light to flash.
  4. For wireless printing, connect the printer to the local Wi-Fi network your computer or mobile device is connected to.
  5. Printers without a touchscreen control panel: Within two hours of restoring the default network settings, press and hold the Wi-Fi Protected Setup WPS button on the router until the connection process begins. The Wireless light on the printer stops flashing when the connection completes.
    If your router does not have a WPS button, use the HP Smart app to set up the printer connection.* (My router does have an WPS button so app is not necessary)

The WPS light on the router flashes for about two minutes, maybe a bit less.

And that's it. Simples.

I am so unimpressed with the Plusnet router I have binned it. I bought a brand new TP link Router and had the printer connected and printing within ten minutes of getting out the router of the box. In fact I am writing this via the TP Link Router now.


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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Sorry to hear that.

Were you able to try the steps in my post Here?

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎07-12-2018

Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi Gandalf,

Thanks for your reply, I did not do that. I dont think resetting would cure the problem, as the router is new. I am a new Plusnet  customer, so I am assuming (Dont assume anything - ever) that it would not need clearing anyway.

As per my prevous post, I have binned the plusnet router and bought a TP Link router. The new router works fine and we are all able to print via the TP LINK router.

Just really disappointed in Plusnet telling me their router supports wireless printers when clearly it does not.

The router will end up in landfill, never having been used at the end of my contract.

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

I did not do that. I dont think resetting would cure the problem, as the router is new. I am a new Plusnet  customer, so I am assuming (Dont assume anything - ever) that it would not need clearing anyway.

I've seen a factory reset fix a variety of odd issues no matter how old a router is.


Just really disappointed in Plusnet telling me their router supports wireless printers when clearly it does not.

I think that's a bit of a generalisation. There are many people who connect a Hub One to their printer wirelessly, myself included. I'm sure there would've been a way to get it working, but I understand you've decided to buy a 3rd party router and I'm happy that it's sorted now.


The router will end up in landfill, never having been used at the end of my contract.

While it's entirely your decision how you'd like to dispose of the router, I'd recommend recycling it instead in line with the WEEE Legislation:

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Plusnet don't spend a lot on the routers they supply to clients; in some respects they are fine but in other respects not so good.  Although Plusnet would probably claim that, with enough fiddling around, their router can be made to support your printer, if it cannot manage WiFi Protected Set-up then I agree that is poor.

Maybe Plusnet will send you a reply-paid envelope so you can send their router back to them to avoid the landfill?      

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Good luck with the printer.

If HP want to stop supporting the ink cartridges they can pull the plug on you, remotely.

Also you seem quite happy to have them monitoring your printing activities.

"In The Beginning Was The Word, And The Word Was Aardvark."

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Well at least you've got your problem sorted.

I can't comment on the precise reason why you had problems getting the router to work with your printer, perhaps it is faulty router or maybe there is some config change needed.

What you've tried to do is not exactly unusual, so if it were a fault with the generic router model I'd expect a lot more complains on here about this.

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

In my job I helped a lot of people set-up their printers on WiFi.  I would always try WPS in the first instance, because it is quick, and I would say that it failed to work about 1 time in 4.  I never noticed any correlation with make of printer or router when it failed.  When WPS fails there is always another way, but it can take much more time.  In the early days of WiFi-enable printers (and sometimes even now) you had to make a wired USB connection in order to set up the WiFi.   

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi Gandalf,

Thnaks for your reply. You have me intrigued now.

You said

Just really disappointed in Plusnet telling me their router supports wireless printers when clearly it does not.

I think that's a bit of a generalisation. There are many people who connect a Hub One to their printer wirelessly, myself included. I'm sure there would've been a way to get it working, but I understand you've decided to buy a 3rd party router and I'm happy that it's sorted now.

Its not really sorted though is it?

So how did you do it? is your printer an HP 3630 Printer?

Has your printer got instant ink?

As far as I'm concerned, I am happy to take the TP Link router back to the shop. I really did not want to spend £80 getting a router when Plusnet supplied one.

Apart from doing a reset, I have tried everything contributors have suggested, all failed.

You say you are sure you can get it working. How? Please tell me how to do it other than the suggestions already made.

Unless there is some magic setting in the Plusnet router I'm not aware of, then I stand by my statement:

The router does not work with my HP wireless printer.

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Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi VileReynard,

Thanks for your post.

I think you really need to understand why I am worked up about.

The most important thing is that the Printer is my daughters printer. She has bought it for her university degree. She has signed up for the instant ink, such that for a monthly fee, the ink use is monitored, when the ink gets low they send her new cartridges. If you don't use much ink, i.e. occasional printing then this may be an expensive option, but for the amount she uses for her degree course then it is cost effective. So yes, HP can switch the ink off. Only if you stop paying the £1 a month fee.

They are not looking at what she is printing out or "printing activities"  like you seem to be implying. What are you like?

So yes, I am worked up about the Plusnet router not working because it gives my daughter a load of grief that she can do without. Just in case you are remotely interested, she is not doing some noddy degree in basket weaving, she is doing Paramedic Science and juggles course work with 12 hour nightshifts on an ambulance, so she can do without this nonsense.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2018

Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi Alex,

Thanks for your post.

I haven't got it sorted though really. I have a way around. What I am complaining about is that the supplied Plusnet router does not work.

The work around is to go and spend a whole bunch of money on one that does.

Why supply people with a router that does not work with wireless printers.

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Registered: ‎07-12-2018

Re: Plusnet Router does not support a wireless printer

Hi Reedrichards

The Wps on the Plusnet router worked for the TV. No messing around. The TV picked up the broadcast signal from the PN router. Instruction on the TV was press the WPS on the router. I did that, and by the time I got back in front of the TV, it had set up. No problem. With the printer, same procedure, if you look back through previous posts I have copied instructions from the HP manual. however the Printer would never connect to the router, no matter how many times I tried, no matter what suggestions from this forum I followed.

I go buy a TP Link router and the TV connected straight away again using the WPS. The Printer connected straight away, again using the WPS. Pressed the WPS button once in each case, not multiple times.

The wired method does not work either because the printer still needs to connect to the web for the instant ink. Really, it does not work, I have tried everything.

Einstien is allegedly been quoted as saying "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results” Whether he actually said it or not does not matter but it does sum the issue up nicely.

The Printer will not connect to the Plusnet router. The printer is just a wireless device, just like the telly, so why does it not connect?