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Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

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Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

Have been having problems with 4k Video Downloader in that when I try to add a link to the downloader, it starts Parsing (so I can select the grade of video quality) but then it just quits the downloader. Does anyone know why it is doing that, and if so, is it just for certain videos or all of them? Is there a solution?

Thanks for any help

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck  You need to make sure you have got the latest, up to datest version... so if there is a "flash" about downloading an update.... do it...  the download does actually update it... so you should be ok... however.. might be a good idea just to shut it down after the download has done... and then restart it.

Sometimes... when you are on Youtube... and you click the "linky"  and its "Parsing"... then nothing ... could be that you have got one video from a "group" of videos...   or a Playlist group. 

If you select the title under the video screen area, then put that into the youtube search area. and search... you may come up with a different url, and that should "parse" and give you the versions you can select from in the normal way.

hope that helps..


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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

Hello @shutter . I've tried your suggestions, but no luck. Thanks anyway. It seems I have the latest version of 4k Video Downloader, and when I found I had selected a video that was in a playlist, it asked if I wanted all of it or just that clip - I asked for the clip, and 4k fell over again.

I've also found a sort of User Forum on 4k Video Downloader, and there have been a number of complaints over the last month about parsing no longer working since the latest update. No replies from 4k as yet, so no solution from them. I wont hold my breath waiting for a cure.

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck wrote:



... there have been a number of complaints over the last month about parsing no longer working since the latest update. No replies from 4k as yet, so no solution from them. I wont hold my breath waiting for a cure.


I don't download that much with the program, but I've had the same problem several times with different videos, but not every time, using v 4.14.something, so maybe not confined to the latest version.  I usually decline the offer of upgrading, habit I guess, if it ain't broke don't fix it and all that, and just assumed it was a problem with the videos or their links.

As it happens I'd tried unsuccessfully to download a particular video yesterday, but after about three attempts I gave up.  I'm pretty sure I've downloaded it in the past but couldn't find it quickly hence yesterdays attempt. 

I've just let the program update to v x64 and tried the same video again.  It instantly parsed and flashed up the options to choose resolution, and downloaded.

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck  can you post the video title.. ( as showing underneath the video screen.)

AND    the url, of that vdeo  .....  (or send me a PM if you like)

and I can give it a go, to see what happens on my version.


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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@shutter  & @RobPN 

I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling 4k twice. I get the latest version - the one quoted by Rob - and it still doesn't download the video I am after. Also, both reinstalls have resulted in an 'incorrect' or non-normal icon. I try right-clicking on the icon, selecting Properyies then 'Change Icon', selecting the only icon in the list (the normal icon), Apply, and OK, but the icon on the desktop is still 'incorrect' - like the position has been reserved, shows the correct title, but a dummy icon.

Will try to attach a screenshot of the You Tube video page so you can see its URL, etc. Fingers crossed

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@shutter  & @RobPN 

Attached screen shot of icon

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck  OK... Got the PDF pic...  went to You tube from Google search..... opened You Tube...  put in  Railway Roundabout 1962....   got the video up...   started to run it... then clicked on "Paste Link"... took a little while, then reported ... something like   "no such link"   ... ... went to the URL on the top of the page... copied and pasted it into the area where it shows the laptop.. ... started parsing.... took a little while.. ( its a long video ! ! ) .. eventually came up with the download options as shown.




Didn`t download it though....


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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'


Did you mean you didn't download it, or that 4k Video Downloader wouldn't download it? Basically, you seem to have gone as far as I did, but in my case, when I had selected the "quality" and clicked on Download, 4k Video Downloader just crashed out.

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck   No.. I did not physically, click "download" for the selected version.....  so I will have another go now, and see if it completes ( or not ) the download of the video..


Well, this time, there was no problem using the "Paste Link" button.... went straight to parsing... then after clicking the download button, it started the first part of the download.... after a few minutes, it started the second part and has just finished completely.





Not sure if having the video "paused" while downloading made any difference... ( normally when I do music vids, they are running during the download ..... )



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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'


I just downloaded it fine, ( ) approx 339 MB

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

same vid.... same size download. ! .

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@shutter  & @RobPN 

According to the troubleshooting section on the 4k video Downloader web site, one cause of not being able to download a video could be any antivirus software, and that the solution is to put the video source in the Whitelist in the antivirus s/w. I've got Malwarebytes Free, but that doesn't seem to have a way of accessing a Whitelist-type of file, unless I have the Premium version. If that is the case, I may be looking for some other a/v.

Anyway, I think we may have gone as far as we can go with this particular problem, so I'll write "Thankyou" to both of you for your help, and close this.

All the best. Take care

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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck  it may not be Malwarebytes..... uninstall it..... reboot.... start you tube... find video... start video... pause video.... start 4k ..... and see what happens..


If it downloads... it was Malwarebytes...   if it doesn`t... it wasn`t !  Smiley

The Full Monty
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Re: Problem with '4k Video Downloader'

@penneck  @shutter  - If you are using the 'Free' version of Malwarebytes, it won't be that - it only runs 'live' if you have the paid for version.
