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Three... no longer giving out public IP addresses

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Re: Three... no longer giving out public IP addresses

perhaps if you'd stick to one idea of what your planning to do it would make things simpler, your first post about rc stuff indicated your planning to build something that can go anywhere and just be controlled via mobile broadband access,  your next post about it indicated your planning to run the whole thing off battery power,

I posted my replies accordingly, both initial scenarios will require significant capital outlay and fall under licencing requirements, as will a control interface via mobile internet of any type,

what you can or cant physically cobble together and use isn't the same as what you can legally do, and suggesting now that your only intention is to use it at some licenced venue is also rather different to your earlier indications of "go anywhere" use


Moderator's note by Mike (Mav) Excess white space removed.

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Re: Three... no longer giving out public IP addresses

Yes I did mention it being controllable over the web and go anywhere. What would you rather happen if i had a Tx failure? - the unit just venture off and do whatever it likes or have a chance to bring it back? Yes I do also admit that I do find the very possibility interesting and i'd certainly like to be able to look at it.. but for the time being i'd be happy just to get it all functional so that **in theory** it is doable. It doesn't mean i would actually do it.


As for ground based units, there is no restriction on them that i am aware of and so yes, full control over the internet is something i want to look at.

Unfortunately nano, sticking to one idea as you put it... well thats not easy considering i have several. Thats why I was here talking about public IP addresses and vpns.. I was happy keeping to that but seeing as the topic went slightly off the rails when you mentioned moving fromn tower to tower... I had mentioned that anything drone related would be an expense for another decade remember - we could have left it there... but no... you had to start talking moving between towers and going OTT.... lol.

Anyway I suggest you and I leave it there nano.. we'll never agree on anything here unless we meet face to face and hammer out the differences until we reach a point where we agree on certain aspects... and thats not going to happen.

As for running the whole thing from battery power... I don't recall saying anything using those such words, i am open minded between batteries or nitro. But again.. lets agree to disagree.


Moderator's note by Mike (Mav): Full quote of preceding post removed as per Forum rules

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Re: Three... no longer giving out public IP addresses

@MJN wrote:

Do you have a link regarding their (possible) cessation of offering public IP addresses?

Apologies MJN I misread your post and saw cessation as concession hence my rather stupid reply to you.

Their comments were part of a twitter exchange where I asked them if i could still get a public IP via mobile broadband to which they replied that they have stopped issuing them. I'm not going to point to the exchange of tweets as i don't want my twitter details made public here.

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Re: Three... no longer giving out public IP addresses

Thanks 7up. I did get a little confused by your response! Wink