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windows XP SP3 iso download

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windows XP SP3 iso download

Can anyone tell me if......
If I start downloading the    Windows XP Service Pack 3 - ISO-9660 CD Image File    to make my own CD copy, from the Windows Downloads site, it is expected to take between 1.75 and 4.75 hours, depending on  download speed..... I would like to do this during the "free period"  (after midnight)
IF I start the download, and the laptop decides it want to go to sleep, will the download continue onto my HDD, or will it get interupted, and  I have to continue with my download manager, the following night, until I have it all safe and sound. Undecided
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

you could go into power management and tell it to never go to sleep when on mains.
Right click on a blank bit of screen, select properties, then select screen save, then adjust the three selection under when on mains. 
QED.  Cheesy Cool
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Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

Thanks Pierre,  I thought there must be a way to keep the computer awake for longer than ten minutes ! But I did not want to be "the way" to do it ! ! Cheesy Roll_eyes
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Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

Most of the power only work when its not in use IE the spin down disk after x mins wont stop the disk while its downloading as the disk is working. with most of the setting will only shutdown the screen if there is a down load. It should come down quickly as MS normally have a very fast server unless everyone is downloading at once which rare.

As there are lots of report of pc going into an endless reboot after sp3 people wont be fighting over it.
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Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

On I suppose the same subject, I currently have autodownload on both my XP machines, it is a bit of a pain when switching off on the second Tuesday, i.e. what is Bill the Pensioner  going to do now. I think I should turn it off before he decides to download SP3, does any one know a quick route to do this, the Microsoft down load link like to hide it well.
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Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

I have now completed the download (last night) no problem.... (thanks pierre).... I have made the CD this morning, and that has been verified, so I am now ready to install.....
In response to Pierre`s query.... surely when the "official"  "automatic" download is released, and starts, it will recognise that SP3 is already installed, and not install it again....?
Or am I wrong on this point?
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

I aint got sp3 Crazy
I want to wait for the problems to get sorted out
Cheesy Grin
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Registered: ‎30-07-2007

Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

apparently as well as sp2 updates rolled up and called sp3, the download also includes other things.  So, with autoupdate sp3 will check the computer, see what is already downloaded and just download the extras. I have been waiting for this myself, and have read that it will be delivered via autoupdate on 10 June.  But, users of other forums have been saying since early this month that they have received sp3 via autoupdates.  It's just a question of wait and see I guess.  I am making more frequent drive images anyway.
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Re: windows XP SP3 iso download

Have a look at Shermons comments on this link:;topicseen#new
May explain why some people have had problems with SP3.