Isn't the Weather rubbish today? This is going to be a quick one so I can escape before the heavens open again! Over in Networks:
Today in the Networks department Carl and Mike have been planning our new traffic management database cluster. The rest of us have been fixing a variety of problems, answering tickets and working on future developments.
Comms Team:
There has only been Bob and myself in the land of comms today but we've been beavering away on change controls and some internal documentation.
Marketing Team:
On a grey day here in Sheffield, the marketing team have been keeping an ear on local radio to hear the new PlusNet ads. That's while cracking on with our regular work of course, which has been largely focussed on a couple of offers that will be launched in the morning. Chris has also been compiling the results of the February cancellation survey and we've been assessing the success of recent email campaigns. Short and sweet from us today, see you tomorrow.
and finally Development:
Most of the Dev department is busy as usual with phase 2 of the Brightview integration. There's no sign of the new starters yet - we're guessing they've been swallowed up by the usual HR new starter process and induction stuff, so in the meantime we've been getting prepared for their arrival by setting up desks, computers, torture devices etc. We may get t o meet them tomorrow ...
--- I hope you are all warm and safe at home tonight, and your roofs all hold out!