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End of Day: 18th April

End of Day: 18th April

End of Day: 18th April

Well here we are again, the end of another week. Is time going faster or is it just my theory on six dimensional space time to try and negate the effects of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle catching up with us all? So what have we all been doing on this Friday then? First up on the list is Barbara to tell us not only what HR have done today but all week: Wednesday was our all day, monthly HR Strategy team meeting; where we put together our action plans of how we aim to achieve our Q1/08-09 objectives. Diane has spent a lot of her time within recruitment for all her teams: specifically: marketing recruitment externally and, products, QA and Networks internally. There’s been a final bonus / pay review collation of figures, and also the delivery of a final performance management workshop. All in all, we’ve been a bunch of busy bees this week, and unusually have had lots of paper to contend with, with regards to everyone’s contracts which encompass all the great employee benefits we have put into place! Next, over to Martyn in Marketing: Phil and Chris are representing the Marketing team in the 10k run on Sunday. Their training regimes couldn't be any more different, with Phil going on training runs around the course while Chris has been drinking beer and eating bacon butties. By Monday we'll know which one was most successful. (Ed: should I bet on Chris?) Today we've been working on all sorts of stuff, including writing an email about My Referrals. We've also been discussing potential partnerships to help us promote Broadband Your Way Pro and doing some last minute charity fundraising for the run. See you next week. Pete's been having a fun day with the Web Dev team, speak to us kemo sabe: Howdy pardners.. a quick round up from the Web Dev posse. The Sheriff's out of town and Black Pete has been working on presentations for the Governor, helping out Cactus Bob by fixing bits of old Help Assistant and planning for next week - Powerpoint, dont'cha just love it? Six-guns Sam has been working with Marketing on fresh designs for parts of the website. And very smart they are looking too - the pages that is, not Marketing. Deputy Jonny has been working with Hang'em High Colin developing a more effective way of reporting how many bugs we have in project work, specifically sitting with our team. The Project Red Hand Gang have been beavering away on various Brightview-related items (no change there but confidence is high that deadlines will be met). Finally, Desperate Dan has been developing systems that will help us to more efficiently test our 'mock' services. Nearly time to hit the dusty trail.. And almost for the end for today we've got Emma with the CSC report: Welcome to the top five on this a rather grey day in Sheffield, so much for April eh?! (Ed: plenty of snow about yesterday, or the day before I forget) Lots of calls:

  1. Router setup: lots of customers wanting help with their new routers, ones either from us or the ones from stores, alot of the time its due to a dialup service blocking the ability to get to the router configuration screen, this is usually a easy, quick fix
  2. Fault updates: customers, usually those with No Sync faults calling to find ut the updates, the SMS service has much improved the level of service we offer and the customer feels more in control.
  3. Email setup: this invoices offering advice on mailboxes the details required and how to use the webmail.
  4. Provisioning: lots of house moves, not just residential but business as well.
  5. and finally number 5 is billing: lots of queries with regards to the discount for home phone and how this is reflected in the account through the portalOne other issue seen today has been a number of reports of customers getting a "554 SMTP error" message when using email.

Darren cutting the cakeThe products team today have (hopefully) enjoyed a home baked chocolate cake. Ian, Rich and Darren challenged the fact that I can cook and in response I said I'd make a chocolate cake. And I did with the intention of proving either way whether I can or can't cook. We did share some of it though but there wasn't enough for everyone, especially when Comms probably scoffed more than their fair share (kidding guys). Now what to have next Friday? I think Ian should bring us an Apple pie... Does remind me of an old tradition we had at a former employer where we convinced the new recruits that we always brought cake to our team meetings, and as they were new it was their turn. We had lots of nice cake for a good few weeks and I can't remember if we ever told them the truth. Well if you're reading, sorry guys. Have a good weekend everyone and we'll see you on Monday.


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