I missed the fun of the 'Snow Day' on Tuesday by being off (but being amazed to find that according to the End of Day I'd been doing 'Project Work'), but experienced the full force of it this morning when I waited 15 minutes on a bus... then took 90 minutes to get to work. Annoyingly, there'd been at least 3 buses go past in the previous 10 minutes, but I was too slow at getting my shoes on to get out the door! Granted, James in the Web Team had already started working by then, upgrading the Community Site software to the latest releases... if you can see this, then I think it's safe to say it has worked. Unfortunately, the Sheffield Public Transport system has been having various parts suspended throughout the day today, so I doubt there were many staff actually in work by the time it came to composing the End of Day, so there's been very few submissions. The Web Team have been upgrading the Community Site, working on some big, and small, projects. This has included making sure that the new central that was installed earlier in the week is represented on the packet drop graphs and also some work on some forthcoming projets. Dave from Products gives us:
Well it's been a day similar to Tuesday in Products. I woke up this morning and looked out the window and saw that all of the cars in the car park were covered in a couple of inches of snow that had fallen over night. Logged on to Jabber to see what the weather was like in Sheffield and how bad the roads were and was told "mental" so arranged another day of working from home. Well I'm saving on the petrol at least but not the electric. Wonder if I make a net saving overall. Another drop in the interest rates does help though, soon the bank will be paying me to have a mortgage
So what's been happening today? Working on the 21CN trial, lots of interest from people wanting to take part. We're staggering the orders out a bit so they don't all become active in a short period of time. Asset reconciliation work, checking that the ADSL circuits our suppliers are billing us for match the ones we think they should be billing for. And lastly network monitoring and tweaking; the weather again is meaning people, like myself, are working from home so the network is pretty busy again.
I'm hoping that the weather will have improved by the weekend, as I really don't fancy any more of this snow, unless I can get out to play in it! Colin