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End Of Day: 4th February

End Of Day: 4th February

End Of Day: 4th February

G'day! Before I start on the EOD, a quick bit of news for you. Tomorrow morning, I'll be in hideously early (well, ok just after 7...) with James from the Web Team as we upgrade the software running the Community Site. All going well, you guys won't notice a thing. We'll be moving to Wordpress 2.7, which improves the administration sections significantly and keeps us on the current stable version. On with the update! Aaron from Networks

As usual we're all working hard on several projects; daily network maintenance and problem investigation. Areas of focus include the network design for our new data centre; Exim and LDAP prep work pending a service migration to Ironport; an assault on our internal ticket pool; further development paving the way for our 21CN (with a small number of lucky trialists invited to, well, trial it); and citrix project stuff.

Chris reports on disturbing emotional conditions within the Comms Team. Perhaps they aren't happy that the snow has almost all melted away!

Well for some reason there has been an unfathomable amount of anger floating around the desk today, with Bob and Matt both snarling like unfed Rottweilers. James has been vanishing for large chunks of the day again, training no doubt. Mand's been looking at problems and listening to some music, not sure what else as she has her headphones on so I won't disturb her. Bob's been handling the vast quantities of change controls coming his way and also breaking his laptop (yes another one). Matt's been working on the newsletter and generally being angry. I've been trying to clear down my task list and making some comms plans for upcoming projects I'm involved in. I'll leave you with a cheerful 'GOODBYE' and we'll see you tomorrow, that's Thursday for those of you without access to a calendar.

And finally we have ChrisM from the CSC Faults Team

Faults has been very busy, partly due to the severe weather conditions we have experienced over the last couple of days. Here's what the faults agents have been working on today:
  • Tony has been working on logged faults. Working on the oldest tickets first, he has cleared a lot of logged speed issues and also worked on jeopardy reporting
  • Like Tony, Brad has also worked on jeopardy reporting and the oldest faults logged with BT. He has also been in charge of side by side mentoring and giving me some training
  • Alex has worked on a large amount of CSC Speed faults, keeping the ticket pool down
  • Adam Kelly has worked on jeopardy reporting
  • Rich has actioned quite a few home phone tickets of various types, handled escalations and some LLU accounts
  • Today Tom has been working on intermittent faults
  • I focused on intermittent, DSL faults and also worked through the retest pool

-- Cross your fingers for us tomorrow morning readers! k

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