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Friday 10th July

Friday 10th July

Friday 10th July

It's end of another week, seems to have been a long week but I think three sets of early morning rollouts and leaving late does that. Still, at home now and the last task of the week is to post the End of Day. So, what's happened this week? First thing I'll mention is Fibre to the Cabinet. BT this week announced an expansion of their rollout of FTTC aiming to reach 40% of the country by 2012. We today placed our first customer order today, so tune in in a week and a bit to find out how it goes. Sadly my exchange isn't on the list but we'll be feeding back which exchanges we want next Smiley What else has been going on this week? The Ashes has been causing lots of traffic, plenty of iPlayer traffic as people listen to the BBC's radio commentary but also, thank to a signature we added this morning, there's been a fair bit of SkyPlayer traffic, hitting a high of just under 150Mbps at lunchtime today. We also added a signature for ITVPlayer this morning, not a lot we can tell you yet except during Jeremy Kyle this morning it was doing about 6Mbps. Of course we can't see what shows people are watching just how much traffic each application is doing which in turn helps us with our capacity management. iPlayer gets the headlines of course but the other catch-up and live TV services will just increase in usage too as people get used to iPlayer. And of course being being able to plot usage trends and predict spikes can be invaluable. Next on my list to look at is 4oD. Enough though of my waffle, what's everyone else been up to? Let's start off with Mand from the Comms Team:

It's Friiiiiiiiiiiiday. This makes your Comms Team happy.

It's also James' birthday, so happy birthday Bailey boy.

Today Bob has been mostly working on preparations for our upcoming data centre move.

James has been in the forums and working on our Easy Setup trial, along with Matt.

Chris is at home ill, get well soon cparr.

I've been doing problems, change controls, and a couple of complex cleanup tasks.

We also had biscuits, laughed at our esteemed leader getting all irate over trivial rules, and marvelled that social networking is a more reliable source of news than news sites following the massive amount of tweets regarding a fire in Soho before the news got hold of it.

Have a good weekend, see you on the other side (of the weekend, not anything more sinister ;)).

And just chipping in is birthday boy Jimbo:

"We also had biscuits"

I think you mean pseudo cake.

Next is Rys from Dev:

This week's gone so quickly that it was easy to forget what day it was from one to the next. It's a knock-on effect from Dev running flat out this week. We've got some friends from QBurst in the department for a while which, added to a couple of good developers leaving the company recently and projects running at greater than full speed, means that nobody's had time to stop.

In amongst helping the QBurstians settle in this week has been some notable work. Biggest of all is our successful testing against BT's provisioning system for 21CN. Our Java business tier and the PHP side are both doing the right thing there now, so with certification from BT in the bag we can move on to the next step in offering ADSL2+ products in the future, from a dev point of view.

On top of that there's ongoing work on our reseller portal from me, quite a bit of work on our internal Workplace system which I've been helping to code review, some work from another team on performance improvements for the reseller portal (it can struggle when faced with large datasets, so scaling is an issue).

Oh, and lots of work on our business product stack from Ben, who's leading technical direction on a Zend Framework trial on that project, with QBurst. It's going great so far.

Oh, and I'm learning to drive! So wish me luck, and if you live in Sheffield, be careful crossing the road near Crosspool!

Lastly for today is Katie from the Customer Services team:

Had a busy day in customer services today, lots of calls coming through so apologies for any delays you've experienced.

Mark's been on holiday making the most of the sun and black clouds that keep passing by.

Kim has been working down in retentions and Vicky has been helping in Business.

Rae, Daniele and I have been taking calls and anwering tickets, we are all going to reward ourselves with wine this evening.

Vicky and Kim are working the later shift tonight.

We all have our fingers crossed for a sunny weekend (not that its going to happen) for family visits, BBQ's, weddings and hen party planning that are all happening.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


And that's it for another week, time to put the laptop away, feed the tomato plants and think about what to do this weekend. Take care everyone...

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