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Thursday, July 9th

Thursday, July 9th

Thursday, July 9th

Just a very quick update today - Everyone's been running around with a bunch of projexcts that are drawing close to a conclusion.  We'll try harder on Friday! Our sole update for today comes from Lee in the Faults Team: Afternoon all, here's the faults end of day. Another busy day for the faults team on this wonderful and sunny day. I have been dealing with No synchronisation faults logged with BT as well as new intermittent connection faults. Craig has been dealing with new speed faults. Keith has been dealing with 21CN faults and new speed faults. Paul has been dealing with retesting faults and new authentication issues. Andy has also been helping me on new intermittnet connection faults. Once Adheel and Brad strolled into the office today, Adheel has been looking into PSTN (Voice) Faults, while Brad has been doing Intermittent faults logged with BT. Simon the faults team leader has been his usual very busy self in meetings and conference calls with BT Wholesale. Thanks Lee!  Plus a congratulations to our CSC trainer, Mike Trevor, who's wife gave birth to a bouncing boy, Leon. Cheers, James

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