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EOD: 8th of July

EOD: 8th of July

EOD: 8th of July

Good evening! I hope you all had a good day today. Everyone seems pretty chipper here: Mark from Provisioning

Hi, and welcome to the provisioning EoD It has been a lovely sunny day in Sheffield, no sign of the predicted rain as yet. We are halfway through the week too, which is always good. Today:
  • Rob has been working in the delayed orders pool. He is going to the cinema tonight (No idea to see what though)
  • Alice has been working in the migrations pool. She's just got back from a friends wedding in Brighton and she had a lovely time.
  • Andy has been working in the house moves pool. He is still in the middle of decorating his new flat.
  • Malik has been working in the order progress pool. He has just bought a new house, so will likely be decorating it.
  • I have been working in the ceases pool. I am also in the middle of decorating my new house.... it's really boring! (I'm sure Andy and Malik will agree with me!)
Songs of choice this week are Bulletproof by La Roux and Heavy Cross by The Gossip. Thanks for reading!

Ben from The CSC

The call centre's been busy as we were a little short handed covering staff holidays and some sickness so I'm sorry if you wanted longer than we would like to speak to us. Our top five issues for calls are as follows:
  1. Fault updates Our faults team work between 8am and 9pm and often can't contact a customer, leading to those customers calling us for an update.
  2. New faults There have been one or two outages reported today and a normal mix of the major fault types provoking calls.
  3. Router setup 'Easy setup' routers are around the corner, we can't wait! For now, we're still helping a reasonable proportion of our new and existing customers setting up their routers.
  4. Provisioning updates Lots of new customers are eager to get online with their new broadband and so call us for an update on their order.
  5. General account queries Our new broadband products are very competitive in the market and a number of our existing customers have been calling us for more information about them, or to change their current product.

Chris from Comms

Commmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmms - we really do put the mmmmmmmmmmmmmm in comms. So today has been filled with the joys of Spring, the woes of Autumn, the majestic trotting of the Winter otters and the cheery stickiness of Summer. Tomorrow is Thursday, which means we're nearer Friday and that can't be a bad thing. Matt has been beavering away working on the easy setup trial and doing some other bits n bobs along with it. James has been rabbiting on the forums and helping out with some more complex customer issues. He even went to a meeting. Mand isn't at her desk, which means she's in a meeting. Im pretty sure she's been badgering our dev guys about some problem cleanups she's working on. Bob's been working on some internal planning and looking after our Twitter followers. I've been playing about in excel and also helped out watching the CSC floor for a while.

Catherine from our LCST and QA

Hello and welcome from LCST! That's the Live Code Support Team, a multinational team of crack superheroes, wearing spandex, fighting crime and rolling out problem fixes as we go. Well, okay, not so much wearing spandex, more drinking tea, but certainly protecting the platform against any crimes. Unfortunately, half the team aren't here as they work in India and have very sensibly gone home since it's 9.35 in the evening for them. So, in their stead, I shall tell you that we've had another busy day, with testing and developing problem fixes for them, and some of that and many and varied jabbers from all corners of the globe about all manner of things for me. Keeps things interesting 🙂 Have a good evening!
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