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Monday 30th March

Monday 30th March

Monday 30th March

Good evening and welcome to the start of yet another week.  Bad news I'm afraid - it's still Monday.  Unless you're reading this tomorrow by which point your weekly trauma will have completed! We'll start off with Comms today; here's Matt: Super-quick end of day technique! Hi-yaaaa! Chris - went home early due to being on call. Bob - Hated stuff. Mand - Shouted at a lot of people today. James - Answered a lot of questions. Matt - Caught up from his Hols and closed a lot of alerts. Barry Z - posted a link to a very groovy video. Here it is. Oooh also new commic - yay comms! Happy Mondays! Thanks Matt - Good to have you back.  There's not been enough tea over the last week.  Moving onto Srini in our Customer Services team: I'm Srini from Customer service which is a team of 10 wonderful agents 001 to 010 where I take the 007 place in my team helping the world of customers of the world's prestigious ISPs Plusnet, Metronet and MAAF. Oliver says the Garlic chicken was agreed as not being garlicy enough. More garlic needed.  Katie has come back from holiday after a week and a half... still in holiday mood, but cracking the target board on with failed billing. Kim thinks nobody eats healthy food as chocolate bars are easier to eat than the bananas.  She also adds that the whole lot of bananas were green last week but it's better today. Also she prefers Irish coffee to be available in those great machines. The new starters are getting on well under Damien's watchful eye and helping us if we have to check up on something. Damien has been doing different things at the same time like frying fish in the pan, making the burgers, getting the salad ready and doing the dishes. Also Damien has forced me to put the following (which i dont agree... just kidding.), clearing off the tickets in finance and helping agents with CS queries has been the highlight of his role which the entire team appreciates, especially when he brings down a bag of sweets to us every evening. As a whole everyone is happy today being a part of a team as it has always been so. Thanks Srini!  I'm not overly certain what bananas and burgers have to do with work, but we'll let it slide this time otherwise you'll probably kill me.  With that we conclude today's proceedings.  Have a lovely evening! James

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