The week is starting to drag, but it's been a strange week. The always are after a week off I think. The start of the week goes quick as you catch up with the happenings while you've been, in my case there was also a trip to London on Tuesday for time to fly by. Then things just go slow for some reason. I guess the weather doesn't help, decided to cycle in yesterday thinking that the weather looked quite nice at 7am, not thinking there would be crazy amounts of rain in the afternoon. At least the trains were running, albeit delayed. Still fine again now, and to be prepared I brought both the car and bike in today, just in case. But enough about the weather from me, let's move on to our End of Day, just one submission today and it's Matt from the Comms Team:
Chris is at Download, Mand and James are working from home, Bob and I have been running about like blue bottomed insects. That's about the size of it. At least it hasn't rained again (yet).
On the bright side a number of sekrit projekts have moved on to the point where you should be hearing about them soon. Yay!
And that's all for today, time to go home I think and do the ironing. Hmm, ironing or staying and running off some reports, it's a close call. Have fun out there... we'll be back again on the morrow...