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Thursday 16th April

Thursday 16th April

Thursday 16th April

I woke up this morning, convinced it was Friday... when I realised it wasn't, I then thought it was Wednesday... unfortunately, I've now realised it is Thursday which I guess is a good thing. Only a single entry today, Chris from the Faults team:

We've had a huge amount of work to catch up on over the last few days (since one of the supplier teams we liaise with a lot for faults was away over the bank holiday weekend). The last couple of days have been getting it all under control and keeping it in SLA, but today we've started making a really huge dent in it! By the weekend we should be back at usual levels again. Keith, our resident 21CN guru has been handling faults on the new trial service - we're making big in-roads into the time it takes us to deal with these faults, and a lot of it is down to the hard work Keith puts in every day on it. Adam's been dealing with our home phone and priority faults, making sure everything's kept up to date and dealt with as our customers expect with those faults. Andy's been picking up all of the new faults being raised by our customers, while the rest of us have been working through those already logged with our suppliers (these have been the ones hit by the issue i mentioned above). As of 2pm today we're slightly behind on keeping everything up to date, but we're pushing hard and looking on course to have everything up to date by 5pm!

I know that down here in Web Dev, we've been busy working on some new efficiency improvements for our colleagues in the Support Centre, generating some reports and statistics, working on the Home Phone refresh and just doing general everyday maintenance and coding. That's it from me, and the rest of us here at Plusnet Colin

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