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Tuesday 3rd March

Tuesday 3rd March

Tuesday 3rd March

Greetings readers, from a not so sunny (dull and drenched to be exact) Sheffield. As much as the weather is annoying me, it's the first day of heavy rain I can remember for a while, and it's better than slipping about in snow like Bambi, so perhaps I shouldn't grumble. It's been pretty quiet in the web team area today, we have Colin, Nick, Mark and James all taking holidays at present.  I've been mainly working on training documentation and Duffy is working on how we organise emails templates 'backstage'. First to step up today is Mark from Customer Support...

It's the end of another busy day here in the Plusnet Customer Support Centre, and with the rain pattering down outside, here are the main issues that we have had to deal with today: One of the main types of calls received today is from customers calling either to update what they have been doing to test connections at home to aid our broadband faults process, or to ask for an update on what we are doing to resolve their faults for them. On the whole, we have had a good response from the customers making these calls, and most seemed satisfied with the actions we are taking to resolve their issues. We have also had quite a few calls from customers who were calling to report broadband connection difficulties. For the most part, we have advised people on initial checks that need to be done before the faults checking process is initiated, and in most cases these issues have tended to be resolved on the first contact by simple checks, or us talking customers through simple actions on their PCs to fix the error. We are also receiving many enquiries from prospective customers who are wishing to join us for the first time. Mainly this seems to be people making initial investigations into what services we provide and what it will cost them. Most of these calls then usually move into the order process when customers seem genuinely delighted with what is available, what it will cost them, and in most cases the very short and simple process to provide them. As usual we have also made quite a large amount of outgoing calls to existing customers regarding many issues ranging from providing answers to received support tickets and letters, to dealing with small billing problems, and in some cases cancellations and migrations to other providers. Finally, many of the obvious issues and problems dealt with on a daily basis, for example: Customers calling with billing problems, wishing to change account types, requesting for new services to be added to existing accounts, and making genral enquiries about usage limits etc. In summary, a pretty typical, but busy day here in Customer Support.

A a nice calm and collected update from the CSC.  I wonder how things are over in Business Support, take it away Chris...

Hi to all from Business Support. Sorry to make this short and sweet but you have no idea how busy we have been today! 3 men down and the team have been working like trojans, inbound calls a-plenty and the tickets have been coming thick and fast. I have been getting as many calls possible done and getting faults up-to-date as best as I can, Phil has been getting stuck into the nitty gritty issues and customer support tickets and Mark has been flying through the provisioning tickets like a bat out of hell. Oli and Adam have been mopping up the rest of the pools trying as best as we can to get the tickets answered within SLA. Sorry but that's Biz over and out until another day! Plenty of work to do, enjoy.

I feel out of breath just reading that!  Comms are a chilled bunch, lets see if James can calm things down before the end...

As with any other day in Comms, we've all been having a jolly good time of things. I've been mainly concentrating on the forums, whereas Bob has probably been doing something to do with 'Port or Gossie Road. Mand disappeared halfway through the day, off on a mysterious venture into the rain. Matt's been at his desk occasionally doing Dev Things and Chris has been catching up after a little break. Tomorrow sadly, we lose Bob to the Spaniards as he's heading off to Barcelona (they'd be Catalans then I reckon - ed). Hopefully the weather is better than it is here! *looks out the window* Ok - So it probably couldn't actually be any worse. I really need an umbrella. Maybe I should get an Urban Umbrella so I can take some potshots at Parr Grin

That's better! I'm off to go sit out in the cold for a few hours, and hope that the Hillsborough boys keep up the good work against Reading, hmmmm.

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