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Wednesday 6th of May

Wednesday 6th of May

Wednesday 6th of May

My first EOD editing stint after my holiday! Aaah, how I've missed you. I've managed to rustle up two updates for us today. Enjoy! Chris from Business Support first!

Today has been relatively busy! We had a number of authentication faults from start of business today and impacting the odd customer here and there. All in all generating a higher than normal volume of calls AM. Muchos partner work under way and John C has been getting stuck in. From what I hear this is all now done and up-to-date for another day. We have all been catching up on the failed billing accounts and gently breaking in the new members to the team Chris Chambers and Adam Kelly. All in all they are doing well, as expected. Not much else to report, nothing out of the ordinary other than slightly higher calls this morning. Thanks for reading!

Matt from Comms

Chris: On call so left early. I suspect he's started work on customer sat stuff and been in the forums, as well as responding to twitter messages. He also sent me a new commic that he made (out of work time, of course). Mand: Has been beating problems into submission today. Hard. It's been quite something to watch. She's also been working on the sekrit projekt. James: Forums, mostly, as ever. He's also raised the same P1 several times as it kept happening, then stopping, then happening again. It's not happening any more. Bob: Anger. Hatred. All of them. He's also had a few meetings and been doing to the Networks team and email what Mand has been doing to problems. Matt: Some forums, some change controls, some work on processes and some more task work. More commics at of course.

Thank you and good night!

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