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Autumn Price increase FAQ's

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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

It wouldn't be so bad if PN waited 12mths before their price increase came into effect but at the current rate it works out twice in 12 mths.
Rising Star
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

For long term customers it's 12 months as I paid LRS 3 months in advance at end of last September.
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Different for the call charge aspect.
In October 2013 I paid £4.00 for my inclusive calls. £4.50 in November 2013.
It's going to £5.00 in September 2014
Posts: 105
Registered: ‎15-08-2007

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Thanks for the advanced notice, enough time to look for an alternate ISP/phone provider for myself and two other accounts.
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Interesting how nobody from DCT have even bothered to type a reply.
Yes, prices need to go up, it's not nice, but it's life in Britain!
However.. put up the price for people already in contract to another price?  Again?
Disgusting.  It shows utter contempt for the customer... no, in fact it shows BT customer service has finally landed at PlusNet towers!
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Sorry, I'm going to disagree with you there, Prices do NOT need to go up. BT, OpenReach and Wholesale in particular, need to improve their efficiency and methodology. Their management is appalling and is grossly overpaid for their abysmal performance - but the shareholders wouldn't agree with that of course if they are getting a good dividend.
Plusnet haven't responded probably because they are having trouble cooking up a good/plausible excuse for why they are doing this  Angry
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Registered: ‎15-05-2012

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

I wonder if this is what all these increases are about.  Of course, I can't find the bloomin' link now!  Angry
Back in December, I read a tweet by OFCOM, leading to an article where they are "Having a Discussion" with Mobile Operating Companies about changes to how much they charge them to use the networks.
I looked through these and the increase in charges as far as I could see - were massive. The decision, or negotiations were due to go on into the new year and I haven't seen any definitive results.  My theory was that Osborne made such a massive miscalculation and balls up when selling off the 4G licences that they had to recoup the money from somewhere and so set out to punish the Mobile companies for not coughing up for the new technology elsewhere.
Of course, Plusnet isn't a Mobile Company.  BUT Could it be that whilst mobile firms are swallowing some of these price rises, some of it's being passed on to Landline charges - and this is just a knock on effect of what's happening elsewhere?
Half Fact here - Half Conspiracy theory - but you never know.
We're paying for Osborne's incompetence.
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Registered: ‎31-08-2007

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Whether conspiracy or fact (probably the former), it wouldn't have mattered whether it was Osbourne, Cable, Balls or whoever, the incompetence will have originated in OFCOM.
Posts: 63
Registered: ‎24-06-2013

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

I've just paid a years line rental up front before the email dropped. What happens? Do I now have to add extra to what I already paid upfront?
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Registered: ‎08-04-2007

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

No you've paid so that is all you need pay unless you have need of anytime calls etc?
The Post Office deal looks attractive and they offer free Caller ID (opt-in). This whole phone line related rises is getting a little out of hand. It is looking more cost effective to move phone there even if losing some discount off Broadband. Really hoped PN would stop these rises. At the very least offer Caller ID for free to try and compete. P.O. charging £15.75 (LRS price, free Caller ID and anytime calls) compared to PN's £18.98 for the same.
It used to be a rise every year or so but now a couple of rises a year is becoming the norm. Maybe a call to BBC Watchdog for when it returns to look at this and how toothless Ofcom really are may start to get to the bottom of this cycle.
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Registered: ‎11-12-2013

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Well given I think actual inflation is around 10% (not the official government spin figures) I do stand by my earlier post.  The increases are pretty bad, but they are offsetting all the static broadband pricing and agressive special offers.  I do see cartel type behaviour from the industry tho which is what I find particuly alarming.
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Quote from: chrcoluk
Well given I think actual inflation is around 10% (not the official government spin figures) I do stand by my earlier post. 

For real?
I would have a look at the CPI/RPI figures as the breakdowns don't show any goods/services increasing by that amount.
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Registered: ‎11-12-2013

Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

My judgement is based on 2 things.
1 - what I spend my own money on, which is mainly essentials.
2 - What people with benefits and extreme low incomes spend their money on.  Which would typically be just essentials, its luxury goods that drag down the official figures as well as constant tampering with the items used to manipulate the figures.
The only essential thats significantly below high inflation is tax.
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

I must admit this will hit hard AGAIN.
There are several others that offer MUCH cheaper phone, PO is just one. But is you want BB from PN then an extra £2 (or is it 2.50?) is added if you don't take the phone as well.
If I move the phone to the PO, I will pay £10/month with free CID. Even with the premium on top it is still cheaper!
But I think this year I will be moving, price is just too uncompetitive.
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Re: Autumn Price increase FAQ's

Having another look around at who are the cheapest for phone line, evening and weekend calls at £ 9.75  or £ 8.75 without any calls on a 12 month contact*bucbab*31m&__a=243&__c...
Just show how greedy some are. PN are between £6.20 and £ 8.20 a month more expensive for the same service (eve and weekends).

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