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Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

About 200 users online and your SMF (Simple Machines Forum) PHP/MySQL software/database has gone into melt down, you might want to put your hand in your pockets and fork out for a vBulletin licence or something? I have a spare vBulletin licence if your looking to buy one on the cheap? That can actually handle thousands of connections more without any problem, fancy a company this big using free open source forum software, Cheapskates? I used SMF about 5 years ago, until I realized that It was resource hungry tosh, like most things around here your forum is inadequate and unfit for purpose, this forum simply couldn't cope with a significant expansion of the user base, an ISP with a forum that can only handle a couple of hundred users, it's not only laughable, it's on the the verge of unbelievable, very unprofessional indeed, what kind of mickey mouse outfit are you guys running around here? God only knows...

What security solutions do Plusnet use? free Zonealarm and AVG free? Pmsl.
You can clearly see why BT doesn't want to attach it's name to this company, it's a substandard cowboy cheapfest.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Simple Machines Forum Software

Why move a Feedback thread about the Forum from Feedback? Just cause you can? Because it had Forum in the title? Funny...
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Re: Simple Machines Forum Software

No, because it's where it belongs.
Customer / Moderator
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Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Simple Machines Forum Software

If you say so Sherlock.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Oh by the way, your Technorati link button on the forum foooter is dead, like most things around here it's broken and unfit for purpose, anyways I think you'll find that was initially meant for blogs, not for forum boards lol.

Free Tip for you, linking to 404's isn't good for SEO.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Again in the forum footer: View The Plusnet Open Source Applications Page, is also totally useless, your webmaster needs his/hers butt kicking? What's not broken around here?

So you have a forum that has serious load issues, let's keep a load of pointless data in the footer that doesn't even work. Pmsl.
And don't get me started on: Test Your Broadband Speed, as that is one of the fugliest websites that I have ever seen.
About Us redirects to Broadband Package Guides, kind of get the obvious feeling that link is meant to provide information to potential customers about the company background, and history ect?
It's absolutely no surprise that my connection is pants here, imagine the mistakes that these clowns make on a daily basis.
It get's worse...the community portal blog bridge is running Wordpress, I could set up better than this myself in an hour or two, so basically, any h4x0r just needs to wait for a 0 day exploit in either WP 4.4.1 or SMF 2.0.11, really secure guys lol...complete madness.
0 Day Exploit WP 4.4.1
0 Day Exploit SMF 20.0.11
It's just a question of when it will happen really, not if...
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Omg, hold the phone, forget Wordpress 4.4.1, shes already plenty vulnerable enough...
These so called IT professionals have our personal information, I should be charging these muppets for my Security, and SEO advice.

Anyone at Plusnet fancy updating your vulnerabilities? You need to patch your Wordpress CMS, yes that's your Community Blog in the above screenshot.
I've only been here a week or so, what the hell are these guys doing? I'm completely dumbfounded and gobsmacked.
They actually run an ISP? They can't even update Wordpress.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Ascertained from my tinkering, I think that the Plusnet SMF forum software is running somewhere between version 1.1.4 and 1.1.8, so she's already wide open to vulnerabilities as well, I'm on a mission to get the exact SMF version number, so watch this space while I investigate this matter further.
Out of date SMF, and out of date WP, are you begging to get hacked or something?
Plusnet community WP blog is currently running on version 4.3, the latest available patch-version is 4.4.1
Not applicable

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Sorry, but you appear to be stating the obvious, all of this and more has been raised on the fora before, what about something we don't know.
You are also working on the assumption that the software hasn't been patched either. The copyright at the botton of the page is taken from the core / default index.template.php file, so if this file's not been updated this is what you'll see regardless of any other changes made to the back end.
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Wordpress blog is on 4.3.
And please do point me to the thread that states that PN's portal Wordpress blog is unpatched and open to vulnerabilities? as I would love to see it, you do know that the WP is running a plugin which bridges directly with the SMF right?, cause that's a fact matey, and your perfectly happy that they don't even keep there own data safe and secure? let alone yours?
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Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

jelv (a.k.a Spoon Whittler)
   Why I have left Plusnet (warning: long post!)   
Broadband: Andrews & Arnold Home::1 (FTTC 80/20)
Line rental: Pulse 8 Home Line Rental (£14.40/month)
Mobile: iD mobile (£4/month)
Posts: 39
Registered: ‎29-12-2015

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Well now access has been revoked, I can no longer see the WP panel and/or version number, so much for the Tin Foil hat? and just like Plusnet you need to get with the times, Mylar hats offer far superior protection, Tin Foil is a bit 90's.
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎08-01-2014

Re: Inadequate Simple Machines Forum Software

Quote from: StalkStalk
About 200 users online and your SMF (Simple Machines Forum) PHP/MySQL software/database has gone into melt down, you might want to put your hand in your pockets and fork out for a vBulletin licence or something? I have a spare vBulletin licence if your looking to buy one on the cheap? That can actually handle thousands of connections more without any problem, fancy a company this big using free open source forum software, Cheapskates? I used SMF about 5 years ago, until I realized that It was resource hungry tosh, like most things around here your forum is inadequate and unfit for purpose, this forum simply couldn't cope with a significant expansion of the user base, an ISP with a forum that can only handle a couple of hundred users, it's not only laughable, it's on the the verge of unbelievable, very unprofessional indeed, what kind of mickey mouse outfit are you guys running around here? God only knows...

What absolute rubbish, as someone who runs one of the larger known SMF installs with 15 million posts that simply isn't true. SMF is less resource hungry than vB, and indeed why anyone would suggest running vB in 2016 is beyond me, most serious forums that use a commercial offering are moving towards Xenforo which uses upto date coding methods.
If the forum here is slow, it is simply down to how Plusnet have configured the server on which it runs for past experience on a properly configured box, SMF will have no issues supporting ~ 10K+ users online within a 60 second period.