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New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

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New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

Are there ANY staff actually looking at fixing the bugs on this new forum ?


On the first day when this forum launched, there were a lot of staff online, but ever since they have been noticeable by their absence !


It looks like Plusnet handed over the forum to Lithium to manage, and then run away !



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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Anonymous wrote:
It looks like Plusnet handed over the forum to Lithium to manage, and then run away !

Isn't that the point of hiving it off to a third party. Of course, one needs to ask how often Lithium are getting the feedback generated from here. If it's once a week then things will take time.


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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

Certainly no one seems to be standing you and fielding the issues - @Anotherone seems to have been left on the front line trying to field punter's issues.

I'm trying hard not to say "we told you so...." Because it does not now achieve anything.  Sadly I'm finding that I'm not getting replies to PMs on matters, indeed some PMs are not even getting read.

The suggestion that some critical issues might not be fixed for weeks is not acceptable.  The final test system was far better than what we are seeing here.  Someone needs to be examining the differences - what has been applied here which was not on the test platform - an update to the Lithium core?  If that's the case, then...

Capt'n, enginering here, I'm going to have to jettison the Lithium core before she blows the ship apart ... We'll be left with no warp drive, but it will save the enterprise!

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

Most probable , that Staff are on the Phone lines as most cutomers cannot gain access to the new Forum Cheesy

Once again the Stalwart Anotherone is brought to the front line Thumbs_Up

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

The bugs are being looked at, but we're not just throwing fixes out individually. All that will do is cause more bugs from each fix. There's a few of us around keeping an eye on things and Harry has been fixing most of the password reset/login issues he's seen too.

Former Plusnet Staff member. Posts after 31st Jan 2020 are not on behalf of Plusnet.
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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Chris,  can you give us a time and a date when the first batch of fixes will be applied ?

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Anonymous - Humph! You'll be wanting the World next. Funny

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

Thanks Chris,

I do appreciate the problems in applying random fixes having spent many years in Systems Development, but the scope and criticality of many of the reported problems are making this new site unusable.

At least someone at PN could collate and categorise the issues raised along with expected fix times so that there is some visibility of progress.  Currently the major effort on performing this task is left to @Anotherone  and this does not reflect well on Plusnet and this new Forum.



Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Anonymous wrote:

@Chris,  can you give us a time and a date when the first batch of fixes will be applied ?

Being a tad cynical, I'd guess at "Shortly after the new Billing System goes live"  Funny

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous - Humph! You'll be wanting the World next. Funny

Ha Ha !,

I want to know WHEN, because I have better things to do with my time than report bugs (which staff are not acknowledging) in software which is about to get updated.

I'd much rather do something useful, and come back to this when it is ready for testing.

At the moment this forum is unusable, and the staff are not fixing it as we speak, so I'm going to disappear until such time that it is supposed to be working.

I just want @Chris to confirm whether that time will be this-afternoon, tomorrow, next week, or whether this is another case of adding the problems to the infamous Plusnet "looking into it" list - from which nothing has ever re-emerged !.

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@MauriceC wrote:

Being a tad cynical, I'd guess at "Shortly after the new Billing System goes live"  Funny


OMG, can you imagine the chaos if the new Billing System is supplied by Lithium !  Shocked

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous wrote:

@Anonymous - Humph! You'll be wanting the World next. Funny

At the moment this forum is unusable, and the staff are not fixing it as we speak, so I'm going to disappear until such time that it is supposed to be working.


Hmm....  Sorry to say this,.... but... if you have better things to do...... then... ? ? ? ? ?  


as for your statement that the forum is "unusable".... seem to be using it quite a lot... and so do many others... so it is working.... it is just "some bits" that need tweeking... and I am sure, if you read other threads, that you will find that Staff and Chris, are doing what they can to ensure that it remains a usable forum.  The staff have done a lot of work prior to launching this version. and should be commended for their efforts...  which they will continue to strive to sort and fix the bugs, in the shortest possible time....  

Time and tide wait for no man... but both are predictable...  unfortunatley.. fixing bugs is not something you can predict a timescale for.


Patience is a virtue......   Wink



I also refer you to this post...

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@Chris The bugs are being looked at, but we're not just throwing fixes out individually. All that will do is cause more bugs from each fix.  ?Huh


Well surely  it would make sence to Throw out Fixes individually  as IF they are going to cause more Bugs it easier to identify which fix causes the bugs.

But  if you do a mulitude of fixes how do you tell which FIX  will cause more Bugs ?Huh


Or am i just being too senisible

Asus ROG Hero Vii Z97 , Intel i5 4690k ,ROG Asus Strix 1070,
samsung 850evo 250gig , WD black 2 TB . Asus Phoebus sound ,
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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

@rongtw - Just stop there, you simply can't continue to apply common sense and logic in such an obvious and sensible way; get a grip man. Laugh

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Re: New forum, why aren't staff on here knocking out website fixes ?

because although it may sound sensible to you, in software development it's just not the way it works.
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