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Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Community Gaffer
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Thanks for your post @douggreenwood and welcome to our Community Forums.

I'm really sorry to see your folders have disappeared.

Could you check your custom folders are ticked in webmail still? Go to > Settings > Folders

If they're ticked already let me know as soon as possible and I'll raise a task to try to get your mail back.

However it may not be possible as we only keep a backup of your emails on a weekly basis, unlike when we archive them, which means that for example the week before last's emails would be replaced by last week's in our backup. 

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Oh, that's fantastic, that's fixed it! I've been using this webmail account siince 2012 and didn't know that was in there. Do you know if there's maybe an obscure keyboard shortcut which may have cauised that @Gandalf ? I was having a bunch of issues with my webmail shortly before this happened, so it all left me a bit confused as to what happened and how!

That said, it's alll resolved now so it doesn't matter too much any more 😊 Thanks so much! Apologies for assuming it was an action on Plusnet's part which had done this, it seemed a bit too much like other issues I was reading on the forums...

p.s. I don't know if I'm blocking a relevant script, but I can't see the 'This fixed my problem' button to click, sorry! 🙁

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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Awesome, no problem @douggreenwood 

I'm glad to see you've got your folders and mail back now.

I don't believe there'd be a keyboard shortcut or anything like that to untick those boxes however we are aware of a variety of issues with webmail, mainly performance related like slowness or errors, but sometimes mail can seemingly unknowingly 'disappear' and unless a device has downloaded the mail to itself, this ^ is normally why. 

We're investigating the problem as part of an incident but I can't say when we'll end up managing to fix it.

All's well that ends well though, it's good to see you have your mail back. It may be worth archiving your emails to a mail client if you have a desktop computer or laptop as it's always good in my opinion to keep a local backup of important things. 

The "This fixed my problem" button is reserved for the original poster of a topic which in this case would be @PaulScott

Let me know if you have further issues or there's anything else you'd need help with Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Aha, great, thanks once again - that all mmakes sense.

Yeah I've had enough problems with Pnet webmail over the years to be entirely honest and, had I not got so many logins and whatnot registered to the account, I'd probably use gmail or similar these days instead; I've lost my inbox a couple of times in the past due to...? I got nothin'. Just... *paff*, gone forever without notice.


This occasion was frustrating and worrying as, to avoid mailbox slowdown and to help me find my stuff more easily. I'd just gone on a big cleanup and saved everything iimportant I needed to a relevant folder; never before have I had it so organised. Fortunately it's all good now, and I'll be able to load my mailbox without regularly waiting 25 minutes+ to get a glimpse before it decides to reload and become inaccessible for another interminable period...


I have reinstalled a desktop client already recently after years without one, in the hopes I could get my folder contents back the easy way, but now I guess it's fine to have it as a redundant layer of backup.

Thanks again, all the best!

Community Gaffer
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

No problem at all @douggreenwood 

Appreciate the worry this would've caused and the frustration when trying to battle webmail to get it working well.

Not a bad thing to be organised and have more than one backup. 

Let me know if you need any further help. Smiley

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi, I need the archived emails on my 'jeanette' email account restored as soon as possible please.
Community Gaffer
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi @JayBH

Can you private message me the full email address? Struggling to find the right account. Sad

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
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Registered: ‎20-10-2021

Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi, can you please reinstate the emails and subfolders on my email account a.go***

Many thanks.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi @AGn,

I've raised task and logged a support ticket on your account regarding this. Once I have an update from the team I'll be back in touch to let you know Smiley

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi, my mailbox rik@ has been archived because of the size can I request it to be restored so I can clean it up.
Thanks Rik
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi @RSingleton,

I've picked this up and raised a task to the team on your behalf. Once we have an update I'll be back in touch Smiley

If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Alex H
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Hi, please unarchive my mailbox beginning with 'r'.

Many thanks,


Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

No problem @Weystoner1 Smiley

A task has now been raised to get the requested inbox unarchived, which should be addressed within the next three working days.

You can keep on top of your mailbox storage by logging into your webmail account.

  1. Log into webmail by going to
  2. Click on Settings > Folders
  3. Click on the relevant folder from the left hand side panel
  4. Click on the Information tab - then on "Click to get folder size"

We also send you email reminders telling you that you're getting close to your storage limit. It's also worth noting that once emails are deleted from your inbox, they'll remain on the server in the "deleted items" folder, and will continue to take up some space.

 Plusnet Help Team - Leeds
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

All restored and cleaned thank you!
Rising Star
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Re: Archived mailbox? Request for it to be unarchived here!

Thanks Adam - once restored I'll do an overnighter to reduce the mailbox (and continue moaning at the wife for letting it get so big).