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Email service to killed off permanently

Posts: 6
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Registered: ‎12-11-2021

Email service to killed off permanently

My source within Plusnet advises that senior management have indicated that the email service will be discontined completely in the next 12 months. And that is not just the web based service, it's everything.

After intentional neglect and lack of investment, the web based service has been steadily deteriorating during the last 5 years.

The result of this has been seen this week with the total failure of the email product for two days this week. Also the web based email is still down with no indication when it will be back.

This is a totally disgraceful situation.

PN says email is a "Free Service" however those of us who have been with PN for over 10 years were originally sold apackage that clealy identified broadband, email and web hosting as a combined package. They no longer highlight or mention the latter two in their marketing BUT there is a legal obligation to maintain the original services that were signed up for.

I suggest, like me, everyone immediately lodge a complaint with OFCOM

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Registered: ‎11-11-2021

Plusnet to discontinue all email services in March 2022!

When I had an email problem about a month ago technical support told me that Plusnet was discontinuing all their email services as it was not a profitable side of the business. We will all have to find new email accounts with other suppliers. This will happen around March 2022. We will be warned about a month in advance and they will bounce our emails to our new chosen email address for a short while. Unless we all protest enough I guess

Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎02-08-2021

Re: Plusnet to discontinue all email services in March 2022!

I can see that being very unpopular from the punters. Many will have had their Plusnet/Force9 email addresses for 20+ years (like my parents).

At a minimum, I think they would need to have well over a year of redirects, as some organisations/people only get in touch once a year (or longer!) apart, so you wouldn't know you had changed everything over to a new address unless you left it at least that long.

Posts: 10
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Registered: ‎11-11-2021

Re: Plusnet to discontinue all email services in March 2022!

I’ve been with PN and before that f9 since the early days of internet using dial up and ISDN lines for business, ive stayed loyal through ups and downs, even the latest Plusnet tv debacle, Plusnet have now forced my hand

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Registered: ‎08-04-2016

Re: Plusnet to discontinue all email services in March 2022!

After my previous email provider disappeared in 2013, I decided to register my own domain name.

I then redirect incoming emails through the domain hosting service to a freemail account that offers POP3 access (e.g. GMX).  If GMX ever went out of business (or started charging), I can set up an account with another freemail provider in a few minutes and redirect emails to them.  My e-mail address stays the same as long as I keep my domain name registered.  As a bonus, I can read my emails on my smartphone with the GMX App while I am out and about and then download them later with the e-mail client on my PC.  The current email outage at Plusnet does not affect my incoming emails, they keep coming.

If my domain hoster went out of business, I just move my domain name to another one.

At present I am using Plusnet SMTP server to send emails - and as we all know, that does not work. So, until Plusnet fix the problem, I have to use a freemail account for outgoing mail, which is a little inconvenient but better than a complete disconnect.

If Plusnet no longer offer SMTP, then I will need to look elsewhere, but at least I don't have to tell loads of people that my email address has changed.

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

How high up is your source? genuine question.

Posts: 7
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Registered: ‎07-10-2021

Re: Email service to killed off permanently

Put very simply:  If PLUSNET are in breach of contract as you say, could we change providers without occurring a fee?


I for one would change providers a.s.a.p. if permitted to do so without penalty.


n.b.  How can you Email me if some-one replies when Emails are not available?

Posts: 383
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Registered: ‎10-12-2010

Re: Email service to killed off permanently

@Clangrant This does not surprise me at all.

I, too, am a long-standing customer, over 20 years, and email, webmail, was part of the package.

However, they appear to purposely ignore the issues and continually disregard the massive inconvenience it has caused to its customers.

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

My e mail is useless and plusnet very poor and very slow do they offer a satelite based service  for remote customers as I would need to keep my plusnet email address for many reasons

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

@stathe - In a word, no.

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

Fortunately ,because I was actively considering moving ISPs in the Summer , I spent an afternoon changing my contact email address with about 60 businesses to one of my public email addys. Only a handful of personal contacts still have my PN address and once this latest fiasco is put to bed, I'll move all of those over!!

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Registered: ‎07-10-2021

Re: Email service to killed off permanently

Which question does your no reply to?


If PLUSNET are closing down Email service in Breach of Contract surely we can change providers without occuring exit fees.

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

@thursosmith  - Stathes, as I posted.

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Re: Email service to killed off permanently

@Clangrant - So in all the time you have been a customer you'll no doubt have re-contracted several times and each time you'll be subject to a new contract with it's terms and conditions that will by definition supersede anything that has gone before.

I can't see any complaint being taken seriously unless you have a valid and current contract that states your entitlement to these services.

Posts: 23
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Registered: ‎15-12-2020

Re: Plusnet to discontinue all email services in March 2022!

Seems a strange thing to do.  It just means that one has even less reason to stay with them. Most companies want to differentiate their product from the competition so people stay with them.