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Webmail limit error?

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Re: Webmail limit error?

Squirrel (basic) webmail offers similar functions to identify other unsubscribed to folders.

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Re: Webmail limit error?

Is it squirrel that plusnet uses? Thanks 

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Re: Webmail limit error?

Basic webmail is Squirrel webmail

Advanced webmail is Round Cube webmail.

Both access the same back end IMAP server.

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Re: Webmail limit error?

Not a clue what that all means! Sorry, basic webmail is 'squirrel' and this is what plusnet i use use or it could be round cube that also plus net use and I might be????

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Re: Webmail limit error?


What was the purpose of your question?  How does an answer help you?

An email consists of two components...

  • An email server to which an email client connects to read and send emails - this is provided by the email service host
  • An email client of the user's choice, which can be
    • Webmail based (accessed by a browser) provided by the email host - Plusnet offers two versions
      • Standard (an implementation of the industry standard Round Cube client)
      • Basic (an implementation of the industry standard Squirrel mail client)
    • Device (PC / Smart phone / tablet) based client of the user's choice, such as
      • Outlook available on most platforms in one form or another
      • Thunderbird
      • Device specific email clients supplied as part of the operating system

Does that help any?

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Re: Webmail limit error?

What was the purpose of your question?  How does an answer help you?


 But 1st thanks for taking time to answer.  The set up of how a website email system helps, i think

the 1st sentence reply above doesn't!

If you HAD took the time to explore my enquiry from the start,  you would find that I keep getting harrassment emails from PN about approaching my limits on their system. 

Despite numerous attempts  and not helped by misinformation from others on here, it appears that there ARE folders hidden that PN have showing but end user (me) cant access/see, therefore I have no chance of deleting any content in these to stop the 'WE WILL ARCHIVE , if you dont conform emails!

Im now looking into how i can access squirrel and or the other via whatever accessing program im using to see if i can find them, i know they're there as an actual staff member ( and THEY should know whats going on eh?) done a breakdown of all my folders on their system, showing storage amounts in each and low and behold there were folders, even duplicates  next to each other that I dont have, never set up and titled differently to how mine shows!

I hope this fully answers your initial request.


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Re: Webmail limit error?

Your question was about brands of webmail which does not help with your issue. They simply offer the same functionality but slightly differently.

You choose which ever as standard or basic webmail from Plusnet’s webmail access screen.

They access the same email server and subscribe to whatever folders might be there. There are no hidden folders, however there might be folders you have not chosen to subscribe to. As explained, different email clients on various devices might create different folders for the same purpose, the most notorious being the excuse of an email application which ships with Win10/11. There are others which are as bad. AV / anti spam / mail washers are equally culpable.

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Re: Webmail limit error?


It's too cold to go out so I have been playing some more. I don't know if it helps or just confuses the issue but I throw it in for what it's worth.

I do not use webmail for any serious communication but I have access to it on my phone to transfer photo's and other bits and pieces (I know it's bad practice but many do the same) from my phone.

My webmail has not been personalised in any way which is presumably typical.

I have followed the following procedure:

1. Log in to my Plusnet Account.

2. Select Webmail. I am presented with the log in to Basic Webmail with no Advanced option.

3. Log in.

4. I am presented with the following page:


5. Log Out. I am then presented with the options to either log back in using either Basic or Advanced webmail.

6. Log in using Advanced webmail.

7. I am now presented with this page:


8. I now have a second Sent Messages folder appear, which is full of the IPhone pictures that I have sent.

The other thing that I note is that I now have a cog at the bottom that allows me in to the settings, but if there is such a function in 'Basic' webmail to reveal hidden folders then it's well hidden as I can't find it. Or is it that I'm not getting the full frame of the basic email page on my PC?

An aside that I have noted and never realised relates to POP3 on my main PC, which I use with daily backups to a NAS. The stuff that I sent from the phone is not deleted by Outlook 2019 despite it being set to delete after 2 weeks. Does Outlook only delete sent messages that were actually sent by Outlook, or is it because it doesn't know about the extra sent items folder?

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Re: Webmail limit error?


No this does not confuse, but illuminates well that different email clients, if poorly set up by the user, might use different folders on the server for the same thing.

Both basic (Squirrel) and standard (round cube) have the same functions for subscribing to folders, if the user chooses such subscriptions.  You found the hard one to find - the cog in Round Cube.  The same is in plain sight in Squirrel mail - FOLDERS - the third item in the menu bar.  The OPTIONS item allows configuration of the UI and email highlighting rules.

Apple Mail (on iPad and iPhone) allow the user to determine which server folder should be used for SENT / DRAFT /TRASH folders.  These do not exist prior to the first IMAP client connecting to the server.  Exactly what they are called on the server and how a particular IMAP client uses them (the alias they apply) all depends on their predilections and user choices.  In the case of these three clients, they can all be instructed which folder to use for each function.

Invariably the use of email application provided with WIn10/11 will wreck havoc with the sever folder names - none of this is anything to do with the Plusnet mail server's configuration nor functionality.

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Re: Webmail limit error?


OK I give up! Now that I have played around a bit, messages that were not present in Squirrel Mail this morning have suddenly appeared. I have now put this into my 'Too Hard' subject list.

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Re: Webmail limit error?

Not really...

  • There might be a multitude of folders on the mail server
  • Each IMAP client will have a mapping of its "functional" folder (Sent / Draft / Trash) on to real folder on the server
  • There is no assurance that all clients will use the same real folder on the server for a given function
  • Most clients have the option to subscribe to folders in addition to those chosen for the functional mapping

I am not sure what you mean by "messages that were not present in Squirrel Mail this morning have suddenly appeared".  If this refers to sent / draft / trash folders, what you do on one client will be seen on another.  So, for example...

  • If you prepare an email on one client, save to drafts and do not send it, it will appear in the drafts folder on other clients (but no on WIn10/11 mail)
  • If different clients have different sent items folders (as you infer from your posts), then what is sent from one client, might appear in a different folder in another client - this might be best explored with concurrent connections to both Round Cube and Squirrel Mail in different browser tabs

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