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Registered: ‎13-08-2024


If i have an "Unlimited Fibre Extra" contract, is that enough 'fibre' to get a VoiP service with another company, to replace the bad PlusNet landline deal? I'm not sure whether it is 'full fibre' or not, or whether that matters. Any advice would be much appreciated.

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Re: VoiP

Moderator's note(s):

Thread moved from Broadband to Everything Else.

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The Full Monty
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Re: VoiP

@stephendwolff If you are currently, as its appears you are, on a broadband with landline deal with PN, all you need to do is contact PN and arrange with them to swap to you to the SOGEA (BB only) service and then within 30 days arrange your own VOIP service. Note this will start a new contract with PN.

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Re: VoiP


You can check what product you are on by logging into your PN Members page.


You can also look at the following to see what speeds you should be getting and if Full Fibre is available to you. Post a screen image if you're unsure of the results (hiding your details).


As stated you can move your internet connection onto a SOGEA line and when that happens you have 30 days to port your number to a VOIP provider though it's best to do it asap. There will be some downtime on the phone service.



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Registered: ‎13-08-2024

Re: VoiP

Ok - so i don't think i have 'SOGEA' (but i'm not sure what that is). FTTP doesn't look available (through PlusNet). I'm pretty sure there is another provider who offer FTTP though - Jurassic Fibre - but maybe that's something else.

I'm not whether i can order my VoiP service separately (ie before signing up to a new PlusNet package), or whether i need to get this new 'SOGEA' thing and therefore a new PlusNet package. That would mean a wait to switch to a 3rd party VoiP service i guess?


The Full Monty
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Re: VoiP

If you currently have a landline service, you are not on SOGEA  - broadband only. As you say, you do not have an FTTP option via PN - or anyone using the BT network. Jurassic Fibre are an 'altnet' - they provide the FTTP service via their own network, which i totally divorced from BT.

If you wish to switch to Plusnets Broadband only (SOGEA), then you do that and arrange your own VOIP package with a third-party provider - within 30 days of that contract taking effect. You do not switch to your VOIP provider until after the new contract is in effect, otherwise you will lose both your phone and broadband service, as they are combined, and not 'splitable'.

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Re: VoiP


Thanks for the information.


SOGEA is an OpenReach product which ISP's use to provide an internet only service to a property. It shows as available to you on the Checker results.


As stated Jurassic Fibre is an Altnet - PN only use the OpenReach network. If you went with JP they would install a completely new connection to your property without touching your current OR network. You would probably have two internet connections running (with associated bills) until you cancelled your PN service (with any associated Early Termination Charges). JP may have a VOIP service on offer otherwise you'd need to go with a independant VOIP provider.


Under no circumstances should you "port" your number to a VOIP provider prior to getting PN to transfer your account onto a SOGEA connection. If you did, it would cancel your PN account and you'd lose internet connectivity. You could call the PlusNet Customer Options Team on 0800 013 2632 to see exactly what the costs may be in moving to SOGEA - just don't sign up until you're ready.


With regard to VOIP you need to have a think about providers and what you actually need. You could change ISP at the end of your contract to one who does both phone and internet. Otherwise think about the following.

Do you actually need a landline ie is your mobile signal good enough to use as a substitute.

Do you make a lot of outging calls - using mobile for this and VOIP purely for incoming works for some people.

Do you have any house or care alarms dependant on the phone.

VOIP doesn't work in power cuts unless you have back up power in place (and even then only for as long as the FTTC Cabinet lasts).


Once you'e happy and have an idea of what you want then you can start the process.



Posts: 4
Registered: ‎13-08-2024

Re: VoiP

@bmc thanks. 

I want to keep the landline number, as mobile coverage is fair to poor for Vodafone and non-existance for EE.

I'm not happy that landlines are being phased out for the very reason you mention of them not being replaced with something that works in a power cut. I'm not sure why the phone companies are being allowed to do this, but hey!

I'll call PlusNet and find out my options on keeping the number - i would prefer to keep a static IP i have associated with the broadband if possible. I don't think that's an option if i switch ISP provider

The Full Monty
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Re: VoiP

All yours , @bmc , I've had enough.

Posts: 4
Registered: ‎13-08-2024

Re: VoiP

@jab1 and @bmc - many thanks for all your advice - it makes sense of it all.

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Re: VoiP


You would lose your static ip addess if you move ISP.


The closure of PSTN will happen by the end of 2025 unless there is a very good reason for a property to remain on it for a short period. Whatever the rights and wrongs of this it is happening.


I forgot to mention you'd probably need to buy an Analogue Telephone Adatper (ATA) to use with your current phones on VOIP. However I do believe there are Apps for smart phones that can replace your phone so no new equipment is required. I know nothing about this though.


Finally. When you move to a SOGEA connection your line is ceased from when you have 30 days to port your number out. Some VOIP providers can't handle this (or have had problems in the past). Their systems are not set up for ceased lines so say NO can't do. A&A can and do handle ceased lines (support phones to get a manual port done).There will be some downtaime (days) between your landline being ceased and the number port happening.



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Re: VoiP

If you speak to PN about keeping your landline number they will "advise" you to swap to BT/EE and take on the digital phone service, but you will not have to pay an early termination fee.

An AltNet should be able to provide a static IP for a monthly or one off fee.

Speak to both to see what is best for you.

Assume that you have backups of your websites
Was a member for years, but moved from PN fttc to fttp from an AltNet. Getting 940Mb up and down. Happy to stay on here and try to help others. 
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Re: VoiP

This thread interests me as my PN BB & Phone line contract is up for renewal again in October this year so not long to go now. Long story short, I have a mobile phone so I have access to a good connection. However, my Mother is 85, doesn`t go out due to her poor mobility (I`m her Carer) and she doesn`t use the landline for calls in or out. It`s there purely for emergencies if I`m unavailable for short periods when I may be grocery shopping or have an appointment elsewhere. She`s not mobile phone savvy at all so I just dial a number on my mobile and hand it to her if she wants to contact friends or family. 


I`ve read all of the above replies and taken down notes, thanks to all! 👍

If it were up to me, I`d just recontract for my BB only and ditch the landline altogether. Mum has said just to do that. But for obvious reasons, that`s not practical for her. But I don`t want the hassle of going down the 30 day timeline to switch our home phone number to a third party operator and have another separate bill from my PN BB bill. 

The alternative would be to contact PN on the number given above 0800 013 2632 (or ask one of the team on here?) about being transferred to BT VOICE for both BB & Line. Once my PN contract ends in October.


This wouldn`t be my favorable choice however as we left BT years ago to join PN due to the BT bill rising to much and too often. Plusnet have been brilliant since then with me only seeing smaller marginal rises that are affordable. I am currently on FTTC with PN with the phone line for the past two years.


What @mystreet1 said above about PN offering to swap us to BT/EE as an alternative sounds like an option for us, but at what cost? I`m very reluctant to swerve away from PN. 😕 


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Re: VoiP


You should be able to re-contract in October by phoning PN to keep things as they are - this buys you a bit of time if needed.


You are not required to move to BT in October - you can move to any ISP who does both internet and phone eg Zen Internet (they have a good reputation). However, any move would be onto a digital phone service which may require changes to your phone setup. Nor does VOIP work without power backup in a power cut (and only lasts as a long as the battery in the FTTC cabinet).


I mentioned Zen as I believe their router has a built in ATA for use with VOIP - this saves having to buy one.


Have you looked around aound for a phone built for the elderly. I'm thinking any of the age related charities might have advice on which phone to use. It might be as simple as programming your number into a phone so all your mother has to do is power the phone up, go to the Dialer and select your number.



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Re: VoiP


If the landline is just for emergency, and the number is not important, I would sign up to A&A and choose a new local number. Set it up with a credit limit of £2 pm. Get it working either with your existing phone setup using a ATA or purchase a pure IP Phone. Then swap your PN connection to SOGEA.
Remember, in the event of a power cut the landline and router will not work unless you look at adding a UPS.

Final though is have you registered the line as vulnerable, PN must ensure service etc.
Was a member for years, but moved from PN fttc to fttp from an AltNet. Getting 940Mb up and down. Happy to stay on here and try to help others. 