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Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Posts: 2,577
Fixes: 131
Registered: ‎07-12-2017


Test Outcome Pass
Test Outcome Code GTC_FTTC_SERVICE_0000
Description GEA service test completed and no fault found .
Main Fault Location OK
Sync Status In Sync
Downstream Speed 57.6 Mbps
Upstream Speed 15.8 Mbps
Appointment Required N
Fault Report Advised N
NTE Power Status PowerOn
Voice Line Test Result Pass
Radio Frequency Ingress Not Detected
Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise Not Detected
Cross Talk Not Detected
Estimated Line Length In Metres 472.8
Upstream Rate Assessment Low
Downstream Rate Assessment Reasonable
Interference Pattern Regular Interference Observed Daily
Service Impact No Impact Observed
Interference Duration Longest Occurrence ;00:00to23:45
Interference Location Customer Premise
Interference Observed In Days 4
Home Wiring Problem Not Detected
Downstream Policing Discard Rate 0.0
Customer Traffic Level Upstream and Downstream traffic detected
Technology VDSL
Current 15Min Bin Retrains 0
Last 15Min Bin Retrains 0
DP Type External
Profile Name 0.128M-80M Downstream, Retransmission Low - 0.128M-20M Upstream, Error Protection Off
Time Stamp 2022-01-29T18:45:00
Parameters MIN MAX AVG
Down Stream Line Rate 56.9 Mbps 79.9 Mbps 57.5 Mbps
Up Stream Line Rate 15.5 Mbps 20.0 Mbps 15.7 Mbps
Up Time 352.0 Sec 900.0 Sec 897.0 Sec
Retrains 0.0 1.0 0.0
Current and Last 15 Minute Bin Performance
Parameters Last Traffic Count(Upto 15 mins) Current Traffic Count(Upto 15 mins)
Start Time Stamp 2022-02-01T08:25:13Z 2022-02-01T08:40:13Z
Ingress Code Violation 22 1
Egress Code Violation 0 0
Errored Seconds 0 0
Severely Errored Seconds 0 0
Unavailable Seconds 0 0
If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team
The Full Monty
Posts: 20,122
Thanks: 6,672
Fixes: 297
Registered: ‎24-02-2012


@LaurenB I'm no expert, but the OP is not achieving the Handback Threshold - see post #4, and looking at the attenuation figures, my untrained mind is suggesting they should be getting somewhat higher connection speeds?

Posts: 8
Thanks: 2
Registered: ‎31-01-2022


Hi @LaurenB, many thanks for getting in touch.

Yes, aside from one accidental disconnection; the only known times that my connection had dropped out was either after instruction from Plusnet staff or on Friday afternoon when the Openreach engineer was testing the line and working within the cabinet.

As @jab1 has said (many thanks John 👍), I am currently not getting the speeds that BT wholesale are claiming that I should get before a line handback is to be considered, and again I am no expert in this matter, but I would have thought that this would work in a similar fashion to Plusnet's Minimum Speed Guarantee.  The speed I am getting is in line with my previous provider Sky and having put that down to having different equipment at the exchange and via the router; I thought nothing of it.  I have had BT Broadband prior to getting Sky BB, on their Fibre 2 package, and was constantly getting speeds in excess of 70mb/s.

I have taken a look at BT's forum and some posts mention the ISP having to go via BT wholesale for them to do some wizardry in order to get a resolution, others mention faulty ports at the exchange/cabinet or a profile reset, but I also note that my profile is currently set to 80mb/s max, which is good news.

I'm happy to wait a few days to see if anything changes, but the speeds of 56/57mb/s to the router have been 'the' speeds I have been getting consistently, with 52/53mb/s being received to my computer.