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Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

Rising Star
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Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

For the last two weeks (since I renewed my contract !) my download speed has dropped by 10% from 40mb/s to barely 36mb/s. This is a steady figure as was the original of 40 for many months , so not just a temporary blip. Have I been "switched" to a lower limit for some reason by error ? I am supposed to be on fibre extra, but we seem to be going downhill. 

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Re: Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%


It sounds a bit like it but makes me wonder why you pay the extra for the 80/20 service.

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Re: Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

@dabow No doubt a Help Team member will pick this up at some point, but if you post (1) Results of BT Broadband - hiding your phone number (2) the 'Advanced Diagnostics' from  BTW Performance Tester  and (3) your Hubs Help Desk page - hiding personal details, maybe other Community Members could help?

Community Gaffer
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Re: Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

Thanks for your post @dabow

I'm sorry to see you're having speed issues. 

I've tested your line today and the tests aren't showing any issues with your router getting a sync speed of 40mbps that's within the estimated speed range for your line between 36.7mbps and 50.9mbps. Your download speed (also called throughput) is about right for your sync speed, and it's above the minimum guaranteed speed we've agreed of 29.4mbps.

While I appreciate you may have had higher speeds in the past, I'm afraid that as things are within expectations, our suppliers wouldn't be able to investigate further. I too would recommend downgrading to our cheaper fibre package, because for your length of line, you're unlikely to achieve the speeds worth being on fibre extra. 

If you'd like to downgrade, I'd call our Customer Options Team on 0800 013 2632 today or tomorrow before the cooling off period for your new contract runs out. Let me know if you've got further queries.

I'll also add a copy of our testing below if you'd like to take a look. Something to note though, while the tests are showing your speed is artificially restricted (also known as 'banding') at 44mbps by software at the cabinet (the green box in the road) this isn't actually affecting your sync speed as it's below this banding.

GEA Test Detail
Circuit ID NA Service ID [redacted
Test Outcome Pass
Test Outcome Code GTC_FTTC_SERVICE_0000
Description GEA service test completed and no fault found .
Main Fault Location OK
Sync Status In Sync
Downstream Speed 40.6 Mbps
Upstream Speed 4.3 Mbps
Appointment Required N
Fault Report Advised N
NTE Power Status PowerOn
Voice Line Test Result Pass
Radio Frequency Ingress Not Detected
Repetitive Electrical Impulse Noise Not Detected
Cross Talk Not Detected
Estimated Line Length In Metres 854.8
Upstream Rate Assessment Reasonable
Downstream Rate Assessment Reasonable
Interference Pattern Regular Interference Observed Daily
Service Impact No Impact Observed
Interference Duration Longest Occurrence ;00:00to23:45
Interference Location Customer Premise
Interference Observed In Days 14
Home Wiring Problem Not Detected
Downstream Policing Discard Rate 0.0
Customer Traffic Level Upstream and Downstream traffic detected
Technology VDSL
DP Type External
Profile Name 0.128M-44M Downstream, Interleaving Low - 0.128M-20M Upstream, Error Protection Off
Time Stamp 2021-11-15T10:30:00
Parameters MIN MAX AVG
Down Stream Line Rate 39.1 Mbps 44.0 Mbps 40.8 Mbps
Up Stream Line Rate 4.2 Mbps 4.7 Mbps 4.5 Mbps
Up Time 785.0 Sec 900.0 Sec 899.7 Sec
Retrains 0.0 1.0 0.0
Current and Last 15 Minute Bin Performance
Parameters Last Traffic Count(Upto 15 mins) Current Traffic Count(Upto 15 mins)
Start Time Stamp 2021-11-28T10:01:52.522+00:00 2021-11-28T10:16:52.522+00:00
Ingress Code Violation 0 0
Egress Code Violation 0 0
Errored Seconds 0 0
Severely Errored Seconds 0 0
Unavailable Seconds 0 0
From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi
Rising Star
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Re: Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

Hi Gandalf,

Thanks for the reply and the investigation you carried out, much appreciated.

It's beginning to look as though I'm stuck with these lower speeds, only hope they don't slide much lower. In light of your advice I have contacted PN and got a decent reduction in contract cost, so something advantageous has come out of this.

It's still disappointing that the system speeds are steadily  going in a downward direction rather than increasing with "new technology" advancing.

Thanks again for your time and advice.

Thanks also to the other replies for their advice and comments.

Plusnet Alumni (retired)
Plusnet Alumni (retired)
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Re: Fibre broadband speed drop by 10%

Thanks for the update @dabow, I'm pleased that you have been able to get a better deal and I'm sorry for the drop in speeds.


If you have any further queries don't hesitate to get back to us.

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 Lauren Barry
 Plusnet Help Team