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Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls


I've a recurring problem whereby my Plusnet VDSL2 router will drop the broadband connection when using MS Teams in conference calls. Flashing lights and the broadband symbol on. It might recover on its own but it seems faster to power cycle as that gets it going again after the usual wait for it to resync. We can watch Netflix all night without issues or download operating system updates etc. 

It can lose sync at other times but it's pretty rare. In a teams call it happens every few hours. Hard to pin down as I don't do these calls every day etc. My BT router from a previous contract also had the same issue so it's not a Plusnet only issue. Every piece of hardware after the openreach socket has been replaced at some point and it still does it. 

Any ideas what this could be and how to stop it? 

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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Moderators Note
This topic has been moved from ADSL Broadband to Fibre Broadband.
Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Hiya @random8237493,


I'm really sorry for the drops in connection you are experiencing and for the frustrations this must be causing.


I have checked your connection and there are far more drops than what I would expect for your line. I'd like to establish which drops are from the zoom calls to help me determine the best step forward.


Can you have a look on the image below and get back to me advising which ones relate to the calls.





If this post resolved your issue please click the 'This fixed my problem' button
 Sammy M - Sheffield Team
 Plusnet Help Team
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Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Thanks for coming back to me with this. 

1/3 between 9-10, 15-16 - that's probably Teams
24/2 & 25/2 between 9-10 that would be Teams

23/2 - 4-9 that happened on its own while sleeping and didn't resume until I restarted the router. 

The many disconnects between 23 and now could in part be a consequence of me trying to eliminate different configurations that could be causing the issue. I would not expect anything in the LAN side to be capable of causing the DSL session to disconnect but it just feels as if the connection is being used heavily when it goes down - but that could also be that's when I am most likely to notice a small outage. 



In your stats are you able to pull back to a longer time period and see period of sustained connectivity? I wondering if it might relate to the amount of rainfall?

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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Hi @random8237493 

Are you using a Plus Net Hub One?

If so, try looking through the log file looking at the time of a know failure during a Teams call, there may be an indication on why the Hub One is dropping it's connection. - navigate from the landing page (Home) Troubleshooting > Event Log (you will need to admin password which found on the Hub One)

The default view for the Event Log is 'All'. 

Looking at the time of a failure, look under All, might be a few pages to go through. You can ignore IN and OUT BLOCK messages as these are normal firewall events. A quick view of the category System, Boot and WAN might have a hint on what is happening, might be quicker.

WAN will detail times the DSL connection goes DOWN and UP

Be interesting if you find the text Boot reason: watchdog reset (cause: 0xn) where n is 0 1 2 or 3


A view of the Help desk TAB would also be helpful.

EDIT are you using wireless or a wired connection. Wired would be more reliable. 

Team calls use Upstream bandwidth as well unlike Netflix and Updates which are downstream only (mainly)

Have you tried reducing the teams resolution


Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Hi Dan,


I redacted, out of paranoia, some of the MAC addresses but hopefully I didn't damage the information contained.

The DSL connection seems to go down on its own at 04:13 ( I wasn't around to cause that in person). There's a Mac mini disconnecting at 02:16 - about 2 hrs  before the PPP LCP termination

That Mac mini got an IP from the plus net router. it shouldn't be configured to connect to that (or any WIFI) SSID so I will correct that. This same Mac features in the next disconnect, also about 2 hours before, see the 2nd log pasted further below



04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PTM over DSL is down after 1897 minutes uptime
04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PPPoE is down after 1896 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
04:13:32, 01 Mar. (411233.290000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
02:16:30, 01 Mar. (404211.000000) Device disconnected: Hostname: MINISERVER IP: MAC: 4c:20:b8:XX:XX:XX
02:15:44, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:XX:XX:XX IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated


Here in the following log,  in a teams call - the 15:27 restart is after a power button press to bring back the service as fast as possible while in call perhaps the power was cut before the router started to log a reconnect attempt? In this event The Miniserver has had a registration fail at 2hours  (?) before I rebooted.

04:16:00, 01 Mar. - the mini server is not so obviously indicated but it's about the same minute of the hour. 

plus net DHCP  lease duration is set to 1 day.

Time and date Message
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE'
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 41.760000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 1 BOOT
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) WiFi auto selected channel 48
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 36-​93::40-​94::44-​93::48-​94::52-​93::56-​93::60-​92::64-​92::100-​93::104-​95::108-​96::112-​97::116-​97::120-​97::124-​97::128-​98
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 5 GHz Wireless: Rescan, Reason: 'Power-​up'
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.280000) Wire Lan Port 2 up
15:27:51, 01 Mar. ( 39.320000) WAN Auto-​sensing running.
15:27:47, 01 Mar. ( 34.600000) System up, firmware version:
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPS enabled
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPS enabled
15:27:30, 01 Mar. ( 18.100000) System start
13:21:26, 01 Mar. ath10: STA 4c:20:b8:XX:XX:XX IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
09:07:36, 01 Mar. (428876.800000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
09:07:06, 01 Mar. (428846.760000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.520000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.510000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.620000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.620000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.610000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.590000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.580000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.230000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49078Kbps, Up Rate=15716Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.2dB, Up=6.0dB
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.210000) CHAP authentication successful
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.170000) CHAP Receive Challenge
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.170000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.160000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.150000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Reject
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.590000) Lease for IP renewed by host XXX-​MBP15 (MAC f0:18:98:XX:XX:XX). Lease duration: 1440 min
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.590000) Device connected to ath10: Hostname: XXX-​MBP15 IP: MAC: f0:18:98:XX:XX:XX via f0:18:98:XX:XX:XX Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 1299.9 Mbps
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.510000) Lease requested
09:06:00, 01 Mar. (428780.430000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
09:05:55, 01 Mar. (428775.570000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:05:55, 01 Mar. (428775.570000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:05:48, 01 Mar. (428768.830000) PTM over DSL is up
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.720000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.650000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.650000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:05:15, 01 Mar. (428736.290000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
09:05:12, 01 Mar. (428732.830000) PTM over DSL is down after 155 minutes uptime
09:05:12, 01 Mar. (428732.820000) PPPoE is down after 154 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
09:05:07, 01 Mar. (428728.160000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
08:59:58, 01 Mar. ath00: STA f0:18:98:XX:XX:XX IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.760000) Lease for IP renewed by host ubnt (MAC fc:ec:da:XX:XX:XX). Lease duration: 1440 min
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.760000) Device connected to eth0: Hostname: ubnt IP: MAC: fc:ec:da:XX:XX:XX via fc:ec:da:XX:XX:XX Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 1000.0 Mbps
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.630000) Lease requested
06:31:53, 01 Mar. (419533.820000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
06:31:23, 01 Mar. (419503.730000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
06:31:17, 01 Mar. (419498.180000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:31:17, 01 Mar. (419498.170000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:31:11, 01 Mar. (419492.120000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
06:31:11, 01 Mar. (419492.120000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.260000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.250000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.230000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.230000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.210000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.750000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=48985Kbps, Up Rate=15933Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.1dB, Up=5.9dB
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.740000) CHAP authentication successful
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) CHAP Receive Challenge
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Reject
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.670000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.670000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
06:30:17, 01 Mar. (419437.990000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
06:30:13, 01 Mar. (419433.500000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:30:13, 01 Mar. (419433.500000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:30:06, 01 Mar. (419426.490000) PTM over DSL is up
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419394.040000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.960000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.960000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.600000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
06:29:29, 01 Mar. (419390.040000) PTM over DSL is down after 135 minutes uptime
06:29:29, 01 Mar. (419390.030000) PPPoE is down after 134 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
06:29:24, 01 Mar. (419385.290000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
04:16:00, 01 Mar. (411380.430000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
04:15:30, 01 Mar. (411350.390000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
04:15:24, 01 Mar. (411344.940000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
04:15:24, 01 Mar. (411344.940000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
04:15:19, 01 Mar. (411339.380000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
04:15:19, 01 Mar. (411339.380000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.770000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.760000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request

snippet below was pasted earlier above but it also here in original timeline to put it in context of thee whole log snippet. 

04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PTM over DSL is down after 1897 minutes uptime
04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PPPoE is down after 1896 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
04:13:32, 01 Mar. (411233.290000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
02:16:30, 01 Mar. (404211.000000) Device disconnected: Hostname: MINISERVER IP: MAC: 4c:20:b8:XX:XX:XX
02:15:44, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:XX:XXXX:XX IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated
Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Should I be concerned about this? 


12:26:19, 02 Mar.

BLOCKED 3 more packets (because of Remote administration)
12:26:18, 02 Mar. IN: BLOCK [16] Remote administration (TCP []:64146-​>[]:80 on ppp3)


In this log the 15:27 1 Mar reconnect is after a reboot where I toggled power when the blue light went out in my teams call.

09:05 - I don't know about that termination request.


I can see some of the reconnected are about 2 hours after a Mac MINISERVER tries to get an IP address - potentially that machine is bridging because it has a wired connection to the real internal LAN 192.168.0.X (double nat via UBNT USG device). I'll disable WIFi on that device. 

15:27:59, 01 Mar. ( 47.130000) Device connected to eth0: Hostname: ubnt IP: MAC: fc:ec:da:47:48:3f via fc:ec:da:47:48:3f Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 1000.0 Mbps
15:27:59, 01 Mar. ( 47.020000) Lease requested
15:27:58, 01 Mar. ( 46.310000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE'
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 41.760000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 1 BOOT
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) WiFi auto selected channel 48
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 36-​93::40-​94::44-​93::48-​94::52-​93::56-​93::60-​92::64-​92::100-​93::104-​95::108-​96::112-​97::116-​97::120-​97::124-​97::128-​98
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 5 GHz Wireless: Rescan, Reason: 'Power-​up'
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.280000) Wire Lan Port 2 up
15:27:51, 01 Mar. ( 39.320000) WAN Auto-​sensing running.
15:27:47, 01 Mar. ( 34.600000) System up, firmware version:
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPS enabled
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPS enabled
15:27:30, 01 Mar. ( 18.100000) System start
13:21:26, 01 Mar. ath10: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
09:07:36, 01 Mar. (428876.800000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
09:07:06, 01 Mar. (428846.760000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.520000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.510000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.620000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.620000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.610000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.600000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.590000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:49, 01 Mar. (428829.580000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.230000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=49078Kbps, Up Rate=15716Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.2dB, Up=6.0dB
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.210000) CHAP authentication successful
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.170000) CHAP Receive Challenge
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.170000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.160000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.150000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Reject
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
09:06:44, 01 Mar. (428825.140000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.590000) Lease for IP renewed by host Ann-​MBP15 (MAC f0:18:98:47:7f:cb). Lease duration: 1440 min
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.590000) Device connected to ath10: Hostname: Ann-​MBP15 IP: MAC: f0:18:98:47:7f:cb via f0:18:98:47:7f:cb Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 1299.9 Mbps
09:06:22, 01 Mar. (428802.510000) Lease requested
09:06:00, 01 Mar. (428780.430000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
09:05:55, 01 Mar. (428775.570000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:05:55, 01 Mar. (428775.570000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:05:48, 01 Mar. (428768.830000) PTM over DSL is up
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.720000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.650000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:05:16, 01 Mar. (428736.650000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:05:15, 01 Mar. (428736.290000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
09:05:12, 01 Mar. (428732.830000) PTM over DSL is down after 155 minutes uptime
09:05:12, 01 Mar. (428732.820000) PPPoE is down after 154 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
09:05:07, 01 Mar. (428728.160000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
08:59:58, 01 Mar. ath00: STA f0:18:98:47:7f:cb IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.760000) Lease for IP renewed by host ubnt (MAC fc:ec:da:47:48:3f). Lease duration: 1440 min
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.760000) Device connected to eth0: Hostname: ubnt IP: MAC: fc:ec:da:47:48:3f via fc:ec:da:47:48:3f Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 1000.0 Mbps
08:42:22, 01 Mar. (427362.630000) Lease requested
06:31:53, 01 Mar. (419533.820000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
06:31:23, 01 Mar. (419503.730000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
06:31:17, 01 Mar. (419498.180000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:31:17, 01 Mar. (419498.170000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:31:11, 01 Mar. (419492.120000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
06:31:11, 01 Mar. (419492.120000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.260000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.250000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.240000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.230000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.230000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:06, 01 Mar. (419487.210000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.750000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=48985Kbps, Up Rate=15933Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.1dB, Up=5.9dB
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.740000) CHAP authentication successful
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) CHAP Receive Challenge
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.690000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Reject
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.680000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.670000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
06:31:02, 01 Mar. (419482.670000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
06:30:17, 01 Mar. (419437.990000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
06:30:13, 01 Mar. (419433.500000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:30:13, 01 Mar. (419433.500000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:30:06, 01 Mar. (419426.490000) PTM over DSL is up
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419394.040000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.960000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.960000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
06:29:33, 01 Mar. (419393.600000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
06:29:29, 01 Mar. (419390.040000) PTM over DSL is down after 135 minutes uptime
06:29:29, 01 Mar. (419390.030000) PPPoE is down after 134 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
06:29:24, 01 Mar. (419385.290000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
04:16:00, 01 Mar. (411380.430000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
04:15:30, 01 Mar. (411350.390000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
04:15:24, 01 Mar. (411344.940000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
04:15:24, 01 Mar. (411344.940000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
04:15:19, 01 Mar. (411339.380000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.770000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration ACK
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.760000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.750000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration NAK
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.750000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.740000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.740000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration ACK
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.740000) PPP IPCP Receive Configuration Request
04:15:14, 01 Mar. (411334.710000) PPP IPCP Send Configuration Request
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.550000) PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=48817Kbps, Up Rate=16001Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.2dB, Up=6.0dB
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.540000) CHAP authentication successful
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.500000) CHAP Receive Challenge
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.500000) Starting CHAP authentication with peer
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.500000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration ACK
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.490000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.490000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Reject
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.490000) PPP LCP Send Configuration ACK
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.480000) PPP LCP Receive Configuration Request
04:15:10, 01 Mar. (411330.480000) PPP LCP Send Configuration Request
04:14:25, 01 Mar. (411285.770000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
04:14:20, 01 Mar. (411281.240000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
04:14:20, 01 Mar. (411281.240000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
04:14:14, 01 Mar. (411274.780000) PTM over DSL is up
04:13:41, 01 Mar. (411241.750000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
04:13:41, 01 Mar. (411241.690000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
04:13:41, 01 Mar. (411241.680000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
04:13:40, 01 Mar. (411241.310000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 4 VALUE CHANGE
04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PTM over DSL is down after 1897 minutes uptime
04:13:37, 01 Mar. (411237.890000) PPPoE is down after 1896 minutes uptime [Waiting for Underlying Connection (WAN Ethernet 7 -​ Down)]
04:13:32, 01 Mar. (411233.290000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]
02:16:30, 01 Mar. (404211.000000) Device disconnected: Hostname: MINISERVER IP: MAC: 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58
02:15:44, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated
02:15:44, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
02:15:32, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client associated
02:15:27, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated
02:15:23, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client associated
02:15:23, 01 Mar. ath00: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client disassociated
02:01:49, 01 Mar. (403330.180000) Lease for IP renewed by host MINISERVER (MAC 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58). Lease duration: 1440 min
02:01:49, 01 Mar. (403330.180000) Device connected to ath10: Hostname: MINISERVER IP: MAC: 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 via 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 Lease time: 1440 min. Link rate: 866.6 Mbps
02:01:49, 01 Mar. (403330.110000) Lease requested
02:01:48, 01 Mar. (403328.420000) Host MINISERVER (MAC 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58) using IP detected on interface ath10, port -​1
02:01:48, 01 Mar. ath10: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: Client associated
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Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

My replies are being deleted - is there a filter on what I can upload? I did try to share 36 hours worth of logs. 

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

a pruned log post to try and avoid any filter for size.

Time and date Message
15:27:59, 01 Mar. ( 47.020000) Lease requested
15:27:58, 01 Mar. ( 46.310000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Could not resolve host
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 42.080000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '1 BOOT,4 VALUE CHANGE'
15:27:54, 01 Mar. ( 41.760000) CWMP: Initializing transaction for event code 1 BOOT
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) WiFi auto selected channel 48
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 36-​93::40-​94::44-​93::48-​94::52-​93::56-​93::60-​92::64-​92::100-​93::104-​95::108-​96::112-​97::116-​97::120-​97::124-​97::128-​98
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.290000) 5 GHz Wireless: Rescan, Reason: 'Power-​up'
15:27:52, 01 Mar. ( 40.280000) Wire Lan Port 2 up
15:27:51, 01 Mar. ( 39.320000) WAN Auto-​sensing running.
15:27:47, 01 Mar. ( 34.600000) System up, firmware version:
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:45, 01 Mar. ( 33.260000) WPS enabled
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPA2 mode selected
15:27:43, 01 Mar. ( 31.150000) WPS enabled
15:27:30, 01 Mar. ( 18.100000) System start
13:21:26, 01 Mar. ath10: STA 4c:20:b8:ab:19:58 IEEE 802.11: WiFi registration failed
09:07:36, 01 Mar. (428876.800000) CWMP: session closed due to error: Timeout
09:07:06, 01 Mar. (428846.760000) CWMP: HTTP authentication success from
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.520000) CWMP: Server URL:; Connecting as user: ACS username
09:07:00, 01 Mar. (428840.510000) CWMP: Session start now. Event code(s): '4 VALUE CHANGE'
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) WAN operating mode is VDSL
09:06:54, 01 Mar. (428834.480000) Last WAN operating mode was VDSL
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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Maybe the spam filter, I have alerted the moderators

Posts: 8
Registered: ‎01-03-2022

Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Smaller log also deleted. There's no boot reason given. Not least because the most certain disconnect yesterday was rebooted because I powered the plusnet router off and on.

It looks as though the disconnect is about 2 hours after a WIFI device connects and that device also has an interface on a network that is nat'd off the plus net LAN network (192.168.0.X off 192.168.1.X) but that could be coincidence. 


my topology is Plusnet router in default config, connected to a single device - Unify UBNT USG in gateway config without PPPOA. All other devices should be after that. 

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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

I will admit being confused by your setup. 

Is it

LAN port from the Hub One ( connected to a WAN port of Unify UBNT USG (192.168.1.?) with all devices connected to this with IP address on range network?

This is double NAT and can cause issues see 

or something else?

Have you connected the teams device to the Hub One only wired or wifi to see if the error occurs.


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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Moderator's note by Dick (Strat): Posts released from Auto Spam Filter.

Windows 10 Firefox 109.0 (64-bit)
To argue with someone who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead - Thomas Paine
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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

The event logs file have been released 🙂

sync speed

PPPoE is up -​ Down Rate=48985Kbps, Up Rate=15933Kbps; SNR Margin Down=3.1dB, Up=5.9dB

Looking at the log file, I see an number of device connecting on 5 GHz wireless and ubnt IP: connecting

Have you turned 2.4 GHz wireless off as I don't see it starting?

You have a number of

09:05:07, 01 Mar. (428728.160000) PPP LCP Send Termination Request [User request]

User request is usually the Hub One as it lost it connections upstream or something upstream has told the Hub One to terminate the connection. LCP is Link Control Protocol

Disconnects overnight can be as a result of maintenance as in most cases can be disconnected. 

Have you checked the phone for noise dial 17070 take option 2 with a corded phone, there should not be any noise. When I have random disconnects I have listened to the phone line during the disconnect event and have heard noise. Intermittent faults are not quick to resolve.

I would suggest connecting the Hub One to the test phone socket found behind the master socket faceplate.



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Re: Plusnet Modem loses network sync / Disconnects when on MS Teams Calls

Hi there,

I'm really sorry to see your connection's dropping, and thanks for the detail.

I wouldn't be concerned about the blocked packets as that's likely just your router's firewall doing its job. 

I've attached below a graph from around the last 30 days showing your connection:

I've also tested your line today and the diagnostics are showing "line issue detected" so in addition to trying the above steps Dan's suggested, I think it's worth arranging an Openreach engineer visit to take a closer look.

Would you be able to reply to the ticket I've created on your account Here with when you'll be available for a visit? If you can post back once you've responded, I'll make sure we book the engineer as soon as we can.

From 31st October 2022, I no longer have a regular presence here as I’ve moved on to a new role.
Anoush Mortazavi