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Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Rising Star
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Thank you all for your advice and comments, however it was the advice from jgb that has helped me no end, see below.

Seemed to have dropped the unlimited calls package and am now (well, from tomorrow 16th May) at least £12.69 a month better off, despite still paying over the odds for being OOC. Still awaiting an email from Plusnet to confirm the change I made online, and we'll see how my billing pans out over the next few months but bet I'll still get charged over £70 for the next one....


Plusnet line only from 17th May 2024.jpg

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Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Removing the call plan reverts charges back to the current 'standard' call charges.


With call set-up fees.

Rising Star
Posts: 207
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Hi, still not moved in to new property (money issues) and still paying a fortune for being OOC.

Had a look on my offers and I can sign up for a new 12 month contract for £26.99 a month (see below).

So, if we're still in this property until say January, could I contact PN and organise a home move to transfer this new 12 month contract if I signed up today for free? Middle screen shot says no charge if taking out a new contract (even though this one would only be like 3 months in)? I would happily then sign up for an 18 month or longer contract once in the new property.


Is this doable or if I signed up today, would they still take £57 off me for billing period 24.10.2024 - 24.11.2024?


Just can't keep paying £57 a month OOC.

Plusnet renewal 24.10.2024.jpgHome move.jpgPlusnet bill 24th October.jpg




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Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Just a reminder that there are ISPs that offer 1 month contracts - they may charge more per month than a Plusnet in-contract deal, but less than the OOC price. The do often have a setup cost, so you might not save anything if you actually move in January.

However, once you move you could get a new customer deal (with Plusnet or another ISP) which may be cheaper than moving your existing service - so you'd be positioning yourself for the best price going forward.

If you had moved ISP back in May, then you'd already be saving.

Rising Star
Posts: 207
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Thanks corringham, just noticed it's actually now gone up to £58.69 per month Angry

Rising Star
Posts: 207
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Payment screenshot in my online account has now updated to: 

Plusnet bill 24th October v2.jpg

Rising Star
Posts: 207
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Oh chute, just realised that the house we are moving into that belongs to my sister-in-law... well she also has the same Plusnet broadband package as us. She is on an 18 month contract that she took out in January this year, so if we did move in in January 2025, she would have to pay the early exit fee / cancellation / termination fee of something like 6 months x £25pm = £150, i.e. I would then owe the s-i-l £150, so may as well keep paying Plusnet this obscene £58.69 a month.


I'm so fed up and depressed over this 😩

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Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Can't you keep the account at your new house in your s-i-l's name and just change the direct debit payment to your account and let the contract run to it's end? The payment account doesn't need to belong to the account holder - I've run family member's accounts for them with the payments from my account over a number of years, as long as your s-i-l adds you as a contact for the account you can manage most aspects without involving her.

No need to make things more complex then they need be. 

Rising Star
Posts: 207
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Registered: ‎19-12-2019

Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Hi, yes we could do that but am still stuck paying this ridiculous out of contract price of £58.69 per month until then.

I have calculated that if I'd signed up for a new 12 month contract in March 2024 at £24 per a month, I would have spent a sensible £216 (including upcoming payment on 1st November 2024).

However since being out of contract since March 2024, I have actually spent an eye popping £544.40 (including payment on 1st November), therefore wasting £328 which I really couldn't afford to have just chucked away 


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Re: Renew before 23/3 or pay extortionate out of contract price?

Being in contract or not is always a personal choice.  The best way to explore what might be doable between being where you are to your new home and the money challenges is to contact COTS.

Contact Customer Options Team (aka COTS)

COTs is the place to go to if you want to find out anything to do with your contract in respect of leaving, renewing or simply enquiring about early termination charges (ETCs). They have their own number and tend to answer quicker than the general customer service number.

Direct dial numbers

  • 0800 013 2632 or 0800 079 1133(from within the UK)
  • +44 330 123 9197 (from abroad)
  • Available...
    • 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday
    • 9am - 7pm Saturday
    • 9am - 6pm Sunday


Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.