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Activation date much longer than quoted

Plusnet Help Team
Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Hi @Matb1ack, I've just been looking through this thread and you've had a bit of a challenging time with us, I'm really sorry for the experience you had with one of our advisers, the info he gave you wasn't correct. 


Checking over the order, it seems to be that the order has been requested for two weeks in advance. I suspect that the automated system that places new orders is still defaulting to 2 weeks in advance as if it's a Copper/FTTC order which has always been our lead times for those types. I'm not sure if this is something that is being looked into as you're getting conflicting info throughout your sign up journey here. But I'll be looking to feed this back as you won't be the first questioning the same. 


It looks like you've got a plan above but I'd be happy to cancel your current order down and replace it, as you have an existing ONT I don't see a reason as to why we can't get this live before the 2nd May. If you still want to cancel then you'll need to give us a call to do that. 


Completely up to yourself how you proceed, just let me know Smiley

 Curtis Smith
 Plusnet Help Team
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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Thanks so much Curtis, I've cancelled the order so I don't incur a charge with BT and will move that router to the new property.

I will advise my ex to open a contract with Plusnet herself and hopefully we can do it in such a way that the family aren't left without service for to long.

I appreciate your time, there doesn't seem to be a manual for this process and it's much more complex than just moving which has it's own stresses.

Thanks again to everyone who chipped in with advice and information it really helped and when I called to cancel the lady and gentleman I spoke to were super understanding and super efficient 🙂
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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Be aware that your BT move from the family to the flat will need some careful planning ... and expectation setting with your ex.

When BT place the move plan orders (specifically the cease on the existing line) it will not be possible for any ISP to place a new provide order** (on that line) at the family home until AFTER the service has been ceased.  There will then be at least a 5 day lead time.

The existing telephone number at the family home could be lost - any new service at the family home will NOT facilitate voice over copper as at present.  Whilst it might be possible to move that number to VoIP, there could be issues in respect of the existing number no being presently registered in your ex's name.  AIUI where a 'new' person took over a copper line phone, it was not always possible to retain the number.  I'm unsure if that has any bearing on moving the number to VoIP.

Note that Plusnet do not offer VoIP services.  If a landline service is not used / not required, that is one less headache to consider.

**If FTTP is available at the family home (but not yet installed) you could ask Plusnet (or any other ISP) to order a new provide NOW (with 'keep existing phone services') and thus de-link any new provision with the move of the BT services.

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Registered: ‎20-04-2024

Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Thank you, we don't have a landline at the family home but the 5 day turnaround is a bit 😬

Might have to get a 4g dongle to provide the BT Whole Home (independent from the hub) to tide them over 🫤
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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Appraising your ex of the risk and having them discuss the detail with a new provider might shorten that 5 day provisioning window.  Is the family home already on FTTP?

If yes, is it using and old (4 port) ONT?

Again if yes, it should be possible to request the provision of a new FTTP service on one of the unused ports immediately.  Just be sure to plug the new router for the new service into port 2.  See

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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted


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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Oh hum - single port ONT.

Better to anticipate a provision gap between BT cease of the existing service and a new provider being able to place new orders on that line.  Once you have a clear date for BT's move, I suggest if your ex wants to deal with Plusnet that they call the sales desk and talk through the order provision ... prior to that date to see what is the most optimal process for everyone.

Good luck.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎20-04-2024

Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

Here we go again 🤣


BT couldn't activate the line and let me out of my contact 


I had to wait until today to place a new order so decided to go with PN as I hadn't got around to sending their router back.


PN's staff are much nicer than BTs in my limited experience and not needing a new router sent out should speed things up, I though.


Went though the order with a nice chap called George who said 3 days so Monday, I suggested that Monday was. Bank Holiday and we agreed it would probably be Tuesday, system brought up Wednesday. All good I can wait that long no worries.


Just got an email 16th of May 😔

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Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

I would suspect that the date you request at the time of ordering Is just that. Only after the order has been passed over to BT will engineering resource capacity in your location be known.

You also need to ensure the router (serial number) you have is properly transferred to your new account. Otherwise it will not auto configure correctly … and you might be charged the £50 not returned fee on the old account.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎01-05-2024

Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

My almost identical issue has now been split into another thread. Online order selected as 7th May activation with later confirmation then saying 16th May. This looks like an issue as suggested earlier in this thread that there is a bug in the system or user journey where the order is placed making a default assumption of a 10 day takeover period when this is not correct for an available ONT (new build in my case).


Given that two people have had a more or less identical experience then plusnet should commit to investigate this properly.

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Registered: ‎01-05-2024

Re: Activation date much longer than quoted

An update. I have now spoken to plusnet support twice this week. The first conversation was along the lines of "the computer says this...." and didn't really get anywhere. The second conversation was with someone who could clearly navigate the systems better and could not understand why the activation on an available ONT was put so far into the future and has cancelled the later date a brought the activation forward. Fingers crossed!