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External Fibre connection to house query

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

External Fibre connection to house query

I have placed an order for Plusnet fibre but I'm worried about the work required for connection of fibre to my house which is not  straightforward as there is no duct to my house and the nearest fibre termination is in a neighbours front garden and will require a trench across the garden, up a private asphalt drive to my drive which is brick paved. A total distance of about 30-40m. So my question is has anyone been in a similar situation and if so how long did the install take and how well was the brick drive renewed? Mine has only been down a year so not keen to have it dug up. 


As a bit of background I have tried getting FTTP before, Cityfibre laid the fibre in our area and were convinced the houses in my road had ducts. the day of install the engineer said we had a blocked duct and so an external works team was required. They turned up unannounced a few days later and were about to dig up the floor of my porch before they found that we had an armoured cable buried in the ground and no duct (I had suggested to them that this was the case but they wouldn't have it). So they went away. Discussions went on for several months before my current supplier cancelled the order. The sticking point was that  Cityfibre would not guarantee that they wouldn't cause damage and any remedial work was my responsibility.  Now my current supplier won't renew my contract. I don't even need a fibre connection, I get 80mbs on my FTTC connection which is more than fast enough for my needs so I have no option but to get a fibre connection.

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Re: External Fibre connection to house query

@alanfretten what does the BT Wholesale checker say for your address ? particularly the FTTP Install process and the narrative below the availability results

If you redact any personal information and post the results , we may be able to advise

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Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

Here is a screenshot of the narrative. I'm not sure what to look for though

Our records show the following FTTP network service information for these premises:-Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG partial Direct In Ground.

FTTP is available and a new ONT may be ordered.

The exchange is not in a current fibre priority programme

As a WLR withdrawal exchange, product restrictions apply

SOADSL is not restricted at the exchange

For all ADSL and WBC Fibre to the Cabinet (VDSL or services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

For all SOADSL services, the stable line rate will be determined during the first 10 days of service usage.

Actual speeds experienced by end users and quoted by CPs will be lower due to a number of factors within and external to BT's network, Communication Providers' networks and within customer premises.

In order to be eligible for handback, downstream speed should be less than Downstream Handback Threshold values.

If you decide to place an order for a WBC fibre product, an appointment may be required for an engineer to visit the end user's premises to supply the service

ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL availability: If shown at FTTP or SOGEA premises, ADSL, ADSL2+ and SOADSL are not available to order due to WLR Withdrawal stop sell rules. CPs should order FTTP or SOGEA. Copper products are only available by exception.
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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: External Fibre connection to house query


Single Dwelling Unit Residential UG partial Direct In Ground

OpenReach know there's a potential problem. I suspect a survey would be done before hand to establish exactly what is required.


As it requires trenching a private driveway then Wayleave permission will also be needed which may delay things.


As to re-instatement OR should do a good job putting the loack block back in place but I've never known a trench that doesn't settle in time so the line of the trench will probably be visible in a couple of years.



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Re: External Fibre connection to house query

@alanfretten what does it say in the 'FTTP Install process' column for the WBC FTTP availability ?


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Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

The FTTP install proceed column says
KCI2 assure
Whatever that means!
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Re: External Fibre connection to house query

That's what I hoped!. It means that Openreach will do a survey to establish exactly what work is required before committing to an install date.

KCI2 - Keep customer informed ( 2 being the install date commit stage )

So KCI2 - Assure is - assure by survey before commited install date

So , when you place an order, Openreach will make an appt to come out (usually within a week) to do a survey and agree with you what work is required. They will then schedule that and give an install date.

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

Getting permission to trench the drive won't be a problem as it is nominally mine with 2 other houses having permanent access. It would be good to get the other 2 houses access points at the same time to avoid having to dig trenches in the future although I doubt this will be possible.
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

Thanks MisterW, it makes sense when you know! I was hopeful that Openreach would survey in advance but the txt I received from them said that they were going to do both the internal and external work on the same morning which rang alarm bells having been there before with Cityfibre. It's also a long run round the house to an upstairs office. It would be a whole lot easier if FTTC wasn't being closed down.
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Re: External Fibre connection to house query

but the txt I received from them said that they were going to do both the internal and external work on the same morning

@alanfretten that doesnt sound right!.

How long ago did you place the order ?

Was the txt from Openreach or Plusnet ?

Superusers are not staff, but they do have a direct line of communication into the business in order to raise issues, concerns and feedback from the community.

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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: External Fibre connection to house query


Contary to popular opinion OpenReach aren't entirely clueless. If further houses can be served from your trench they'll put ducts in place to little further digging is required in future.


Just make sure you tell the surveyor this.



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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: External Fibre connection to house query


FTTC isn't being closed down.


It is PSTN that's going by the end of December 2025. The copper cable from the Exchange to your cabinet will become redundant but the line from the cabinet to your house will still be used for internet.



Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

Txt was from Openreach, on Monday - same day I placed the order. There was actually 2 texts first gave the option of replying CONFIRM or ACCESS. CONFIRM meant that the work would be done without the need for anyone to be at home. ACCESS if someone needed to be home. I replied ACCESS and then got a 2nd txt saying the internal and external work would be done on same day. I took it up with Plusnet who said it couldn't be changed so I then contacted Openreach who told me to contact Plusnet so I was persistent with Openreach and after I explained the situation they have emailed the local manager to see what they can do about doing work in advance so it's wait and see. My actual cut over date isn't until end of October when my current contractvends so plenty of time
Posts: 7
Registered: ‎07-09-2024

Re: External Fibre connection to house query

Brian, not sure that is correct, it's the copper network that's being closed which includes broadband copper connections to a cab. No Internet company will offer an FTTC service anyway where full fibre is available I have tried. My current provider have changed their stance recently in that they now say they won't just terminate service, but they will increase the cost significantly and move me to a 4 week notice of termination which they could invoke at any time.
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Registered: ‎28-02-2017

Re: External Fibre connection to house query


That's a different situation. It appears you may be on a Fibre Priority Exchange. No order other that FTTP will be accepted by OR unless FTTP can't be installed. Not all Exchanges are Fibre Priority.


If you choose to stay on FTTC then that's fine but you can't change your package or move to another ISP.


If I understand correctly when PSTN is finally withdrawn you will probably be forced on FTTP rather than transferred to a SOGEA (internet only) connection due to the Fibre Priority status.

