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Opnsense low wan speed

Posts: 5
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎16-06-2017

Opnsense low wan speed

Hi, I’ve been using opnsense for some time, previously with BT FTTP at 150mbps, and recently moved to plusnet at 500mbps.

The switch was effortless - I just updated the pppoe authentication and it’s all working. However my speed hasn’t changed at all, I’m still getting around 140mbps (using, and the btwholesale speed test). Using the plusnet hub I immediately get pretty much the full 500mbps, but no such luck with my own equipment.

I understand pppoe is single threaded and I’m running a low-powered j4105 cpu - however no single core is going over 50%, and I get the same speeds even if I stress all cores to 100% with a stress test. I could also get 140mbps with a j1900 so can’t see this as a bottleneck. I’ve set some tunables in opnsense as is often recommended but no changes.

Is there anything else I could look at which is more directly related to plusnet? I don’t know if it’s a red herring but it’s odd to me that it’s stuck at 140mbps which is exactly what my old service was (note again that the hub gives full speeds, and I’m using the same cable from the ONT).

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Re: Opnsense low wan speed

Hmm, I'm running pfSense on a J3455, and would expect my setup to run most of the way to 1Gbps, and given that your j4105 is about 23% faster than my setup, I can't imagine that CPU being the problem.


I don't suppose you had a QoS traffic limiter setup when you had 150Mbps - to eliminate bufferbloat and improve latency ?

It is suspicious to me, because 140Mbps would be about the speed restriction I would set if I had a 150Mbps download speed.

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Re: Opnsense low wan speed

Another thought,  are you accidentally running your Opnsense system over a VPN, as doing that might cause a bottleneck on a 500Mbps connection ?

Posts: 5
Thanks: 1
Registered: ‎16-06-2017

Re: Opnsense low wan speed

You legend! Smiley yes I had some traffic shaping set up - completely forgot about it. You’re right though it makes sense when you think about it.

Thanks so much!
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Re: Opnsense low wan speed

LOL !  🤣


Remember to now re-tune your OPNsense traffic shaping to your new upload and download speeds.

You should be able to optimise your "Bufferbloat Grade" to "A+" using - 


I keep my FTTC connection active latency in low single digit milliseconds, using pfSense FQ_CoDel limiters -

Screenshot 2024-01-08 at 16-08-01 Bufferbloat and Internet Speed Test - Waveform.png